Mr. Bram Tours the Gable HouseFor this dungeon crawler you will be playing as The Caretaker, and then the same scene again as Mr. Bram. Your actions as The Caretaker will have an effect on your experience as Mr. Bram. As you make your way through the story as the Caretaker your will to continue will be effected by the things you do - don't let it drop to zero. Likewise the more mental, psychic, emotional and physical damage that Bram endures the higher his damage score will be.
When in Gable House, if Bram's damage score //exceeds// 75 (on easy), 85 (on mid) or 95 (on hard) he will go insane and will be forced to wander the catacombs forever - if this happens you've lost and have to reset. You will get a few items to use as Bram, and there are a few spots hidden around the house where you can replenish a few of them.
Some items will help immediately, some will help globally, some are inventory items to be used when appropriate, and a few will hurt.
If you don’t immediately see what something is doing it’s either changing the amount of time Bram has to stay in the house or the amount of pain and horror that can be inflicted.
Three more fourth-wall kind of notes... first part of this dungeon crawler is a simpulation, more information on that can be found in the character dossier and world-building bible. Second, at this point I haven’t implemented ghosts, nor have I balanced it as well as I would like. Everything could be expanded in a narrative sense, but I wanted to produce something that can be navigated in the time we have. Finally I am sure that I missed labelling and nicknaming some of the redirects, so if a) you see initiate or reset ignore it (unless you want to start over) or 2) if something is janky in that regard I apologize in advance. ^^ Third, don't forget to scroll to the bottom.
Now sit back, kick off the old shoes, and enjoy torturing yourself 🙂
[[Mr. Bram can...]]
<!--Initial Setup Variables -->
(set: $CareWillVar to 20) <!--caretaker willpower -->
(set: $EmoDamageVar to 1) <!--Bram's emotional state -->
(set: $CTakWBramVar to true) <!--is the Caretaker with Bram? -->
(set: $HideVar to false) <!-- debug tool -->
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to 0)
(set: $BramPathVarBeta to 0)
(set: $SummSangVar to false)
(set: $StoreVar to false) <!-- did bram take the fast path or... -->
(set: $ShelfVar to false) <!-- did bram sustain an injury in the store? -->
(set: $WatchVar to false) <!-- did you only watch? -->
(set: $MoveItVar to false) <!--did you move things? -->
(set: $GasVar to false) <!-- Did Bram loose time with the slow? -->
(set: $OfferHelp to true) <!-- Did you offer to help? -->
(set: $NausVar to false) <!-- did you put a fish on brams seat?-->
(set: $MindGamedVar to false) <!--did you play mind games? -->
(set: $SabCarVar to false) <!-- did you sabatauge the car?-->
(set: $wrongTurnVar to false) <!-- did Bram take a wrong turn? -->
(Set: $InCarVar to false) <!-- are you in the car or on the bike? -->
(set: $BikeVar to false) <!-- did you trail Bram -->
(set: $KickedOutVar to false) <!-- did you get kicked out of the car? -->
(set: $ParanoidVar to false) <!-- did you talk to Bram while he was driving? -->
(set: $SabCarDone to false)
<!-- gable house messing variables -->
(set: $DidDragLibraryVar to false) <!--did you drag Bram or meet him in the library?-->
(set: $DidForceBramVar to false) <!-- did you scare bram in the lost rooms?-->
<!--light difficulty-->
(set: $LightMessOneVar to false) <!-- entry -->
(set: $LightMessTwoVar to false) <!-- foyer -->
<!--placeholder for LightMessThreeVar --> <!--ballroom -->
<!--placeholder for LightMessFourVar --> <!-- foyer again -->
(set: $LightMessFiveVar to false) <!-- dining -->
(set: $LightMessSixVar to false) <!-- kitchen from servant's quarters -->
<!-- placeholder for LightMessSevVar --> <!-- foyer for the third time -->
(set: $LightMessEghtVar to false) <!-- landing -->
(set: $LightMessNineVar to false) <!-- Pool -->
<!-- placeholder for LightMessTenVar --> <!-- landing again -->
<!-- placeholder for LightMessElvnVar --> <!-- Downstairs -->
<!-- placeholder for LightMessTwlvVar --> <!-- foyer for the fourth time -->
(set: $LightMessThrtnVar to false) <!-- sitting -->
(set: $LightMessFrtnVar to false) <!--Library -->
(set: $LightMessFiftnVar to false) <!--bedroom-->
<!-- placeholder for LightMessSxtnVar --> <!-- Upstairs hallway -->
(set: $LightMessSvntnVar to false) <!--lost rooms-->
<!--mid difficulty-->
(set: $MidMessOneVar to false) <!-- entry -->
(set: $MidMessTwoVar to false) <!-- foyer -->
(set: $MidMessThreeVar to false) <!--ballroom --> <!-- THIS -->
<!--placeholder for MidMessFourVar --> <!-- foyer again -->
(set: $MidMessFiveVar to false) <!-- dining -->
(set: $MidMessSixVar to false) <!-- kitchen from servant's quarters -->
<!-- placeholder for MidMessSevVar --> <!-- foyer for the third time -->
(set: $MidMessEghtVar to false) <!-- landing -->
(set: $MidMessNineVar to false) <!-- Pool -->
(set: $MidMessTenVar to false) <!-- landing again --> <!-- THIS -->
(Set: $MidMessElvnVar to false) <!-- Downstairs --> <!-- THIS if landing is true -->
<!-- placeholder for MidMessTwlvVar --> <!-- foyer for the fourth time -->
(set: $MidMessThrtnVar to false) <!-- sitting -->
(set: $MidMessFrtnVar to false) <!--Library -->
(set: $MidMessFiftnVar to false) <!--bedroom-->
<!-- placeholder for MidMessSxtnVar --> <!-- Upstairs hallway -->
(set: $MidMessSvntnVar to false) <!--lost rooms-->
<!--Hard difficulty-->
(set: $HardMessOneVar to false) <!-- entry -->
(set: $HardMessTwoVar to false) <!-- foyer -->
(set: $HardMessThreeVar to false) <!--ballroom --> <!-- THIS -->
<!--placeholder for HardMessFourVar --> <!-- foyer again -->
(set: $HardMessFiveVar to false) <!-- dining -->
(set: $HardMessSixVar to false) <!-- kitchen from servant's quarters -->
<!-- placeholder for HardMessSevVar --> <!-- foyer for the third time -->
(set: $HardMessEghtVar to false) <!-- landing -->
(set: $HardMessNineVar to false) <!-- Pool -->
(Set: $HardMessTenVar to false) <!-- landing again --> <!--THIS-->
(set: $HardMessElvnVar to false) <!-- Downstairs --> <!--THIS-->
(Set: $HardMessTwlvVar to false) <!-- foyer for the fourth time --> <!THIS if landing and stairs are true-->
(set: $HardMessThrtnVar to false) <!-- sitting -->
(set: $HardMessFrtnVar to false) <!--Library -->
(set: $HardMessFiftnVar to false) <!--bedroom-->
<!-- placeholder for HardMessSxtnVar -->
(set: $HardMessSvntnVar to false) <!--lost rooms-->
<!--prep for next section-->
(set: $BramLightVar to false)
(set: $BramMidVar to false)
(set: $BramHardVar to false)
thank you for scrolling all the way to the bottom."Choke!" screams Lacie, taking care to land her spit on the windshield. Bram responds by turning on the wipers and cleaning it off, giving her the finger, and then pulling into a parking spot in front of the perfume and incense bazzar.
A kid leans huddled against the building in a pile of dirty clothes, wearing a tarp like a blanket. He looks up at you as you walk in to the store, and tries to say something, but he cannot. Most of his teeth are gone, and the left side of his face is dry and cracking in a way that resembles scales, rotting away some of his cheek. He doesn't need to speak for you to understand what he is saying, however... he is asking for [[help]].
Inside, down aisle 8, into the out-of-order bathroom, down the stairs and at a table in the back, Bram sits smoking a hookah and listening to the table-of-three huddled one table over. They had just come from a paranormal investigation out at an old abandoned house that wasn't owned by anyone. Bram knew this would be a good opportunity to make some money since most materials could be scavenged and cleaned; it could be easy to restore and sell, and it could be worth a lot of money in return to the correct family. So Bram listens to the teens talk, waiting for a moment to interject... all he needs is the location of the house.
"Claire didn't get out did she?"
"I'm sure she-"
"bullshit, you know it"
"But Claire!"
"She's -"
"Shut up!" "Shut up!"
"No. Let me talk She's... I know she's not okay. I saw her go through that door, and then I heard..."
...a long pause...
"...sounded like a crunch..."
Bram leans over. "I'll get your friend, I just need to know the location of the house." Then, looking to the girl at the table, "Unless you want to show me where it is...?" Bram flexes his bicep and grins, working the toothpick in his mouth, sticking it into and taking it out of a bright-pink piece of gum with his tongue.
In response the girl pulls her hoodie closed to hide the top of her chest, shrugs and leans to the guy, muttering something - the only words Bram can hear are "...I think... ...Lacie..."
"Okay look just tell me where to go..."
Sitting at a table on the other side of Bram is a shadowy character only revealed when a car drives a certain way on one of the roads outside, momentarily bathing their face in light, but it is unrecognizable to most, even when fully lit. The character is mostly forgotten or ignored. This is you, The Caretaker, and you are here to watch Bram, intent on //making sure// that He makes it to the Gable House, with or without the help of these kids.
Before long they leave, and Bram gets up as if to say bye, but just watches the girl as they walk out, chewing his gum loudly. Not long after Bram also leaves, satisfied with the information he got, and he makes his exit.
[[Follow Bram to his Hotel ->Caretaker: Bram goes to hotel]]
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram spends the night in his motel formulating a plan, and you watch. When he goes to bed, you set a 30 minute timer and sleep, waking every half-hour to check that he hasn't gotten up.
Eventually, maybe 45 minutes before the sun rises Bram's light goes on again, stays on briefly, and then goes off, and Bram slips out of the room and starts to get in his car... but before he can he looks right at you, staring at the strange old car you are currently sitting in. He's clearly waiting for you to make a move...
Option 1 - get out of the car and approach Bram - he's scared so he will drive off and go to the location with the most people, namely the [[grocery store ->caretaker: store]] <!--quick path to GH-->
Option 2 - drive at him for a second, then turn in the direction of the store - he's so paranoid he will get in and drive in the opposite direction once you are out of sight. The only other place nearby where he can get supplies is the [[truck-stop ->caretaker: gas station]] just up the road; you can easily catch up with him <!--slow path to GH-->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram is slow, flirting with every girl and picking fights with almost anyone who looks directly at him. His shopping list is relatively small, and you could probably collect all of the items on it and move them around before he would know what was happening. Then again, he is assured to make it to the house, and //Chief Officer// is already pleased, so maybe it is better not to push things too far.
You are on the aisle next to Bram. "//don't be a worm, bump the shelf, Bummmmmp it//" beckons from the end of the aisle... you could make it up there and bump the end-cap just in time to make some heavy boxes fall on, or at least near Mr. Bram.
[[caretaker: knock shelf]] <!--injur Bram before tour-->
[[caretaker: move items Bram needs]] <!--mid tier damage-->
[[caretaker: watch]] <!--continue option-->
(set: $StoreVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
You have to ride your bike (which was in the trunk of the old Estate car that you drove to the motel), so by the time you arrive at the gas station Bram is pretty close to being finished with his shopping trip. On your way over to his car you grab a hat and grey shirt hanging in the garage behind the station, the name on the front says "Johnny".
Better hurry, you can hear Bram complimenting the girl at the counter for her nice... well you know.
With the small amount of time you have, you can either throw together a quick [[sabotage ->sabotage Bram's car]] for the car, or you can open Bram's [[Door ->get into Bram's car]] and check out the interiors.
(set: $GasVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
You have to turn and walk away quickly, but Bram was so distracted that he either doesn't notice you, or doesn't notice you enough to make any connections. The boxes had tools inside of them, which subsequently fell all over - some directly onto Bram, cutting into his leg and lightly spraining his ankle.
Eventually his list is complete, he checks out, and heads off to [[Gable Hill]]
(set: $ShelfVar to true)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +7)
(set: $CareWillVar to it -3)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Eventually his list is complete, he checks out, and heads off to [[Gable Hill]]
(set: $CareWillVar to it - 4)
(set: $WatchVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The Gable House sits on the top of Gable Hill as if it's giving everyone and everything the finger. A strong wind blows at Bram's Back as he faces the house, appreciating the view before him.
A moment later he walks up to the house, touching every tree along the drive.
(if: $SabCarVar is true)
[ [[trigger sabotage ->saboSafe]] ]
(if: $SabCarVar is true)
[ [[don't trigger sabotage]] ]
[ [[Approach the Gable House ->Gable Hill Sabo Done]] ]
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The sabotage goes in quickly, but the hood is still up when Bram comes back over - lucky you grabbed the uniform.
"She's Pretty isn't she... "[[play mind games]] <!--gives emotional damage -->
"You've got a blown fuse, want me to fix it?" [[offer to help]]
(set: $SabCarVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's car is parked conveniently close to a dumpster, you could [[grab something ->pull dead fish from dumpster, and put it on the seat]] to leave for Mr. Bram as a present instead of getting in the car yourself.
Or you could call out to him from inside his car... "Sir, You should really learn to lock your [[doors->play mind games severe]] lest more unscrupulous figures than myself decide to inercede."The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram walks up not sure if he wants to hit you or compliment your on your taste, but the words that come out of his mouth are "I'd win."
You gesture an inch between your pointer and thumb, "...okay...". And then you slam the hood before Bram can respond, and hurry off toward the garage where two legitimate employees are now standing, sharing a joint.
//''HONK''// Bram is standing in the middle of the drive, looking between the employees sharing their joint, the girl inside and you. Without looking up at the car trying to drive to a pump, Bram gives the finger. //''HOOONNNNNNNNK''//
You wave at the car as you run behind it towards the other guys, and Bram looses interest quickly, and goes to look under his hood, pretending to know what to look for.
The direction you are already walking is also where you ditched your [[bike ->tail car on bike]], you could ride behind him easy enough, just to make sure he gets there.
He's so distracted you could probably duck into the [[back ->hide in the back seat]] of the car.
The guys you are walking toward know you, and wave you over to share their [[joint ->watch Bram drive away]]; it's been a while since you've seen them.
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
"What?" Bram snaps in response, picking up pace as he approaches. Shit he's going to try to fight you, and it would be bad if he got a good look at your face.
//''HONK''// Bram is standing in the middle of the drive, looking between a few employees sharing their joint, the girl inside and you. Without looking up at the car trying to drive to a pump, Bram gives the finger. //''HOOONNNNNNNNK''//
You hold up a hand, and hurry off toward the garage where two other people are now standing, sharing a joint. Bram looses interest quickly, and goes to look under his hood, pretending to know what to look for.
The direction you are already walking is also where you ditched your [[bike ->tail car on bike]], you could ride hehind him easy enough, just to make sure he gets there.
He's so distracted you could probably duck into the [[back ->hide in the back seat]] of the car.
The guys you are walking toward know you, and wave you over to share their [[joint; ->watch Bram drive away]] it's been a while since you've seen them.
(set: $OfferHelp to true)
(set: $CareWillVar to it - 4)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
"Intervene... get the fuck out of my car illiterate pig."
You get out of the car, and gesture an inch between your pointer and thumb, "...okay...".
Bram starts to roll up his sleeves (so cliche), changing direction to get to you before you reach the garage where two other people are now standing, sharing a joint. they notice what is happening and get to you before Bram can.
//''HONK''// Bram is standing in the middle of the drive, looking between the three of you, and the girl inside. Without looking up at the car trying to drive to a pump, Bram gives the finger. //''HOOONNNNNNNNK''//
"So rude!" You call out, "Might wanna check Engine!"
Your friends offer to share their joint as you watch Bram walk away, but you are very close to your [[bike ->tail car on bike]]; you could ride hehind him easy enough, just to make sure he gets there.
He's so distracted pretending to know what to look for under the hood that you could probably duck into the [[back ->hide in the back seat]] of the car.
You could hang back and share their [[joint ->watch Bram drive away]]; it's been a while since you've seen them.
[[tail car on bike]]
[[hide in the back seat]]
[[watch Bram drive away]]
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +3)
(set: $CareWillVar to it - 1)
(set: $MindGamedVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
It was good catching up, even though, as always, no one had anything to say. Regardless by the time you get to the Gable House, Bram will have already made significant progress, which //Chief Officer// is not happy about.
[[Gable Hill]]
(if: $SabCarVar is true) [ [[trigger sabotage]] ]
(set: $CTakJointVar to true)
(set: $CTakWBramVar to false)
(set: $CareWillVar to it - 2)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
It's a package of rotting fish, the smell of which is profound. You hold the top of the paper bag over Bram's front seat and shake it a few times to make sure that a few decent-sized drops of fish-liquid seep into the seat, and then you place the package on top.
//''HONK''// Bram is standing in the middle of the drive, looking between the employees sharing their joint, and the girl inside. //''HOOONNNNNNNNK''// A car wants to get to a pump, but Bram is in the way; this is the perfect distraction for you to get a safe distance away.
When Bram picks it up, the fish falls out of the bottom, since the bag was made weaker by you shaking it. For a moment he stares in disbelief, then he spends five minutes retching and giggling at the same time, trying to figure out how to get the remains out of the car.
The direction you are walking is also where you ditched your [[bike ->tail car on bike]], you could ride hehind Bram easy enough, just to make sure he gets to the Gable House.
He's so distracted you could probably duck into the [[back ->hide in the back seat]] of the car.
The guys you are walking toward know you, and wave you over to share their [[joint ->watch Bram drive away]]; it's been a while since you've seen them.
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)
(set: $CareWillVar to it - 2)
(set: $NausVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Today is nice, warm even through the sun will set soon. You almost don't notice how close you are to the turn, and what's more, Bram doesn't seem to be aware that it is coming up either.
It would be pretty easy to swerve around him a bit, and [[yell->Scream at him to get him to turn]] at him; surely he would notice and take the turn. Then again, it is nice out, and it would be much [[funnier ->Wrong turn]] to watch Bram be lost for a while.
(if: $SabCarVar is true) [If you set the [[sabotage, ->trigger sabotage]] you should be able to catch up, and help him fix it, which could be bartered for a ride back to the house]
(set: $BikeVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Don't pay attention to what you see on the floor of Bram's car, and try not to inhale to strongly... who knows what drug-waters have spilled into the carpet over the years. If you crane your neck up you can //just// see out the windows of the car.
And what you see is that Bram is very close to his turn, and (more importantly) is not slowing down to take said turn. almost misses his turn
You could definitely sit up and [[remind ->take the turn]] Mr. Bram that he needs to turn up ahead, but that could make things complicated. It would also be entertaining to sit back and [[do nothing->Wrong turn]], surely he will figure it out eventually.
(if: $SabCarVar is true) [Or you could push the button that triggers the [[sabotage ->trigger sabotage]] ]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
That was... not a great choice, mostly the timing really. The sabotage was successful, unfortunately Bram did not survive the resulting accident
[[Initiate]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram responds by thrusting his middle finger out the window wildly, trying his best to point it at you as he careens around the corner, narrowly making his turn. You can hear him scream something, but you can't make out what he is saying.
"...some people [[can't help->Gable Hill]] but suffer..." chides //Chief Officer//
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)
(set: $CareWillVar to it - 2)
(set: $ParanoidVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram misses two turns, then takes the third, and without too much hastle manages to get back on track. He still gets really mad, though, placing unnecessary blame on the other drivers, the lights, the placement of the signs, and the map program giving him directions.
"...too much guilt [[can't help->Gable Hill]] but breed blame..." chides //Chief Officer//
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)
(set: $CareWillVar to it - 2)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram goes stiff, slowly stops the car, pulling it to the side of the road. When he looks back he has a smile on his face. "//thefuck//"-"THE FUCK OUT OF MY CAR!" he screams, repeatedly hitting the unlock button and holding down all four windows. He keeps screaming at you long after you have gotten out of the car, and the tires squeak as he rounds the corner.
"...guess you [[can't help->Gable Hill]] a man who helps himself..." chides //Chief Officer//
A few blocks away Bram's car backfires.
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +5)
(set: $CareWillVar to it +1)
(set: $CTakWBramVar to false)
(set: $ParanoidVar to true)
(set: $KickedOutVar to true)
(set: $wrongTurnVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The sabotage was successful. Maybe too successful as the car is now disabled permanently.
You creep behind Bram, following him up the drive, but hidden in the trees. When the sabotage detonates, he stops, and runs back to his car, screaming for a while. Eventually, however, he makes his way back up to the front porch.
[[Approach the Gable House ->Gable Hill Sabo Done]]
(set: $SabCarDone to true)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +5)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
You didn't trigger the sabotage; as you throught about it you realized that you set it up in a way that would completely disable the car, which would be too much.
Instead you creep behind Bram, following him up the drive, but hidden in the trees.
[[Approach the Gable House ->Gable Hill Sabo Done]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram is already inside, but you can go directly to him and control his fate, but remember... your fate and his are intertwined, for he was chosen to be part of this crazy experience just as you were.
(if: $EmoDamageVar is <4 and $CTakWBramVar is true and $SabCarDone is true) [ [[Enter Gable House ->gable light]] ]
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >3 and $EmoDamageVar is <7 and $CTakWBramVar is true and $SabCarDone is true) [ [[Enter Gable House ->gable mid]] ]
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >=7 and $CTakWBramVar is true and $SabCarDone is true) [ [[Enter Gable House ->gable hard]] ]
(if: $EmoDamageVar is <4 and $CTakWBramVar is false and $SabCarDone is true) [ [[Enter Gable House ->enter late light]] ]
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >3 and $EmoDamageVar is <7 and $CTakWBramVar is false and $SabCarDone is true) [ [[Enter Gable House ->enter late mid]] ]
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >=7 and $CTakWBramVar is false and $SabCarDone is true) [ [[Enter Gable House ->enter late hard]] ]
(if: $EmoDamageVar is <4 and $CTakWBramVar is true and $SabCarDone is false) [ [[Enter Gable House ->gable light]] ]
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >3 and $EmoDamageVar is <7 and $CTakWBramVar is true and $SabCarDone is false) [ [[Enter Gable House ->gable mid]] ]
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >7 and $CTakWBramVar is true and $SabCarDone is false) [ [[Enter Gable House ->gable hard]] ]
(if: $EmoDamageVar is <4 and $CTakWBramVar is false and $SabCarDone is false) [ [[Enter Gable House (starts you on the stairs since you arrived late)->enter late light]] ]
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >3 and $EmoDamageVar is <7 and $CTakWBramVar is false and $SabCarDone is false) [ [[Enter Gable House (starts you on the stairs since you arrived late)->enter late mid]] ]
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >=7 and $CTakWBramVar is false and $SabCarDone is false) [ [[enter late hard]] ]
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The Gable House is a Queen-Anne style mansion with at least 11 rooms, although it is impossible to tell exactly how many rooms as some of them shift. What someone experiences in the house changes because the spirit within, namely //Chief Officer// feeds on fear based on experiences that the individuals have had. If multiple people enter, then the experience is based on shared experiences, or the house actively splits people apart if folie a deux is not possible.
[[Follow Bram through the front door ->enter gable light]]
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[reset ->Initiate]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The Gable House is a Queen-Anne style mansion with at least 11 rooms, although it is impossible to tell exactly how many rooms as some of them shift. What someone experiences in the house changes because the spirit within, namely //Chief Officer// feeds on fear based on experiences that the individuals have had. If multiple people enter, then the experience is based on shared experiences, or the house actively splits people apart if folie a deux is not possible.
[[Follow Bram through the front door ->enter gable mid]]
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[reset ->Initiate]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The Gable House is a Queen-Anne style mansion with at least 11 rooms, although it is impossible to tell exactly how many rooms as some of them shift. What someone experiences in the house changes because the spirit within, namely //Chief Officer// feeds on fear based on experiences that the individuals have had. If multiple people enter, then the experience is based on shared experiences, or the house actively splits people apart if folie a deux is not possible.
[[Follow Bram through the front door ->enter gable hard]]
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[reset ->Initiate]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram has to mutter his list aloud as he walks around, so finding the items before he can is very easy. You don't make it too difficult to find, like putting them on the other side of the aisle, but Bram can't figure out wher there are for a while. As he looks he repeats the item louder and louder, "matches... matches... //matches...// //MATCHES...// ''Matches..''"
Eventually his list is complete, he checks out, and heads off to [[Gable Hill]]
(set: $MoveItVar to true)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +3)
(set: $CareWillVar to it - 1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Entry
The entryway for the Gable House consists of a walled-in terrace, a grand entrance covered by a gabled-awning, and a mud-room inside the house smaller than the terrace outside. From here there is a walkway into the foyer, and the first floor of the house stretches out beyond with wings to the left, back and right.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is <= 1 and $LightMessOneVar is false) [ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is <= 1 and $LightMessOneVar is false) [ [[Stay on the porch and slam the front door ->mess option 1 light from entry]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20) [ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[Catecomb Light]]
[[foyer and ballroom light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Foyer
The foyer is grand to fit the grandiosity of the rest of the house; at some point it was arranged to make it an art gallery, and the fixtures remain in the form of several pillars arranged in a semi-circle.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 1 and $LightMessTwoVar is false)
[ [[Run around along the hall toward the Ballroom ->mess option 2 light from foyer and ballroom]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 1 and $LightMessTwoVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Ballroom ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 3)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Dining Room ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 7)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes up the stairs ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 13)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the sitting room ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[dining light]]
[[sitting light]]
[[stairs light]]
[[ballroom light]]
[[enter gable light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: Catacombs
Better not go to much further than the entrance, sometimes you can't find the way through, and it would be best not to get lost tonight.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[enter gable light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Dining
Bram experiences the same dinner scene that replays over and over, even grabbing a fork, and then putting it back, although Bram takes it a step futher, actually stabbing it into the table. The setting fades, but the damage to the table remains, and from the depths the housewife screams out in disdain. A door slams and Bram jumps...
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 4 and $LightMessFiveVar is false and $ParanoidVar is true)
[[Sneak ahead to Servant's Quarter ->Servant's Quarter Light]]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 4 and $LightMessFiveVar is false)
[ [[call out from the hall beyond the dining room ->mess option 3 light from dining]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 4 and $LightMessFiveVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Kitchen ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 6)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[kitchen light]]
[[foyer and ballroom light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Kitchen
The kitchen is a standard kitchen for a house of this size, with black and white checkerboard tiles, and outdated appliances, many from all the way in the 2020s, but some even older. Today it smells like blueberry muffins, and Bram checks the stove.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 5 and $LightMessSixVar is false)
[ [[summon The Housewife into the kitchen ->mess option 4 light from Servant and kitchen]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 5 and $LightMessSixVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Dining Room ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[Servant's Quarter Light]]
[[dining light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Servant's Quarter
The Servant's Quarter is a small room off of the kitchen, hardly even big enough for a small bed. A small window lets in a pitiful amount of light. Apart from being a locus of energy within the house, the room offers little.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 5 and $LightMessSixVar is false)
[ [[summon The Housewife into the kitchen ->mess option 4 light from Servant and kitchen]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 5 and $LightMessSixVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the [[dining light]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[kitchen light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Sitting Room
The sitting room is a strange layout; a massive fireplace dominates the center of the room, and five small wings stretch out beyond, full of bookshelves and stacks of books. Bram has slightly caught on to your hijinx at this point and is looking out for someone, still unable to believe that spirits are in the house.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 14 and $LightMessThrtnVar is false)
[ [[Grab a candlestick to throw ->mess option 7 light from sitting]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 14 and $LightMessThrtnVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 14 and $LightMessThrtnVar is true)
[[Drag Mr. Bram to the library ->private library pass light]]
[[foyer and ballroom light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Stairs
The stairway is grand with a turn near the top that leads to a small loft-style landing. There are no walls along the stairwell, just mirrored bannisters, that don't look like they can support much weight. As Bram makes his way along the stairs, two additional sets of footsteps follow him, one is the stair spirit, and the others belong to you, as you creep behind him staying in the shadow. Bram accuses the staircase of being a trickster, claiming a broken beam to be the culprit.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 8)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes on to the landing ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 12)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[upstairs landing light]]
[[foyer and ballroom light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Private Library
The private library shares one feature with the sitting room below - namely a smattering of stacks of books and piles of paper littered everywhere around the room, it is difficult to navigate. Bram slowly stirs, starting to get up, he lays next to The Book, unaware that he is within arm's reach of the key to solving the whole puzzle.
(if: $SummSangVar is false) [ [[Summon Sangrii ->mess option 8 light from library]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 15 and $LightMessFrtnVar is false and $DidDragLibraryVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes to the master suite ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 15 and $DidDragLibraryVar is true)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes to the master suite ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
<!-- Possible for caretaker to not follow bram downstairs, but to go 5 turns and find him in here instead -->
(if: $DidDragLibraryVar is false)
[ [[private library light]] ]
[[master suite light]]
[[upstairs landing light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Ballroom
The ballroom is clearly a vast space, but at some point the ceiling from above collapsed, and what Bram is currently looking at doesn't quite make sense; it looks like the ramains of a swimming pool, and maybe a large window.
Bram turns back...
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 2)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[foyer and ballroom light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Upstairs Landing
The landing is a loft overlooking the foyer below with a banister on one side that connects with the stair banister - the other side is open to allow access to the staircase. There are two doors to the left and right of the loft that lead into entertaining rooms, and behind a secret bookshelf-door directly ahead is a hallway that leads into the private rooms.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 9 and $LightMessEghtVar is false)
[ [[crouch down in the shadow, and tug on Bram's pants ->mess option 5 light from landing]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 9 and $LightMessEghtVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Pool ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 11)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back downstairs ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[pool room light]]
[[private library light]]
[[upstairs hallway light]]
[[stairs light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Pool Room
Bram quickly realises that it was a pool he saw down in the ballroom a few minutes ago, as what remains of the fallen-out floor now sits before him. The room smells terrible, although an amount of the stench has clearly dissapated.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 10 and $LightMessNineVar is false)
[ [[whisper "careful not to fall in..."->mess option 6 light from pool]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 10 and $LightMessNineVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the landing ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[lost rooms light]]
[[upstairs landing light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Upstairs Hallway
The hallway is pretty standard, separating the master suite, and a set of old bedrooms that have been converted into... something else... You call them the lost rooms. Bram crouches to the floor holding on to his ears in the hall, hearing memories from the lost rooms.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 17)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the lost rooms ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[master suite light]]
[[lost rooms light]]
[[upstairs landing light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: The Lost Rooms
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 18 and $LightMessSvntnVar is false)
[ [[Push Bram hard and scream in his face "We Will Get You In The End!"->mess option 10 light from Lost Rooms]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 18 and $LightMessSvntnVar is false)
[ Force Bram to stay ]
[[upstairs hallway light]]
[[pool room light]]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ [[Drag Bram to Foyer ->Initiate 2]] ]
(set: $BramLightVar to true) <!--locks difficulty level -->
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Master Suite
The master suite is comprised of three rooms, and is full of windows, so you are crouched in en-suite bathroom and must make a move from in there as Bram walks in.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 16 and $LightMessFiftnVar is false)
[ [[Scream at Bram "Wrong Way!" Then slam and lock the bathroom door->mess option 9 light from Master Suite]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 16 and $LightMessFiftnVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes to the upstairs hallway ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[upstairs hallway light]]
[[private library light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Stairs
The stairway is grand with a turn near the top that leads to a small loft-style landing. There are no walls along the stairwell, just mirrored bannisters, that don't look like they can support much weight. As Bram makes his way along the stairs, two additional sets of footsteps follow him, one is the stair spirit, and the others belong to you, as you creep behind him staying in the shadow. Bram accuses the staircase of being a trickster, claiming a broken beam to be the culprit.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 8)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes on to the landing ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 12 and $MidMessElvnVar is false and $MidMessTenVar is true)
[ [[break the banister that Bram keeps leaning on ->mess option 7 and half from stairs]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 12 and $MidMessElvnVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20) [ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[upstairs landing mid]]
[[foyer and ballroom mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Stairs
The stairway is grand with a turn near the top that leads to a small loft-style landing. There are no walls along the stairwell, just mirrored bannisters, that don't look like they can support much weight. As Bram makes his way along the stairs, two additional sets of footsteps follow him, one is the stair spirit, and the others belong to you, as you creep behind him staying in the shadow. Bram accuses the staircase of being a trickster, claiming a broken beam to be the culprit.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 8)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes on to the landing ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 12 and $HardMessElvnVar is false)
[ [[break the banister that Bram keeps leaning on ->mess option 7 and half from stairs hard]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 12 and $HardMessElvnVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20) [ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[Go all the way up to the Landing.->upstairs landing hard]]
[[Go all the way down to the Foyer ->foyer and ballroom hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Upstairs Landing
The landing is a loft overlooking the foyer below with a banister on one side that connects with the stair banister - the other side is open to allow access to the staircase. There are two doors to the left and right of the loft that lead into entertaining rooms, and behind a secret bookshelf-door directly ahead is a hallway that leads into the private rooms.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 9 and $HardMessEghtVar is false)
[ [[crouch down in the shadow, and tug on Bram's pants ->mess option 5 hard from landing]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 9 and $HardMessEghtVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Pool ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 11 and $HardMessTenVar is false)
[ [[push past Bram quickly and rush through the secret door, closing it behind you ->mess option 6 and half from landing hard]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 11 and $HardMessTenVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back downstairs ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[private library hard]]
[[pool room hard]]
[[upstairs hallway hard]]
[[stairs hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Upstairs Landing
The landing is a loft overlooking the foyer below with a banister on one side that connects with the stair banister - the other side is open to allow access to the staircase. There are two doors to the left and right of the loft that lead into entertaining rooms, and behind a secret bookshelf-door directly ahead is a hallway that leads into the private rooms.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 9 and $MidMessEghtVar is false)
[ [[crouch down in the shadow, and tug on Bram's pants ->mess option 5 mid from landing]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 9 and $MidMessEghtVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Pool ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 11 and $MidMessTenVar is false)
[ [[push past Bram quickly and rush through the secret door, closing it behind you ->mess option 6 and half from landing]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 11 and $MidMessTenVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back downstairs ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[private library mid]]
[[pool room mid]]
[[upstairs hallway mid]]
[[stairs mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Entry
The entryway for the Gable House consists of a walled-in terrace, a grand entrance covered by a gabled-awning, and a mud-room inside the house smaller than the terrace outside. From here there is a walkway into the foyer, and the first floor of the house stretches out beyond with wings to the left, back and right.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is <= 1 and $MidMessOneVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is <= 1 and $MidMessOneVar is false)
[ [[Stay on the porch and slam the front door ->mess option 1 mid from entry]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[catacomb mid]]
[[foyer and ballroom mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Entry
The entryway for the Gable House consists of a walled-in terrace, a grand entrance covered by a gabled-awning, and a mud-room inside the house smaller than the terrace outside. From here there is a walkway into the foyer, and the first floor of the house stretches out beyond with wings to the left, back and right.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is <= 1 and $HardMessOneVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is <= 1 and $HardMessOneVar is false)
[ [[Stay on the porch and slam the front door ->mess option 1 hard from entry]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[catacomb hard]]
[[foyer and ballroom hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: Catacombs
Better not go to much further than the entrance, sometimes you can't find the way through, and it would be best not to get lost tonight.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[enter gable mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: Catacombs
Better not go to much further than the entrance, sometimes you can't find the way through, and it would be best not to get lost tonight.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[enter gable hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Foyer
The foyer is grand to fit the grandiosity of the rest of the house; at some point it was arranged to make it an art gallery, and the fixtures remain in the form of several pillars arranged in a semi-circle.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 1 and $MidMessTwoVar is false)
[ [[Run around along the hall toward the Ballroom ->mess option 2 mid from foyer and ballroom]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 1 and $MidMessTwoVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Ballroom ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 3)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Dining Room ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 7)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes up the stairs ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 13)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the sitting room ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[enter gable mid]]
[[sitting mid]]
[[dining mid]]
[[stairs mid]]
[[ballroom mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Foyer
The foyer is grand to fit the grandiosity of the rest of the house; at some point it was arranged to make it an art gallery, and the fixtures remain in the form of several pillars arranged in a semi-circle.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 1 and $HardMessTwoVar is false)
[ [[Run around along the hall toward the Ballroom ->mess option 2 hard from foyer and ballroom]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 1 and $HardMessTwoVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Ballroom ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 3)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Dining Room ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 7)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes up the stairs ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 13 and $HardMessTwlvVar is false and $HardMessElvnVar is true and $HardMessTenVar is true)
[ [[Throw bannister pieces at Bram, hitting him with one ->mess option 8 and half from foyer hard]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 13 and $HardMessTwlvVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the sitting room ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[enter gable hard]]
[[sitting hard]]
[[dining hard]]
[[stairs hard]]
[[ballroom hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Private Library
The private library shares one feature with the sitting room below - namely a smattering of stacks of books and piles of paper littered everywhere around the room, it is difficult to navigate. Bram slowly stirs, starting to get up, he lays next to The Book, unaware that he is within arm's reach of the key to solving the whole puzzle.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 15 and $MidMessFrtnVar is false)
[ [[summon Sangrii ->mess option 8 mid from library]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 15 and $MidMessFrtnVar is false and $DidDragLibraryVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes to the master suite ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 15 and $DidDragLibraryVar is true)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes to the master suite ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
<!-- Possible for caretaker to not follow bram downstairs, but to go 5 turns and find him in here instead -->
(if: $DidDragLibraryVar is false)
[ [[private library mid]] ]
[[upstairs landing mid]]
[[master suite mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Private Library
The private library shares one feature with the sitting room below - namely a smattering of stacks of books and piles of paper littered everywhere around the room, it is difficult to navigate. Bram slowly stirs, starting to get up, he lays next to The Book, unaware that he is within arm's reach of the key to solving the whole puzzle.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 15 and $HardMessFrtnVar is false)
[ [[summon Sangrii ->mess option 8 hard from library]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 15 and $HardMessFrtnVar is false and $DidDragLibraryVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes to the master suite ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 15 and $DidDragLibraryVar is true)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes to the master suite ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
<!-- Possible for caretaker to not follow bram downstairs, but to go 5 turns and find him in here instead -->
(if: $DidDragLibraryVar is false)
[ [[private library hard]] ]
[[upstairs landing hard]]
[[master suite hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Sitting Room
The sitting room is a strange layout; a massive fireplace dominates the center of the room, and five small wings stretch out beyond, full of bookshelves and stacks of books. Bram has slightly caught on to your hijinx at this point and is looking out for someone, still unable to believe that spirits are in the house.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 14 and $MidMessThrtnVar is false)
[ [[Grab a candlestick to throw ->mess option 7 mid from sitting]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 14 and $MidMessThrtnVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 14 and $MidMessThrtnVar is true)
[ [[Drag Mr. Bram to the library ->private library pass mid]] ]
[[foyer and ballroom mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Sitting
The sitting room is a strange layout; a massive fireplace dominates the center of the room, and five small wings stretch out beyond, full of bookshelves and stacks of books. Bram has slightly caught on to your hijinx at this point and is looking out for someone, still unable to believe that spirits are in the house.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 14 and $HardMessThrtnVar is false)
[ [[Grab a candlestick to throw ->mess option 7 hard from sitting]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 14 and $HardMessThrtnVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 14 and $HardMessThrtnVar is true)
[ [[Drag Mr. Bram to the library ->private library pass hard]] ]
[[foyer and ballroom hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Dining
Bram experiences the same dinner scene that replays over and over, even grabbing a fork, and then putting it back, although Bram takes it a step futher, actually stabbing it into the table. The setting fades, but the damage to the table remains, and from the depths the housewife screams out in disdain. A door slams and Bram jumps...
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 4 and $MidMessFiveVar is false and $ParanoidVar is true)
[[Sneak ahead to Servant's Quarter ->Servant's Quarter mid]]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 4 and $MidMessFiveVar is false)
[ [[call out from the hall beyond the dining room ->mess option 3 mid from dining]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 4 and $MidMessFiveVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Kitchen ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 6)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[kitchen mid]]
[[foyer and ballroom mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Kitchen
The kitchen is a standard kitchen for a house of this size, with black and white checkerboard tiles, and outdated appliances, many from all the way in the 2020s, but some even older. Today it smells like blueberry muffins, and Bram checks the stove.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 5 and $MidMessSixVar is false)
[ [[summon The Housewife into the kitchen ->mess option 4 mid from Servant and kitchen]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 5 and $MidMessSixVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Dining Room ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[Servant's Quarter mid]]
[[dining mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Servant's Quarter
The Servant's Quarter is a small room off of the kitchen, hardly even big enough for a small bed. A small window lets in a pitiful amount of light. Apart from being a locus of energy within the house, the room offers little.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 5 and $MidMessSixVar is false)
[ [[summon The Housewife into the kitchen ->mess option 4 mid from Servant and kitchen]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 5 and $MidMessSixVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the [[dining mid]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[kitchen mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Dining
Bram experiences the same dinner scene that replays over and over, even grabbing a fork, and then putting it back, although Bram takes it a step futher, actually stabbing it into the table. The setting fades, but the damage to the table remains, and from the depths the housewife screams out in disdain. A door slams and Bram jumps...
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 4 and $HardMessFiveVar is false and $ParanoidVar is true)
[[Sneak ahead to Servant's Quarter ->Servant's Quarter hard]]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 4 and $HardMessFiveVar is false)
[ [[call out from the hall beyond the dining room ->mess option 3 hard from dining]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 4 and $HardMessFiveVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the Kitchen ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 6)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[foyer and ballroom hard]]
[[kitchen hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Kitchen
The kitchen is a standard kitchen for a house of this size, with black and white checkerboard tiles, and outdated appliances, many from all the way in the 2020s, but some even older. Today it smells like blueberry muffins, and Bram checks the stove.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 5 and $HardMessSixVar is false)
[ [[summon The Housewife into the kitchen ->mess option 4 hard from Servant and kitchen]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 5 and $HardMessSixVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Dining Room ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[dining hard]]
[[Servant's Quarter hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Servant's Quarter
The Servant's Quarter is a small room off of the kitchen, hardly even big enough for a small bed. A small window lets in a pitiful amount of light. Apart from being a locus of energy within the house, the room offers little.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 5 and $HardMessSixVar is false)
[ [[summon The Housewife into the kitchen ->mess option 4 hard from Servant and kitchen]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 5 and $HardMessSixVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the [[dining hard]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[kitchen hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Ballroom
The ballroom is clearly a vast space, but at some point the ceiling from above collapsed, and what Bram is currently looking at doesn't quite make sense; it looks like the ramains of a swimming pool, and maybe a large window.
Bram turns back...
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 2 and $MidMessThreeVar is false)
[ [[push a pile of rubble at Bram ->mess option 2 and half from ballroom]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 2 and $MidMessThreeVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[foyer and ballroom mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Ballroom
The ballroom is clearly a vast space, but at some point the ceiling from above collapsed, and what Bram is currently looking at doesn't quite make sense; it looks like the ramains of a swimming pool, and maybe a large window.
Bram turns back...
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 2 and $HardMessThreeVar is false)
[ [[push a pile of rubble on Bram ->mess option 2 and half from ballroom hard]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 2 and $HardMessThreeVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the Foyer ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[foyer and ballroom hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Master Suite
The master suite is comprised of three rooms, and is full of windows, so you are crouched in en-suite bathroom and must make a move from in there as Bram walks in.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 16 and $MidMessFiftnVar is false)
[ [[Scream at Bram "Wrong Way!" Then slam and lock the bathroom door ->mess option 9 mid from Master Suite]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 16 and $MidMessFiftnVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes to the upstairs hallway ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[private library mid]]
[[upstairs hallway mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Upstairs Hallway
The hallway is pretty standard, separating the master suite, and a set of old bedrooms that have been converted into... something else... You call them the lost rooms. Bram crouches to the floor holding on to his ears in the hall, hearing memories from the lost rooms.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 17)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the lost rooms ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[master suite mid]]
[[lost rooms mid]]
[[upstairs landing mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Master Suite
The master suite is comprised of three rooms, and is full of windows, so you are crouched in en-suite bathroom and must make a move from in there as Bram walks in.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 16 and $HardMessFiftnVar is false)
[ [[Scream at Bram "Wrong Way!" Then slam and lock the bathroom door ->mess option 9 hard from Master Suite]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 16 and $HardMessFiftnVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes to the upstairs hallway ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[private library hard]]
[[upstairs hallway hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Upstairs Hallway
The hallway is pretty standard, separating the master suite, and a set of old bedrooms that have been converted into... something else... You call them the lost rooms. Bram crouches to the floor holding on to his ears in the hall, hearing memories from the lost rooms.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 17)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes into the lost rooms ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[master suite hard]]
[[lost rooms hard]]
[[upstairs landing hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Pool Room
Bram quickly realises that it was a pool he saw down in the ballroom a few minutes ago, as what remains of the fallen-out floor now sits before him. The room smells terrible, although an amount of the stench has clearly dissapated.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 10 and $MidMessNineVar is false)
[ [[whisper "careful not to fall in..."->mess option 6 mid from pool]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 10 and $MidMessNineVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the landing ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[lost rooms mid]]
[[upstairs landing mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Pool
Bram quickly realises that it was a pool he saw down in the ballroom a few minutes ago, as what remains of the fallen-out floor now sits before him. The room smells terrible, although an amount of the stench has clearly dissapated.
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 10 and $HardMessNineVar is false)
[ [[whisper "careful not to fall in..."->mess option 6 hard from pool]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 10 and $HardMessNineVar is false)
[ From here Mr. Bram goes back to the landing ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ Bram has passed out in the lost rooms... go and fetch him ]
[[lost rooms hard]]
[[upstairs landing hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Lost Rooms
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 18 and $MidMessSvntnVar is false)
[ [[Push Bram hard and scream in his face "We Will Get You In The End!" ->mess option 10 mid from Lost Rooms]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 18 and $MidMessSvntnVar is false)
[ Force Bram to stay ]
[[pool room mid]]
[[upstairs hallway mid]]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ [[Drag Bram to Foyer ->Initiate 2]] ]
(set: $BramMidVar to true) <!--locks difficulty level -->
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Current Location: Lost Rooms
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 18 and $HardMessSvntnVar is false)
[ [[Push Bram hard and scream in his face "We Will Get You In The End!" ->mess option 10 hard from Lost Rooms]] ]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is 18 and $HardMessSvntnVar is false)
[ Force Bram to stay ]
[[pool room hard]]
[[upstairs hallway hard]]
(if: $BramPathVarAlpha is >= 20)
[ [[Drag Bram to Foyer ->Initiate 2]] ]
(set: $BramHardVar to true) <!--locks difficulty level -->
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)Welcome to the next part of the dungeon crawler, from here you will take control of Bram. If you wish to see basic information about the path you have already gone down click [[here ->stats landing page]]. This page will also be available to you any time you have an encounter with The Caretaker.
When in Gable House, if Bram's damage score //exceeds// 75 (on easy), 85 (on mid) or 95 (on hard) he will go insane and will be forced to wander the catacombs forever - if this happens you've lost and have to reset. You will get a few items to use as Bram, and there are a few spots hidden around the house where you can replenish a few of them.
Some items will help immediately, some will help globally, some are inventory items to be used when appropriate, and a few will hurt.
From here the dungeon crawler is a simulation of Bram being haunted over and over. But how much of the rest is simulates, and how much is real?
''Difficulty Level:'' as determined from the initial playthrough...
(if: $BramLightVar is true and $BramMidVar is false and $BramHardVar is false) [Easy]
(if: $BramLightVar is false and $BramMidVar is true and $BramHardVar is false) [Medium]
(if: $BramLightVar is false and $BramMidVar is false and $BramHardVar is true) [Hard]
If you feel you are ready, click to continue...
[[Mr. Bram Can... ->Bram Can 2]]
<!--Initial Setup Variables -->
(set: $DrinkSelVar to false)
(set: $BadStartGoodLuckVar to false)
(set: $GreedVar to false)
<!-- Item difficulty -->
<!-- placeholder(set: $EndRehrdYeSabVar false) -->
(set: $EndRehrdMapYeSabVar to false)
(set: $EndRehrdNoteYeSabVar to false)
(set: $EndRehrdNoHlpYeSabVar to false)
<!-- placeholder(set: $EndHrdYeSabVar to false) -->
(set: $EndHrdMapYeSabVar to false)
(set: $EndHrdNoteYeSabVar to false)
(set: $EndHrdNoHlpYeSabVar to false)
<!-- placeholder(set: $EndMidYeSabVar to false) -->
(set: $EndMidMapYeSabVar to false)
(set: $EndMidNoteYeSabVar to false)
(set: $EndMidNoHlpYeSabVar to false)
<!-- placeholder(set: $EndEasyYeSabVar to false) -->
(set: $EndEasyMapYeSabVar to false)
(set: $EndEasyNoteYeSabVar to false)
(set: $EndEasyNoHlpYeSabVar to false)
<!-- placeholder(set: $EndRehrdNoSabVar to false) -->
(set: $EndRehrdMapNoSabVar to false)
(set: $EndRehrdNoteNoSabVar to false)
(set: $EndRehrdNoHlpNoSabVar to false)
<!-- placeholder(set: $EndHrdNoSabVar to false) -->
(set: $EndHrdMapNoSabVar to false)
(set: $EndHrdNoteNoSabVar to false)
(set: $EndHrdNoHlpNoSabVar to false)
<!-- placeholder(set: $EndMidNoSabVar to false) -->
(set: $EndMidMapNoSabVar to false)
(set: $EndMidNoteNoSabVar to false)
(set: $EndMidNoHlpNoSabVar to false)
<!-- placeholder(set: $EndEasyNoSabVar to false) -->
(set: $EndEasyMapNoSabVar to false)
(set: $EndEasyNoteNoSabVar to false)
(set: $EndEasyNoHlpNoSabVar to false)
<!-- store items -->
(set: $ItemFlashLightVar to false) <!-- flash light, x3 ghosts without, probably won't make it to the end --> <!-- ADD LATER-->
(set: $ItemPaperPenVar to false) <!-- pad of paper and pen, can make a map to get out quicker, more likely to make it to the end -->
(set: $ItemSangwhichVar to false) <!-- premade sandwhich, can eat at any point to restore large sanity -->
(set: $ItemWaterVar to false) <!-- water, can drink at any point to restore small sanity -->
(set: $ItemKnifeVar to false)<!-- knife, doesn't do much against ghosts -->
(set: $ItemBoltCutVar to false) <!-- bolt cutters, allow Bram to get into catecombs lol -->
(set: $ItemMatchOneVar to false) <!-- match 1, allows Bram to surpass 1 mess option -->
(set: $ItemMatchTwoVar to false) <!-- match 2, fails -->
(set: $ItemMatchThreeVar to false) <!-- match 3, fails -->
(set: $ItemMatchFourVar to false) <!-- match 4, allows Bram to surpass 1 mess option -->
(set: $ItemMatchFiveVar to false) <!-- match 5, fails -->
<!-- gast station items -->
(set: $ItemPenLightVar to false) <!-- pen light, x2 ghosts with, x3 without, probably won't make it to the end --> <!--ADD LATER-->
(set: $ItemStickyNote to false) <!-- pad of sticky notes, can make notes that let Bram get out quicker, but not as quick as a map would -->
(set: $ItemEnergyDrink to false) <!-- energy drink gives wired effect that makes things worse -->
(set: $ItemWaterBotVar to false) <!-- bottle of water, can drink at any point to restore small sanity -->
(set: $ItemSnackVar to false) <!-- snack, can drink at any point to restore small sanity -->
(set: $ItemMatchOneAltVar to false) <!-- match 1, allows Bram to surpass 1 mess option -->
(set: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar to false)<!-- match 2, fails -->
(set: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar to false)<!-- match 3, fails -->
(set: $ItemMatchFourAltVar to false)<!-- match 4, allows Bram to surpass 1 mess option -->
(set: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar to false)<!-- match 5, allows Bram to surpass 1 mess option -->
<!-- Gable House Trackers -->
(set: $RoomVisitVar to 0)
(set: $DidBramUpStaVar to false) <!-- Did bram go upstairs before going into the sitting room?-->
(set: $IsCareTakAliveVar to true) (!-- did caretaker get dead?-->
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
<!--Did basic room trigger-->
(set: $EntryMessVar to false) <!-- entry -->
(set: $FoyerMessVar to false) <!-- foyer -->
(set: $DiningMessVar to false) <!-- dining -->
(set: $KitchenMessVar to false) <!-- kitchen from servant's quarters -->
(set: $LandingMessVar to false) <!-- landing -->
(set: $PoolMessVar to false) <!-- Pool -->
(set: $SittingMessVar to false) <!-- sitting -->
(set: $LibraryMessVar to false) <!--Library -->
(set: $BedroomMessVar to false) <!--bedroom-->
[[Hard Reset WARNING this will reset everything and bring you back to the start ->Initiate]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
"Choke!" screams Lacie, taking care to land her spit on the windshield. Bram responds by turning on the wipers and cleaning it off, giving her the finger, and then pulling into a parking spot in front of the perfume and incense bazzar.
"Probably wouldn't even know what to do with it..." Bram says under his breath and he puts the car into park.
A kid leans huddled against the building in a pile of dirty clothes, wearing a tarp like a blanket. He looks up at Bram as he walks in to the store, and tries to say something, but his voice is too quiet. Bram tries not to notice, and the kid reaches out, grabbing Bram's pant leg.
Bram responds with one, swift kick in the face. The kid recoils back, and slumps to the side. Is he dead?
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram spends the night in his motel formulating a plan of attack for the house. First he will go to the store, pick up a few items: A flashlight, a knife, some water and food, maybe some paper for a map and bolt-cutters in case anything in the place is locked. Then Bram would go to the house and give himself a tour.
Before going to bed, Bram moves to close the curtains; an old and giant relic of a car sits across the street, and someone sits inside... it seems like they are looking at Bram, but to what end? Bram closes the curtains and goes to sleep.
When Bram wakes again a few hours later the sun hasn't risen, but it will before too long. Bram turns on his light, grabs his bag, puts on his pants and turns off the light on the way out of the room - simple moves for a simple man.
He slips out of his room and starts to get in his car... but something is off, the car from the night before is still across the street, and still has someone sitting in it. They appear to be asleep, so Bram gets into his car quickly to try to leave before the person can wake up.
(if: $StoreVar is true)
[ [[Go to the Store->Bram goes to the store]] ]
[ [[Go to the Truck Stop ->Bram goes to the gas station]] ]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
It's too late, as Bram starts the car the person in the other car opens their door, gets out, and actually starts to walk toward Bram, who quickly puts his car into gear and pulls out of the lot, heading to the store.
The flashight and Paper/Pen are easy to find, close to the front of the store, and Bram ticks them off of his list. Before he can look any further, though, there is a strange noise behind him...
(if: $ShelfVar is true)
[ [[The items on a shelf suddenly fall on Bram...->Sustain Damage]] ]
(else-if: $MoveItVar is true)
[ [[search for the rest of the items... ->Search for every item]] ]
[ [[Look behind you...]] ]
(set: $ItemFlashLightVar to true)
(set: $ItemPaperPenVar to true)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $DrinkSelVar is false) [It's too late, as Bram starts the car the person in the other car turns theirs on as well, and in a move that seems like a drunk person or someone with a vendetta, the person moves their car from parked across the street to facing Bram and driving right at him. Bram starts to react, but the car turns and heads off in the direction of the store.
The strange car out of sight, Bram wildly waves his middle finger about out the window, then swears a bit, pulling off in the other direction - there is a truck stop just around the corner, it is closer than the store was, but their selection won't be as good, and subsequently the items that Bram walks away with won't be as good either.
For food Bram has to settle with a light snack; they straight up don't have bolt-cutters ("what kind a place you think I got, Mistur...?") and their knife section is mostly comprised of kitchen-ware for some reason, a $187 buck-knife and about 7 utility-pocket knives that wouldn't really be much use in this situation. An employee tried to make up for it by selling Bram a wrench; Bram wasn't interested in the wrench.
He looks up at the girl who tried to sell him a wrench again, for maybe the 20th time; she has on a short grey skirt and a tight top with some kind of wordage across the chest - Bram isn't looking at the words. //wouldnt wear a shirt like that for people to read....// he reasons in a way that drips.
Of course the majority of retail-space in the station is reserved for drinks, and even in 2074 there are really only two options amongst them all...]
(if: $DrinkSelVar is false) [ [[Choose a drink]] ]
(if: $DrinkSelVar is true) [ That was an... interesting choice. Bram can see sticky-notes and a small collection of flashilights up by checkout stand, where the same person who tried to sell the wrench stands and smiles at Bram, who smiles back. Neither is genuine.
"Tell me you have a lighter at least..." Bram asks through his smile with an unnecessarily hard tone.
"... only matches. Sir." They have dropped the smile now, but Bram doesn't notice; he is not looking at their face.
With a heavy sigh, "How much then." The clerk waves their hand and tosses a small book of matches in the bag. Bram grabs the small pad of notes and a key-chain penlight that is at least made of metal, checks out and walks back out to the parking lot..]
(if: $SabCarVar is true and $DrinkSelVar is true)
[ [[An employee is casually sitting in the passenger seat of Bram's car. ->Approach car...]] ]
(else-if: $NausVar is true and $DrinkSelVar is true)
[ [[The passenger door to Bram's car is open a little... ->Throw rotting fish out of car]] ]
(else-if: $OfferHelp is true and $DrinkSelVar is true)
[ [["You've got a blown fuse, want me to fix it?" ->Someone helped...]] ]
(else-if: $SabCarVar is false and $NausVar is false and $OfferHelp and $DrinkSelVar is true)
[ [["She's Pretty isn't she... " ->Get messed with]] ]
<!-- debug [[Get messed with]] debug -->
(set: $ItemPenLightVar to true)
(set: $ItemStickyNote to true)
(set: $ItemSnackVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchOneAltVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFourAltVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar to true)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The boxes had tools inside of them, which subsequently fell all over - some directly onto Bram, cutting into his leg and lightly spraining his ankle. Now Bram has to walk with a limp and adds an ankle wrap to his list - this will take a long time. Eventually Bram has a sandwich and small water bottle, a hunting knife, bolt cutters and a small box of matches, and he heads out of the store.
[[Drive to Gable Hill ->Arrive at Gable Hill]]
(set: $ItemSangwhichVar to true)
(set: $ItemWaterVar to true)
(set: $ItemKnifeVar to true)
(set: $ItemBoltCutVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchOneVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchTwoVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchThreeVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFourVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFiveVar to true) The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram has to mutter his list aloud as he walks around, and every time he thinks he has found something, it is not where he thought it would be. As he looks he repeats the item that he is searching for louder and louder, "matches... matches... //matches...// //MATCHES...// ''Matches..''"
[[search for food]]
[[search for something to drink]]
[[search for a knife]]
[[search for bolt cutters]]
[[search for matches]]
(if: $ItemFlashLightVar is true and $ItemPaperPenVar is true and $ItemSangwhichVar is true and $ItemKnifeVar is true and $ItemBoltCutVar is true and $ItemMatchOneVar is true and $ItemMatchTwoVar is true and $ItemMatchThreeVar is true and $ItemMatchFourVar is true and $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ Eventually Bram has a sandwich and small water bottle, a hunting knife, bolt cutters and a small box of matches, and he heads out of the store. ]
(if: $ItemFlashLightVar is true and $ItemPaperPenVar is true and $ItemSangwhichVar is true and $ItemKnifeVar is true and $ItemBoltCutVar is true and $ItemMatchOneVar is true and $ItemMatchTwoVar is true and $ItemMatchThreeVar is true and $ItemMatchFourVar is true and $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Arrive at Gable Hill]] ]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
There is nothing there, and Bram carries on. Eventually Bram has a sandwich and small water bottle, a hunting knife, bolt cutters and a small box of matches, and he heads out of the store.
[[Drive to Gable Hill ->Arrive at Gable Hill]]
(set: $ItemSangwhichVar to true)
(set: $ItemWaterVar to true)
(set: $ItemKnifeVar to true)
(set: $ItemBoltCutVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchOneVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchTwoVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchThreeVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFourVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFiveVar to true) The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram does not know what to say, but he knows that he is going to give this kid a lesson, and then go to work on the truck stop owner, and probably all of the other employes, even grey-skirt inside.
"Sir, You should really learn to lock your doors lest more unscrupulous figures than myself decide to intercede." they shout from inside the car, not budging.
From nowhere words come out of Bram's mouth, but he is seeing red, and does not even properly realize he has spoken: "Intervene... get the fuck out of my car illiterate pig."
They get out of the car, gesture a curtsey, and then hold up their pointer and thumb. As Bram gets closer and more angry, they whistle and make the gap between their fingers smaller, sliding the whistle into an "...okaaaaayyyyy..."
Two men leaning against the truck stop wall are now paying attention, and laugh, and the third employee starts to head in their direction.
Bram starts to roll up his sleeves, intent on reaching the punk first, but the other employees also move and meet up with their friend before Bram can get to them.
//''HONK''// Bram is standing in the middle of the drive, looking between the employees sharing their joint, and the girl inside. Without looking up at the car trying to drive to a pump, Bram gives the finger. //''HOOONNNNNNNNK''//
Angry at how the morning has gone, Bram (if: $InCarVar is true) [ [[drives off... ->Drive off]] ] (else-if: $CTakJointVar is true) [ [[drives off ->Ctak talk]] ] (else:) [ [[checks the back seat, and then drives off... ->Check the back of the car, then drive off]] ]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram doesn't notice the door at first because he is looking at a group of punks huddled by the station. He stops for a second, considering a confrontation, then turns to look in the station again; is the girl watching? She's not; Bram daydreams for a second, //shame, she would have seen a real show.//
//''HONK''// Bram is standing in the middle of the drive, looking between the employees sharing their joint, and the girl inside. Without looking up at the car trying to drive to a pump, Bram gives the finger. //''HOOONNNNNNNNK''//. Now Bram is paying attention to the car, he approaches the driver window punching his open palms, and cracking his knuckles. The driver white-knuckles and pulls out of the parking lot, to Bram's satisfaction.
Bram approaches his car, and the smell coming from within is profound, and he immediately gags, and greens out into a nearby dumpster that smells very similar to his car right now. Mr. Bram grabs paper towels from a different car-cleaning station, and tears off pieces to roll up and plug his nose. It isn't enough to block most of it, but it is enough to get the rest of the job done.
Bram picks up the paper bag placed on his seat, and almost immediately the bottom tears out, and a rotting fish plops on to the seat; it doesn't bounce because the seat is already saturated with juice. He can't do anything for 5 whole minutes but stand at the front of the car with his hand on the hood, retching and giggling at the same time.
Much to the employee's dismay, he eventually get's a squeegee and scoops the fish and as much of the goop out onto the pavement as possible, and then... (if: $InCarVar is true) [ [[Bram drives off ->Drive off]] ] (else-if: $CTakJointVar is true) [ [[drives off ->Ctak talk]] ] (else:) [ [[Bram checks the back of the car, and then drives off ->Check the back of the car, then drive off]] ]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
For a second Bram is not sure what the man fucking with his car is talking about, all he can think of is to beat this kid's ass. Yes he can see that it is an employee, it does not matter, one //does no ''fuck''// with another man's possessions. //or women//. And then Bram remembers the grey skirt and tight top. //She was already having this... so clearly// "I'd win."//fuck did I say that out loud?// Bram stops for a second.
The hood slams shut and the employee is saying something, and gesturing a "tiny bit", so Bram assumes that means he might need window-wiper fluid, which would mean he could go prove that he would win.
//''HONK''// Bram is standing in the middle of the drive, looking between the employees sharing their joint, and the girl inside. Without looking up at the car trying to drive to a pump, Bram gives the finger. //''HOOONNNNNNNNK''//
Bram looses interest quickly, and goes to look under his hood. He had to hotwire this car, it's a long story, and if the person looking under the hood found it that could be bad. Seems they didn't find it, nor did they break it on accident, so Bram closes the hood again, takes one last look inside the gas station, and then (if: $InCarVar is true) [ [[he drives off. ->Drive off]] ] (else-if: $CTakJointVar is true) [ [[drives off ->Ctak talk]] ] (else:) [after checking the back seats [[he drives off. ->Check the back of the car, then drive off]] ]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemFlashLightVar is true) [ Flashlight - scares ghosts] <!-- look in sabo yes or no-->
(if: $ItemPaperPenVar is true) [ Paper and Pen - map to get through quicker] <!-- look in sabo yes or no-->
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ Sandwich - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ Water - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ Use Knife- might help with something...]
(if: $ItemBoltCutVar is true) [boltcutters - good to cut bolts with] <!-- look in bram enter -->
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ Match 1 - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ Match 2 - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ Match 3 - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ Match 4 - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ Match 5 - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemPenLightVar is true) [Pen Light - not as good as a flashlight] <!-- look in sabo yes or no-->
(if: $ItemStickyNote is true) [sticky notes - can take notes on them] <!-- look in sabo yes or no-->
(if: $ItemEnergyDrink is true) [Energy Drink - maybe if will restore some damage...] <!-- look in sabo yes or no-->
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ Bottle Water - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ Snack - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [Match 1 - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [Match 2 - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [Match 3 - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [Match 4 - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [Match 5 - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $SabCarDone is true)
[ [[Approach the Gable House ->sabo yes]] ]
[ [[Approach the Gable House ->sabo no]] ]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram looks up at some point along the way to Gable Hill, and nearly misses a person on a bike who is crossing the road - he has to swerve a bit, and something heavy slides around in the back seat, Bram notices, but won't let himself turn around to check. That would be paranoia speaking for sure, although maybe not unwarranted given the day that Bram has already had. The map-program built in to Bram's car instructs him to turn right, ahead in 400-feet, but Bram is thinking about the truck stop, and doesn't hear it. (if: $KickedOutVar is true) [ [[Instead he keeps driving, missing the next one as well. ->Watch Bram take wrong turn ->not talk]] ] (else:) [ "...gonna miss your turn dickhead"
//did that come from the back?// Had Bram been [[paying attention ->Ctak talk]] it would have been obvious to him that someone else was in the car with him. A deep panic attack hits Bram, and he is slow to react, thinking //GETOUT GETOUT GETOUT// and nothing else. By the time he calms down enough to deal with the situation the person is gone.]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram looks up at some point along the way to Gable Hill, and notices a bike behind him, but surely that has nothing to do with him, right? That would be paranoia speaking for sure, although maybe not unwarranted given the day that Bram has already had. The map-program built in to Bram's car instructs him to turn right, ahead in 400-feet, but Bram is thinking about the truck stop, and doesn't hear it. (if: $BikeVar is true) [ [[Instead he keeps driving, missing the next one as well. ->watch bram take a wrong turn->not talk]] ] (if: $BikeVar is true and $ParanoidVar is true) [ Bram knew that the person on the bike was [[paying attention->someone is behind Bram on a bike]] to him; they cut around his car, yelling something that Bram misses as they pass. ]
[[Instead he keeps driving, missing the next one as well. ->not talk]]
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
...//the tires squeal as he rounds the corner...//
Not long later Bram [[arrives ->Arrive at Gable Hill]] at Gable Hill.
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram takes the third turn, and without too much hastle manages to get back on track.
"...fucking maps...
...fucking pedestrian bitches...
...stupid bitches...
..fucking other drivers...
..stupid fucking streetlights..
..fucking bad ass directions...
..stupid map if only you worked..."
Bram curses under his breath, this and more (things I am not willing to write... use your imagination). Not long later Bram [[arrives ->Arrive at Gable Hill]] at Gable Hill.The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram responds by thrusting his middle finger out the window wildly as he careens around the corner, narrowly making his turn.
"Remind me to never move to this shithole block, it's so full of whores and punks and old nothings who waste away! Fuck this place, fuck you people, I hate you all and I hope you all suffer in a pit!" Bram screams.
On the next road he almost hits another car, moving his arm around to give them the finger instead, spitting in their direction as he passres. They honk, but react too slowly as Bram is already a few car-lengths away.
Not long later Bram [[arrives ->Arrive at Gable Hill]] at Gable Hill.
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $ItemFlashLightVar is true and $ItemEnergyDrink is false)
[ [[Loading... easy Item Difficulty detected...
loading...->easy light sab yes]] ]
(else-if: $ItemPenLightVar is true and $ItemEnergyDrink is false)
[ [[Loading... middlee Item Difficulty detected...
loading...->mid light sab yes]] ]
(else-if: $ItemEnergyDrink is true)
[ [[Loading... very hard Item Difficulty detected...
loading...->really hard light sab yes]] ]
[ [[Loading... hard Item Difficulty detected...
loading...->hard light sab yes]] ]
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +10)
<!-- check for: flashlight, penlight, no light, energy drink, -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $ItemFlashLightVar is true and $ItemEnergyDrink is false)
[ [[Loading... easy Item Difficulty detected...
loading...->easy light sab no]] ]
(else-if: $ItemPenLightVar is true and $ItemEnergyDrink is false)
[ [[Loading... middle Item Difficulty detected...
loading... ->mid light sab no]] ]
(else-if: $ItemEnergyDrink is true)
[ [[Loading... very hard Item Difficulty detected...
loading... ->really hard light sab no]] ]
[ [[Loading... hard Item Difficulty detected...
loading... ->hard light sab no]] ]
<!-- check for: flashlight, penlight, no light, energy drink, -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
//First that person at the hotel, and now this clown looking under the hood - why to punks always gotta mettle// "What?" Bram snaps in response, picking up pace as he approaches. He is going to beat this kid's ass. Yes he can see that it is an employee, it does not matter, one //does no ''fuck''// with another man's possessions. //or women//.
//''HONK''// Bram is standing in the middle of the drive, looking between the employees sharing their joint, and the employee currently shutting the hood of his car. Without looking up at the car trying to drive to a pump, Bram gives the finger. //''HOOONNNNNNNNK''//
The employee at Bram's car holds up a hand at the car honking, and hurries off toward the garage and the two other employees. Bram looses interest quickly, and goes to look under his hood. He had to hotwire this car, it's a long story, and if the person looking under the hood found it that could be bad. Seems they didn't find it, nor did they break it on accident, so Bram closes the hood again, and then he (if: $InCarVar is true) [ [[drives off ->Drive off]] ] (else-if: $CTakJointVar is true) [ [[drives off ->Ctak talk]] ] (else:) [ [[checks the back seats, and then drives off ->Check the back of the car, then drive off]] ]
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $EmoDamageVar is <4)
[ [[Mr. Bram Tours the Gable House has been Loaded... ->bram gable light]] ]
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >3 and $EmoDamageVar is <=7)
[ [[Mr. Bram Tours the Gable House has been Loaded... ->bram gable mid]] ]
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >7)
[ [[Mr. Bram Tours the Gable House has been Loaded... ->bram gable hard]] ]
<!-- (if: $EmoDamageVar is <4 and $CTakWBramVar is false)
[ [[bram stairs light
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >3 and $EmoDamageVar is <7 and $CTakWBramVar is false)
[ [[bram stairs mid
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >=7 and $CTakWBramVar is false)
[ [[bram stairs hard -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $EmoDamageVar is <4)
[ [[Mr. Bram Tours the Gable House has been Loaded... ->bram gable light]] ]
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >3 and $EmoDamageVar is <=7)
[ [[Mr. Bram Tours the Gable House has been Loaded... ->bram gable mid]] ]
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >7)
[ [[Mr. Bram Tours the Gable House has been Loaded... ->bram gable hard]] ]
<!-- (if: $EmoDamageVar is <4 and $CTakWBramVar is false)
[ [[bram stairs light
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >3 and $EmoDamageVar is <7 and $CTakWBramVar is false)
[ [[bram stairs mid
(else-if: $EmoDamageVar is >=7 and $CTakWBramVar is false)
[ [[bram stairs hard -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The sun is low, painting the sky orange, pink and purple behind the old house. Even taking into account that it sets earlier these days, Mr. Bram seems to have lost time. A bitter wind cuts around the hill, blowing right at Bram's face, and then beyond, catching him off guard and almost blowing him back slightly. Probably would have done if his car wasn't directly behind him.
(if: $ItemEnergyDrink is true and $BadStartGoodLuckVar is false) [ [[off to a bad start...]] ] (else:) [ [[Approach the Gable House->bram enter gable light]] ]
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The sun is low, painting the sky orange, pink and purple behind the old house. Even taking into account that it sets earlier these days, Mr. Bram seems to have lost time. A bitter wind cuts around the hill, blowing right at Bram's face, and then beyond, catching him off guard and almost blowing him back slightly. Probably would have done if his car wasn't directly behind him.
(if: $ItemEnergyDrink is true and $BadStartGoodLuckVar is false) [ [[off to a bad start...]] ] (else:) [ [[Approach the Gable House->bram enter gable mid]] ]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The sun is low, painting the sky orange, pink and purple behind the old house. Even taking into account that it sets earlier these days, Mr. Bram seems to have lost time. A bitter wind cuts around the hill, blowing right at Bram's face, and then beyond, catching him off guard and almost blowing him back slightly. Probably would have done if his car wasn't directly behind him.
(if: $ItemEnergyDrink is true and $BadStartGoodLuckVar is false) [ [[off to a bad start...]] ] (else:) [ [[Approach the Gable House ->bram enter gable hard]] ]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Stairs
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The stairway is grand with a turn near the top culminating in a landing. There are no walls along the stairwell, just mirrored bannisters, that don't look like they can support much weight. Every step Bram takes is echoed twice from behind him with such consistency that he hardly even notices.
"A trickster, or a broken beam, we will never know..." he proposes to no one in particular, and of course gets no response.
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
[[Go all the way up to the Landing.->bram upstairs landing light]]
[[Go all the way down to the Foyer ->bram foyer and ballroom light]]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Stairs
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The stairway is grand with a turn near the top culminating in a landing. There are no walls along the stairwell, just mirrored bannisters, that don't look like they can support much weight. Every step Bram takes is echoed twice from behind him with such consistency that he hardly even notices.
"A trickster, or a broken beam, we will never know..." he proposes to no one in particular, and of course gets no response.
(if: $MidMessElvnVar is false or $EntryMessVar is false or $FoyerMessVar is false or $DiningMessVar is false or $KitchenMessVar is false or $LandingMessVar is false or $PoolMessVar is false or $SittingMessVar is false or $LibraryMessVar is false or $BedroomMessVar is false) [ [[Go all the way up to the Landing.->bram upstairs landing mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessElvnVar is false or $EntryMessVar is false or $FoyerMessVar is false or $DiningMessVar is false or $KitchenMessVar is false or $LandingMessVar is false or $PoolMessVar is false or $SittingMessVar is false or $LibraryMessVar is false or $BedroomMessVar is false) [ [[Go all the way down to the Foyer ->bram foyer and ballroom mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessElvnVar is true and $EntryMessVar is true and $FoyerMessVar is true and $DiningMessVar is true and $KitchenMessVar is true and $LandingMessVar is true and $PoolMessVar is true and $SittingMessVar is true and $LibraryMessVar is true and $BedroomMessVar is true and $IsCareTakAliveVar is true) [ [[Collapse the Banister->bram mess option 7 and half from stairs]] ]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Stairs
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The stairway is grand with a turn near the top culminating in a landing. There are no walls along the stairwell, just mirrored bannisters, that don't look like they can support much weight. Every step Bram takes is echoed twice from behind him with such consistency that he hardly even notices.
"A trickster, or a broken beam, we will never know..." he proposes to no one in particular, and of course gets no response.
(if: $HardMessElvnVar is false or $EntryMessVar is false or $FoyerMessVar is false or $DiningMessVar is false or $KitchenMessVar is false or $LandingMessVar is false or $PoolMessVar is false or $SittingMessVar is false or $LibraryMessVar is false or $BedroomMessVar is false) [ [[Go all the way up to the Landing.->bram upstairs landing hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessElvnVar is false or $EntryMessVar is false or $FoyerMessVar is false or $DiningMessVar is false or $KitchenMessVar is false or $LandingMessVar is false or $PoolMessVar is false or $SittingMessVar is false or $LibraryMessVar is false or $BedroomMessVar is false) [ [[Go all the way down to the Foyer ->bram foyer and ballroom hard]] ]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +3)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Entry
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [ [[Go into the Catecombs->bram Catecomb Light]] ]
The door creaks as Bram pushes it open, as if it hadn't been opened in a long time. From here there is a walkway into the foyer, and the first floor of the house stretches out beyond with wings to the left, back and right. The gaping size of the house beyond the entryway is still and stifling, and Bram forces a cough, mostly to hear any sound at all.
(if: $LightMessOneVar is false) [ [[Go into the foyer->bram foyer and ballroom light]] ]
(if: $LightMessOneVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[From behind you the door slams->Bram mess option 1 light from entry]] ] (else-if: $LightMessOneVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[The door probably wasn't hung correctly, and the wind has been blowing all day ->Bram pass option 1 light from entry]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(if: $ItemBoltCutVar is true)
[ [[bram Catecomb Light]] ]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: ???
//No inventory in this room//
(if: $IsCareTakAliveVar is false)
[ [[Go Back into the Gable House ->bram enter gable light]] ]
[ [[catacomb depths]] ]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Foyer
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
At some point the foyer was arranged to make it an art gallery, and the fixtures remain in the form of several pillars arranged in a semi-circle. A wiccan effegy hangs from one post, sporting many horns that point out in all directions, that regardless of where Bram is, a horn points towards him in accusation.
(if: $LightMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Enter the Dining Room ->bram dining light]] ]
(if: $LightMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Enter the Sitting Gallery->bram sitting light]] ]
(if: $LightMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Go Upstairs->bram stairs light]] ]
(if: $LightMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Go into the Ballroom->bram ballroom light]] ]
(if: $LightMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Go Back into the Entry->bram enter gable light]] ]
(if: $LightMessTwoVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[Suddenly noise errupts from all around Bram THUDTHUD THUDTHUD THUDTHUD, thundering a percussive rhythm throughout the massive rooms.->Bram mess option 2 light from foyer]] ] (else-if: $LightMessTwoVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[The door slamming shook the house, a fixture must have fallen from a wall and rolled all the way down the hall.->Bram pass option 2 light from foyer]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Dining
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
Bram enters the dining room, the sun has almost set, but the room is aglow from phantom candlelight. The long table is set for a grand meal; porcelain, silk and silver! Bram greedily grabs a fork and puts it into his pocket, and by the time that he pulls his and out the fork has stabbed all the way in on its own. Bram's vision goes white for a second, and when he comes back to there is a dinner on the table, complete with a small, flat roast, exactly the size and shape of a human torse. Bram screams, works the form out and slams it into the table. The setting fades, but the damage to the table remains, and from the depths the housewife screams out in disdain. A door slams and Bram jumps...
(if: $LightMessFiveVar is false) [ [[Go into the Kitchen->bram kitchen light]] ]
(if: $LightMessFiveVar is false) [ [[Go back to the Foyer->bram foyer and ballroom light]] ]
(if: $LightMessFiveVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[More voices call out ->Bram mess option 3 light from dining]] ]
(else-if: $LightMessFiveVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[Is Bram alone...? ->Bram pass option 3 light from dining]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Sitting
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
A massive fireplace dominates the center of the room, and five small wings stretch out beyond into the depths. Bram looks around, expecting... someone to make a move in the dark. (if: $DidBramUpStaVar is true) [Bram knows there is someone else in the house, and isn't yet fully convinced of the spirits, but something in him changed irrevocably.]
(if: $LightMessThrtnVar is false) [ Something in the air makes Bram feel dizzy and before he realizes what is happening he is [[out-cold->bram private library light]] on the floor. He wakes up some time later in the Private Library ]
(if: $LightMessThrtnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[Movement; a glint from the corner of the room!->Bram mess option 7 light from sitting]] ] (else-if: $LightMessThrtnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[Bram jumps back out ot the way ->Bram pass option 7 light from sittingl]] ] (if: $DidBramUpStaVar is true and $ItemKnifeVar is true ) [ [[Pull your knife on the person->Stab Caretaker Light]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Ballroom
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The ballroom is clearly a vast space, but at some point the ceiling from above collapsed, and what Bram is currently looking at doesn't quite make sense; it looks like the ramains of a swimming pool, and maybe a large window that has been utterly destroyed and strewn around. There is also a large gap in the ceiling where, whatever this used to be presumably used to exist.
//There is no inventory in this room//
[[bram foyer and ballroom light]]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Private Library
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The private library it is difficult to navigate. Bram slowly stirs, starting to get up; he lays next to The Book, unwaware that he is within arm's reach of the key to solving the whole puzzle. The room smells sour, like bad yoghurt, every surface covered with thick ectoplasm. (if: $LightMessFrtnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [Bram is confused as he slowly wakes up, absent-mindedly wiping ectoplasm from his hand. Looking around there isn't much to see but stacks of books. He can't do much more than look around, as if somehow //compelled// to stay in place. ]
(if: $LightMessFrtnVar is false) [ [[Go back out to the landing ->bram upstairs landing light]] ]
(if: $LightMessFrtnVar is false) [ [[Enter the Master Suite ->bram master suite light]] ]
(if: $LightMessFrtnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[Circus music, and then... the same whir and light pop sound from the kitchen ->Bram mess option 8 light from library]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Kitchen
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The kitchen is a standard kitchen for a house of this size, with black and white checkerboard tiles, and outdated appliances. It smells familiar, but at first Bram cannot place it; something baked. He checks the oven, and the smell gets stronger, despite the mess of spiderwebs inside; blueberry muffins.
Today it smells like blueberry muffins, and Bram checks the stove.
(if: $LightMessSixVar is false) [ [[Go into the Servant's Quarter->bram Servant's Quarter Light]] ]
(if: $LightMessSixVar is false) [ [[Go back into the Dining Room->bram dining light]] ]
(if: $LightMessSixVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[The housewife wails again, this time much closer->Bram mess option 4 light from kitchen]] ] (else-if: $LightMessSixVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[A pan flies past Bram's head; Pans don't fall vertically, someone threw that->Bram pass option 4 light from kitchen]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Servan's Quarter
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The Servant's Quarter is a small room off of the kitchen, hardly even big enough for a small bed. A small window lets in a pitiful amount of light. Apart from being a locus of energy within the house, the room offers little.
//There is no inventory in this room//
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is false) [ [[replenish]] ]
[[bram kitchen light]]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Upstairs Landing
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The landing overlooks the foyer below. There are two doors, one to the left and one to the right of the loft; they lead into entertaining rooms. Directly forward (and behind a secret bookshelf-door) is a hallway that leads into the private rooms. downstairs someone runs from one room to another - the footsteps are light and quick, as if created by a child.
(if: $LightMessEghtVar is false) [ [[Enter the Pool Room->bram pool room light]] ]
(if: $LightMessEghtVar is false) [ [[Enter the Library->bram private library light]] ]
(if: $LightMessEghtVar is false) [ [[Go through the secret door into the Hallway->bram upstairs hallway light]] ]
(if: $LightMessEghtVar is false) [ [[Go back to the staircase ->bram stairs light]] ]
(if: $LightMessEghtVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[There is a tug at Bram's pantleg->Bram mess option 5 light from landing]] ] (else-if: $LightMessEghtVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[Try to kick whoever keeps fucking with you->Bram pass option 5 light from landing]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $DidBramUpStaVar to true)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Pool
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
It //was// a pool that Bram saw in the Ballroom a few minutes ago! What remains of the fallen-out floor now sits before him. The room smells terrible, like soggy mold, detah and decay; Bram wants to leave as quickly as he can.
(if: $LightMessNineVar is false) [ [[Go back out to the landing->bram upstairs landing light]] ]
(if: $RoomVisitVar is <= 15 or $EmoDamageVar is >75) [ [[Enter the Lost Rooms ->bram lost rooms light]] ]
(if: $LightMessNineVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[More voices from the dark->Bram mess option 6 light from pool]] ]
(else-if: $LightMessNineVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[Bram gathers his courage and shouts back into the dark ->Bram pass option 6 light from pool]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Upstairs Hallway
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The hallway is pretty standard, separating the master suite, and a set of old bedrooms that have been converted into... something else... Bram walks into the hallway, and the circus music begins again from the lost rooms. He hears Lacie, he hears those that he will one day torture to death back there, and then he hears the rest, all calling out, crying out, begging to be released from this hell. Bram crouches to the floor holding on to his ears until they stop. He no longer cares about how he looks, he is just ready to leave.
//No inventory in this room//
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
[[Go into the Master Suite ->bram master suite light]]
(if: $RoomVisitVar is <= 15 or $EmoDamageVar is >75) [ [[Enter the Lost Rooms ->bram lost rooms light]] ]
[[Go back out to the Landing ->bram upstairs landing light]]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Master Suite
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The master suite is comprised of three rooms, and is full of windows. Bram is more annoyed than scared that someone else is around, overcome by a sense of territory, at least at first. The other person shifts uncomforably in the bathroom.
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is false and $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is false and $GreedVar is true and $GreedVarTwo is true) [ [[replenish ->replenish 3]] ]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is false and $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is false and $GreedVar is true and $GreedVarTwo is false) [ [[replenish ->replenish 2]] ]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is false and $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is false and $GreedVar is false and $GreedVarTwo is false) [ [[replenish ->replen match snack]] ]
(if: $LightMessFiftnVar is false) [ [[Go back to the Library->bram private library light]] ]
(if: $LightMessFiftnVar is false) [ [[Exit the bathroom back into the Hallway->bram upstairs hallway light]] ]
(if: $LightMessFiftnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[Sudden move from the Bathroom->Bram mess option 9 light from master]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Lost Rooms
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >75) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
Bram knows that Gable House is now his, provided he figures out how to leave. Somehow, at some point he sealed the deal in blood, a solid contract with //Chief Officer// that cannot be broken. The space in which he currently stands cannot be defined... it is definitely a room within a house, but even the dimensions seem to shift. Sometimes there are doors, and sometimes there aren't.
//No inventory in this room//
(if: $LightMessSvntnVar is false) [ [[Go back out to the pool->bram pool room light]] ]
(if: $LightMessSvntnVar is false) [ [[Go back out to the Hallway->bram upstairs hallway light]] ]
(if: $LightMessSvntnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[A Final Encounter? ->Bram mess option 10 light from lost]] ]
(if: $EmoDamageVar > 75) [ [[catacomb depths]] ]
(if: $EndRehrdMapYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 32 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdNoteYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 35 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdNoHlpYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 40 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdMapYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 25 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdNoteYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 28 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdNoHlpYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 30 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidMapYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 18 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidNoteYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 20 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidNoHlpYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 22 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyMapYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 10 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyNoteYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 12 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyNoHlpYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 15 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdMapNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 32 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdNoteNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 35 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdNoHlpNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 40 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdMapNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 25 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdNoteNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 28 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdNoHlpNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 30 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidMapNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 18 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ]
(if: $EndMidNoteNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 20 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidNoHlpNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 22 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyMapNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 10 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyNoteNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 12 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyNoHlpNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 15 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 75) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +1)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Entry
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [ [[Go into the Catecombs->bram Catecomb mid]] ]
The door creaks as Bram pushes it open, as if it hadn't been opened in a long time. From here there is a walkway into the foyer, and the first floor of the house stretches out beyond with wings to the left, back and right. The gaping size of the house beyond the entryway is still and stifling, and Bram forces a cough, mostly to hear any sound at all.
(if: $MidMessOneVar is false) [ [[Go into the foyer->bram foyer and ballroom mid]] ] (if: $MidMessOneVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[From behind you the door slams->Bram mess option 1 mid from entry]] ] (else-if: $MidMessOneVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[The door probably wasn't hung correctly, and the wind has been blowing all day ->Bram pass option 1 mid from entry]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(if: $ItemBoltCutVar is true)
[ [[bram Catecomb mid]] ]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Entry
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [ [[Go into the Catecombs->bram Catecomb hard]] ]
The door creaks as Bram pushes it open, as if it hadn't been opened in a long time. From here there is a walkway into the foyer, and the first floor of the house stretches out beyond with wings to the left, back and right. The gaping size of the house beyond the entryway is still and stifling, and Bram forces a cough, mostly to hear any sound at all.
(if: $HardMessOneVar is false) [ [[Go into the foyer->bram foyer and ballroom hard]] ] (if: $HardMessOneVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[From behind you the door slams->Bram mess option 1 hard from entry]] ] (else-if: $HardMessOneVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[The door probably wasn't hung correctly, and the wind has been blowing all day ->Bram pass option 1 hard from entry]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(if: $ItemBoltCutVar is true)
[[bram Catecomb hard]]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: ???
//No inventory in this room//
(if: $IsCareTakAliveVar is false)
[ [[Go Back into the Gable House ->bram enter gable mid]] ]
[ [[catacomb depths]] ]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Foyer
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
At some point the foyer was arranged to make it an art gallery, and the fixtures remain in the form of several pillars arranged in a semi-circle. A wiccan effegy hangs from one post, sporting many horns that point out in all directions, that regardless of where Bram is, a horn points towards him in accusation.
(if: $MidMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Enter the Dining Room ->bram dining mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Enter the Sitting Gallery->bram sitting mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Go Upstairs->bram stairs mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Go into the Ballroom->bram ballroom mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Go Back into the Entry->bram enter gable mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessTwoVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[Suddenly a noise errupts from all around Bram THUDTHUD THUDTHUD THUDTHUD, thundering a percussive rhythm throughout the massive rooms.->Bram mess option 2 mid from foyer]] ] (else-if: $MidMessTwoVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[The door slamming shook the house, a fixture must have fallen from a wall and rolled all the way down the hall.->Bram pass option 2 mid from foyer]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: ???
//No inventory in this room//
[[catacomb depths]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Foyer
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
At some point the foyer was arranged to make it an art gallery, and the fixtures remain in the form of several pillars arranged in a semi-circle. A wiccan effegy hangs from one post, sporting many horns that point out in all directions, that regardless of where Bram is, a horn points towards him in accusation.
(if: $HardMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Enter the Dining Room ->bram dining hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Enter the Sitting Gallery->bram sitting hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Go Upstairs->bram stairs hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Go into the Ballroom->bram ballroom hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessTwoVar is false) [ [[Go Back into the Entry->bram enter gable hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessTwoVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[Suddenly noise errupts from all around Bram THUDTHUD THUDTHUD THUDTHUD, thundering a percussive rhythm throughout the massive rooms.->Bram mess option 2 hard from foyer]] ] (else-if: $HardMessTwoVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[The door slamming shook the house, a fixture must have fallen from a wall and rolled all the way down the hall.->Bram pass option 2 hard from foyer]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Dining
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
Bram enters the dining room, the sun has almost set, but the room is aglow from phantom candlelight. The long table is set for a grand meal; porcelain, silk and silver! Bram greedily grabs a fork and puts it into his pocket, and by the time that he pulls his and out the fork has stabbed all the way in on its own. Bram's vision goes white for a second, and when he comes back to there is a dinner on the table, complete with a small, flat roast, exactly the size and shape of a human torse. Bram screams, works the form out and slams it into the table. The setting fades, but the damage to the table remains, and from the depths the housewife screams out in disdain. A door slams and Bram jumps...
(if: $MidMessFiveVar is false) [ [[Go into the Kitchen->bram kitchen mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessFiveVar is false) [ [[Go back to the Foyer->bram foyer and ballroom mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessFiveVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[More voices call out ->Bram mess option 3 mid from dining]] ] (else-if: $MidMessFiveVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[Is Bram alone...? ->Bram pass option 3 mid from dining]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Sitting
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
A massive fireplace dominates the center of the room, and five small wings stretch out beyond into the depths. Bram looks around, expecting... someone to make a move in the dark. (if: $DidBramUpStaVar is true) [Bram knows there is someone else in the house, and isn't yet fully convinced of the spirits, but something in him changed irrevocably.]
(if: $MidMessThrtnVar is false) [ Something in the air makes Bram feel dizzy and before he realizes what is happening he is [[out-cold->bram private library mid]] on the floor. He wakes up some time later in the Private Library ]
(if: $MidMessThrtnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[Movement; a glint from the corner of the room!->Bram mess option 7 mid from sitting]] ] (else-if: $MidMessThrtnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[Bram jumps back out ot the way ->Bram pass option 7 mid from sittingl]] ] (if: $DidBramUpStaVar is true and $ItemKnifeVar is true ) [ [[Pull your knife on the person->Stab Caretaker Mid]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Ballroom
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The ballroom is clearly a vast space, but at some point the ceiling from above collapsed, and what Bram is currently looking at doesn't quite make sense; it looks like the ramains of a swimming pool, and maybe a large window that has been utterly destroyed and strewn around. There is also a large gap in the ceiling where, whatever this used to be presumably used to exist.
//There is no inventory in this room//
(if: $MidMessThreeVar is false or $EntryMessVar is false or $FoyerMessVar is false or $DiningMessVar is false or $KitchenMessVar is false or $LandingMessVar is false or $PoolMessVar is false or $SittingMessVar is false or $LibraryMessVar is false or $BedroomMessVar is false) [ [[Go back into the Foyer->bram foyer and ballroom mid]] ] (if: $MidMessThreeVar is true and $EntryMessVar is true and $FoyerMessVar is true and $DiningMessVar is true and $KitchenMessVar is true and $LandingMessVar is true and $PoolMessVar is true and $SittingMessVar is true and $LibraryMessVar is true and $BedroomMessVar is true) [ [[A nearby pile of rubble shifts...->bram mess option 2 and half from ballroom]] ]
<!--matches don't work for half rooms-->
//No inventory in this room//
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)Passage Text
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Dining
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
Bram enters the dining room, the sun has almost set, but the room is aglow from phantom candlelight. The long table is set for a grand meal; porcelain, silk and silver! Bram greedily grabs a fork and puts it into his pocket, and by the time that he pulls his and out the fork has stabbed all the way in on its own. Bram's vision goes white for a second, and when he comes back to there is a dinner on the table, complete with a small, flat roast, exactly the size and shape of a human torse. Bram screams, works the form out and slams it into the table. The setting fades, but the damage to the table remains, and from the depths the housewife screams out in disdain. A door slams and Bram jumps...
(if: $HardMessFiveVar is false) [ [[Go into the Kitchen->bram kitchen hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessFiveVar is false) [ [[Go back to the Foyer->bram foyer and ballroom hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessFiveVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[More voices call out ->Bram mess option 3 hard from dining]] ] (else-if: $HardMessFiveVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[Is Bram alone...? ->Bram pass option 3 hard from dining]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Sitting
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
A massive fireplace dominates the center of the room, and five small wings stretch out beyond into the depths. Bram looks around, expecting... someone to make a move in the dark. (if: $DidBramUpStaVar is true) [Bram knows there is someone else in the house, and isn't yet fully convinced of the spirits, but something in him changed irrevocably.]
(if: $HardMessThrtnVar is false) [ Something in the air makes Bram feel dizzy and before he realizes what is happening he is [[out-cold->bram private library hard]] on the floor. He wakes up some time later in the Private Library ]
(if: $HardMessThrtnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[Movement; a glint from the corner of the room!->Bram mess option 7 hard from sitting]] ] (else-if: $HardMessThrtnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[Bram jumps back out ot the way ->Bram pass option 7 hard from sittingl]] ] (if: $DidBramUpStaVar is true and $ItemKnifeVar is true ) [ [[Pull your knife on the person->Stab Caretaker Hard]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +3)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Ballroom
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The ballroom is clearly a vast space, but at some point the ceiling from above collapsed, and what Bram is currently looking at doesn't quite make sense; it looks like the ramains of a swimming pool, and maybe a large window that has been utterly destroyed and strewn around. There is also a large gap in the ceiling where, whatever this used to be presumably used to exist.
//There is no inventory in this room//
(if: $HardMessThreeVar is false) [ [[Go back into the Foyer->bram foyer and ballroom hard]] ] (if: $EntryMessVar is true and $FoyerMessVar is true and $DiningMessVar is true and $KitchenMessVar is true and $LandingMessVar is true and $PoolMessVar is true and $SittingMessVar is true and $LibraryMessVar is true and $BedroomMessVar is true and $HardMessThreeVar is true) [ [[A nearby pile of rubble shifts...->bram mess option 2 and half from ballroom hard]] ]
<!--matches don't work for half rooms-->
[[bram foyer and ballroom hard]]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Private Library
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The private library it is difficult to navigate. Bram slowly stirs, starting to get up; he lays next to The Book, unwawre that he is within arm's reach of the key to solving the whole puzzle. The room smells sour, like bad yoghurt, every surface covered with thick ectoplasm. (if: $LightMessFrtnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [Bram is confused as he slowly wakes up, absent-mindedly wiping ectoplasm from his hand. Looking around there isn't much to see but stacks of books. He can't do much more than look around, as if somehow //compelled// to stay in place. ]
(if: $MidMessFrtnVar is false) [ [[Go back out to the landing ->bram upstairs landing mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessFrtnVar is false) [ [[Enter the Master Suite ->bram master suite mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessFrtnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[Circus music, and then... the same whir and light pop sound from the kitchen ->Bram mess option 8 mid from library]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Private Library
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The private library it is difficult to navigate. Bram slowly stirs, starting to get up; he lays next to The Book, unwawre that he is within arm's reach of the key to solving the whole puzzle. The room smells sour, like bad yoghurt, every surface covered with thick ectoplasm. (if: $LightMessFrtnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [Bram is confused as he slowly wakes up, absent-mindedly wiping ectoplasm from his hand. Looking around there isn't much to see but stacks of books. He can't do much more than look around, as if somehow //compelled// to stay in place. ]
(if: $HardMessFrtnVar is false) [ [[Go back out to the landing ->bram upstairs landing hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessFrtnVar is false) [ [[Enter the Master Suite ->bram master suite hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessFrtnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[Circus music, and then... the same whir and light pop sound from the kitchen ->Bram mess option 8 hard from library]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +3)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Kitchen
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The kitchen is a standard kitchen for a house of this size, with black and white checkerboard tiles, and outdated appliances. It smells familiar, but at first Bram cannot place it; something baked. He checks the oven, and the smell gets stronger, despite the mess of spiderwebs inside; blueberry muffins.
(if: $MidMessSixVar is false) [ [[Go into the Servant's Quarter->bram Servant's Quarter mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessSixVar is false) [ [[Go back into the Dining Room->bram dining mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessSixVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[The housewife wails again, this time much closer->Bram mess option 4 mid from kitchen]] ] (else-if: $MidMessSixVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[A pan flies past Bram's head; Pans don't fall vertically, someone threw that->Bram pass option 4 mid from kitchen]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Kitchen
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The kitchen is a standard kitchen for a house of this size, with black and white checkerboard tiles, and outdated appliances. It smells familiar, but at first Bram cannot place it; something baked. He checks the oven, and the smell gets stronger, despite the mess of spiderwebs inside; blueberry muffins.
(if: $HardMessSixVar is false) [ [[Go into the Servant's Quarter->bram Servant's Quarter hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessSixVar is false) [ [[Go back into the Dining Room->bram dining hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessSixVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[The housewife wails again, this time much closer->Bram mess option 4 hard from kitchen]] ] (else-if: $HardMessSixVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[A pan flies past Bram's head; Pans don't fall vertically, someone threw that->Bram pass option 4 hard from kitchen]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Servant's Quarter
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The Servant's Quarter is a small room off of the kitchen, hardly even big enough for a small bed. A small window lets in a pitiful amount of light. Apart from being a locus of energy within the house, the room offers little.
//There is no inventory in this room//
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is false) [ [[replenish]] ]
[[bram kitchen hard]]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Servant's Quarter
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The Servant's Quarter is a small room off of the kitchen, hardly even big enough for a small bed. A small window lets in a pitiful amount of light. Apart from being a locus of energy within the house, the room offers little.
//There is no inventory in this room//
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
[[bram kitchen mid]]
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is false) [ [[replenish]] ]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Upstairs Landing
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The landing overlooks the foyer below. There are two doors, one to the left and one to the right of the loft; they lead into entertaining rooms. Directly forward (and behind a secret bookshelf-door) is a hallway that leads into the private rooms. downstairs someone runs from one room to another - the footsteps are light and quick, as if created by a child.
(if: $HardMessEghtVar is false) [ [[Enter the Pool Room->bram pool room hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessEghtVar is false) [ [[Enter the Library->bram private library hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessEghtVar is false) [ [[Go through the secret door into the Hallway->bram upstairs hallway hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessEghtVar is false or $HardMessTenVar is false) [ [[Go back to the staircase ->bram stairs hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessEghtVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[There is a tug at Bram's pantleg->Bram mess option 5 hard from landing]] ]
(else-if: $HardMessEghtVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[Try to kick whoever keeps fucking with you->Bram pass option 5 hard from landing]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true and $HardMessTenVar is false) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true and $HardMessTenVar is false) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true and $HardMessTenVar is false) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true and $HardMessTenVar is false) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true and $HardMessTenVar is false) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true and $HardMessTenVar is false) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true and $HardMessTenVar is false) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true and $HardMessTenVar is false) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true and $HardMessTenVar is false) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true and $HardMessTenVar is false) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $DidBramUpStaVar to true)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +3)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Upstairs Landing
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The landing overlooks the foyer below. There are two doors, one to the left and one to the right of the loft; they lead into entertaining rooms. Directly forward (and behind a secret bookshelf-door) is a hallway that leads into the private rooms. downstairs someone runs from one room to another - the footsteps are light and quick, as if created by a child.
(if: $MidMessEghtVar is false) [ [[Enter the Pool Room->bram pool room mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessEghtVar is false) [ [[Enter the Library->bram private library mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessEghtVar is false) [ [[Go through the secret door into the Hallway->bram upstairs hallway mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessEghtVar is false) [ [[Go back to the staircase ->bram stairs mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessEghtVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[There is a tug at Bram's pantleg->Bram mess option 5 mid from landing]] ]
(else-if: $MidMessEghtVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[Try to kick whoever keeps fucking with you->Bram pass option 5 mid from landing]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true and $MidMessTenVar is false) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true and $MidMessTenVar is false) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true and $MidMessTenVar is false) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true and $MidMessTenVar is false) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true and $MidMessTenVar is false) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true and $MidMessTenVar is false) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true and $MidMessTenVar is false) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true and $MidMessTenVar is false) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $DidBramUpStaVar to true)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Upstairs Hallway
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The hallway is pretty standard, separating the master suite, and a set of old bedrooms that have been converted into... something else... Bram walks into the hallway, and the circus music begins again from the lost rooms. He hears Lacie, he hears those that he will one day torture to death back there, and then he hears the rest, all calling out, crying out, begging to be released from this hell. Bram crouches to the floor holding on to his ears until they stop. He no longer cares about how he looks, he is just ready to leave.
//No inventory in this room//
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
[[Go into the Master Suite ->bram master suite hard]]
(if: $RoomVisitVar is <= 25 or $EmoDamageVar is >95) [ [[Enter the Lost Rooms ->bram lost rooms hard]] ]
[[Go back out to the Landing ->bram upstairs landing hard]]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +4)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Pool
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
[It was a pool that Bram saw in the Ballroom a few minutes ago! What remains of the fallen-out floor now sits before him. The room smells terrible, like soggy mold, detah and decay; Bram wants to leave as quickly as he can.
(if: $HardMessNineVar is false) [ [[Go back out to the landing->bram upstairs landing hard]] ]
(if: $RoomVisitVar is <= 25 or $EmoDamageVar is >95) [ [[Enter the Lost Rooms ->bram lost rooms hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessNineVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[More voices from the dark->Bram mess option 6 hard from pool]] ]
(else-if: $HardMessNineVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[Bram gathers his courage and shouts back into the dark ->Bram pass option 6 hard from pool]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +3)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Pool
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
It was a pool that Bram saw in the Ballroom a few minutes ago! What remains of the fallen-out floor now sits before him. The room smells terrible, like soggy mold, detah and decay; Bram wants to leave as quickly as he can.
(if: $MidMessNineVar is false) [ [[Go back out to the landing->bram upstairs landing mid]] ]
(if: $RoomVisitVar is <= 20 or $EmoDamageVar is >85) [ [[Enter the Lost Rooms ->bram lost rooms mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessNineVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[More voices from the dark->Bram mess option 6 mid from pool]] ]
(else-if: $MidMessNineVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is true or $MatchFourSuccVar is true or $MatchOneAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFourAltSuccVar is true or $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is true) [ [[Bram gathers his courage and shouts back into the dark ->Bram pass option 6 mid from pool]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
(if: $ItemMatchOneVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveVar is true) [ [[Strike Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemMatchOneAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 1]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 2]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 3]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFourAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 4]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(if: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar is true) [ Strike [[Match 5]] - might get you past being messed with once]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Upstairs Hallway
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The hallway is pretty standard, separating the master suite, and a set of old bedrooms that have been converted into... something else... Bram walks into the hallway, and the circus music begins again from the lost rooms. He hears Lacie, he hears those that he will one day torture to death back there, and then he hears the rest, all calling out, crying out, begging to be released from this hell. Bram crouches to the floor holding on to his ears until they stop. He no longer cares about how he looks, he is just ready to leave.
//No inventory in this room//
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
[[Go into the Master Suite ->bram master suite mid]]
(if: $RoomVisitVar is <= 20 or $EmoDamageVar is >85) [ [[Enter the Lost Rooms ->bram lost rooms mid]] ]
[[Go back out to the Landing ->bram upstairs landing mid]]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Master Suite
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The master suite is comprised of three rooms, and is full of windows. Bram is more annoyed than scared that someone else is around, overcome by a sense of territory, at least at first. The other person shifts uncomforably in the bathroom.
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is false and $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is false and $GreedVar is true and $GreedVarTwo is true) [ [[replenish ->replenish 3]] ]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is false and $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is false and $GreedVar is true and $GreedVarTwo is false) [ [[replenish ->replenish 2]] ]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is false and $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is false and $GreedVarTwo is false) [ [[replenish ->replen match snack]] ]
(if: $HardMessFiftnVar is false) [ [[Go back to the Library->bram private library hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessFiftnVar is false) [ [[Exit the bathroom back into the Hallway->bram upstairs hallway hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessFiftnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[Sudden move from the Bathroom->Bram mess option 9 hard from master]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +3)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Lost Rooms
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >95) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
[Bram knows that Gable House is now his, provided he figures out how to leave. Somehow, at some point he sealed the deal in blood, a solid contract with //Chief Officer// that cannot be broken. The space in which he currently stands cannot be defined... it is definitely a room within a house, but even the dimensions seem to shift. Sometimes there are doors, and sometimes there aren't.
//No inventory in this room//
(if: $HardMessSvntnVar is false) [ [[Go back out to the pool->bram pool room hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessSvntnVar is false) [ [[Go back out to the Hallway->bram upstairs hallway hard]] ]
(if: $HardMessSvntnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[A Final Encounter? ->Bram mess option 10 hard from lost]] ]
(if: $EmoDamageVar > 95) [ [[catacomb depths]] ]
(if: $EndRehrdMapYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 32 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdNoteYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 45 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdNoHlpYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 40 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdMapYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 25 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdNoteYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 28 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdNoHlpYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 30 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidMapYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 18 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidNoteYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 40 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidNoHlpYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 22 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyMapYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 30 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyNoteYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 12 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyNoHlpYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 15 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdMapNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 32 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdNoteNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 45 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdNoHlpNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 40 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdMapNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 25 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdNoteNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 28 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdNoHlpNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 30 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidMapNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 18 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ]
(if: $EndMidNoteNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 40 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidNoHlpNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 22 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyMapNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 30 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyNoteNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 12 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyNoHlpNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 15 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 95) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +3)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Master Suite
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
The master suite is comprised of three rooms, and is full of windows. Bram is more annoyed than scared that someone else is around, overcome by a sense of territory, at least at first. The other person shifts uncomforably in the bathroom..
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is false and $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is false and $GreedVar is true and $GreedVarTwo is true) [ [[replenish ->replenish 3]] ]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is false and $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is false and $GreedVar is true and $GreedVarTwo is false) [ [[replenish ->replenish 2]] ]
(if: $ItemMatchTwoVar is false and $ItemMatchTwoAltVar is false and $GreedVar is false and $GreedVarTwo is false) [ [[replenish ->replen match snack]] ]
(if: $MidMessFiftnVar is false) [ [[Go back to the Library->bram private library mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessFiftnVar is false) [ [[Exit the bathroom back into the Hallway->bram upstairs hallway mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessFiftnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[Sudden move from the Bathroom->Bram mess option 9 mid from master]] ]
Store Inventory:
(if: $ItemSangwhichVar is true) [ [[Eat Sandwich]] - regain some damage]
(if: $ItemWaterVar is true) [ [[Drink Water]] - regain less damage]
(if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [ [[Use Knife]] - might help with something...]
Gas Station Inventory:
(if: $ItemWaterBotVar is true) [ [[Drink Bottle Water]] - regain a bit of damage]
(if: $ItemSnackVar is true) [ [[Eat Snack]] - regain a bit of damage]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Current Location: Lost Rooms
(if: $EmoDamageVar is >85) [Bram has had too much and loses his mind, destined to wander through the depths until the circus freak collects him]
Bram knows that Gable House is now his, provided he figures out how to leave. Somehow, at some point he sealed the deal in blood, a solid contract with //Chief Officer// that cannot be broken. The space in which he currently stands cannot be defined... it is definitely a room within a house, but even the dimensions seem to shift. Sometimes there are doors, and sometimes there aren't.
//No inventory in this room//
(if: $MidMessSvntnVar is false) [ [[Go back out to the pool->bram pool room mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessSvntnVar is false) [ [[Go back out to the Hallway->bram upstairs hallway mid]] ]
(if: $MidMessSvntnVar is true and $MatchOneSuccVar is false and $MatchFourSuccVar is false and $MatchOneAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFourAltSuccVar is false and $MatchFiveAltSuccVar is false) [ [[A Final Encounter? ->Bram mess option 10 mid from lost]] ]
(if: $EmoDamageVar > 85) [ [[catacomb depths]] ]
(if: $EndRehrdMapYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 32 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdNoteYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 40 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdNoHlpYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 40 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdMapYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 25 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdNoteYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 28 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdNoHlpYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 30 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidMapYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 18 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidNoteYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 35 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidNoHlpYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 22 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyMapYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 20 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyNoteYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 12 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyNoHlpYeSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 15 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdMapNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 32 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdNoteNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 40 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndRehrdNoHlpNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 40 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdMapNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 25 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdNoteNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 28 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndHrdNoHlpNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 30 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidMapNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 18 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidNoteNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 35 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndMidNoHlpNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 22 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyMapNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 20 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyNoteNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 12 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ] (if: $EndEasyNoHlpNoSabVar is true and $RoomVisitVar is >= 15 and $EmoDamageVar is <= 85) [ [[Wake up in foyer]] ]
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it +1)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +2)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The foyer is grand to fit the grandiosity of the rest of the house; at some point it was arranged to make it an art gallery, and the fixtures remain in the form of several pillars arranged in a semi-circle. Bram wakes within the semicircle bathed in light from the open front door.
(if: $SabCarVar is true) [Bram's car sits out on the curb, unusuable, but everything else has gone according to plan up to this point... //Chief Officer// said so. Bram reasons that this will go in his favor as well. He goes out to the porch.] (else:) [Bram goes out and looks at his car, surprised that it is still here. //Chief Officer// wants him to get started right away, and there is so much to get done.]
(if: $IsCareTakAliveVar is true) [The Caretaker comes and sits next to Bram, but doesn't say anything for a long time, they both understand. Eventually they stand, tell Bram that they are just down the hill //in case//, and they walk off] (else:) ["...that was unexpected... you know I will be with you forever now, right?" speaks the ghost of the caretaker from behind Bram. He doesn't even bother to turn around, knowing that he will see the same confusing and shapeless face, the same average build. "Anyway, see you around Bram..." And then he is alone on the porch, watching the sun come up.]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
A gust of wind helps with the effort, and the door slams so hard that the house shakes a bit. You can hear Bram yelp out from inside.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Foyer.
[[back ->enter gable light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $LightMessOneVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
You run down the hall in the dark, making as much noise as possible. The spirits are active tonight, and someone else runs down the other hall opposite the stairway also in the direction of the Ballroom, your combined footfalls clash together in an echoing cacophony.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Ballroom.
[[back ->foyer and ballroom light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $LightMessTwoVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
From just beyond the door in the hallway you call out at Bram "The only way out is through!" The little girl giggles from upstairs, but Bram probably can't hear her. Her voice is reasurring though, and you press onward.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Kitchen.
[[back ->dining light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $LightMessFiveVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Because of the damage Bram visited on the table, The Housewife is happy to oblige, coming in quickly to scold Bram. He cannot hear her, not yet, but he also can't avoid the pan she throws at him, which narrowly misses.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Kitchen and then the dining room.
[[back ->kitchen light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $LightMessSixVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[stairs light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to 8)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[stairs mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to 8)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[stairs hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to 8)this is just a placeholder for organization and signifies if the caretaker was lateThe Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram kicks backwards like a horse, almost kicking you in the face, but you are able to duck out of the way just in time. The Little Girl spirit rushes past from below, beyond Bram into the Library on the right... giggling the whole way.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Pool.
[[back ->upstairs landing light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $LightMessEghtVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram turns and looks direcly at you responding with a shaky "...h-hello?.." Fortunately the corner you are in is very dark, you close your eyes, and Bram cannot see you. From downstairs in the ballroom Sangrii replies to Bram "Come one, come all, see the worst show on earth..."
From here Mr. Bram goes back to the landing.
[[back ->pool room light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $LightMessNineVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The candlestick glints, and Bram locks in on your position, pulling a knife, you are barely able to dodge the attack, rolling back into the dark, and the making your way out of the room as quickly and quietly as possible. He managed to land a cut, and you are bleeding, but it is only superficial.
From here Mr. Bram passes out and must be dragged to library.
[[back ->sitting light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $LightMessThrtnVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The circus freak himself lightly touches your shoulder in approval as he passes, whispering "//Chief Officer// is pleased...", and makes his way into the library to introduce himself.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Master Suite.
[[back ->private library light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $LightMessFrtnVar to true)
set: $SummSangVar to false)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light 2]]this is just a placeholder for organization and signifies the final partThe Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram knows that you are here since Sangrii explained a few things to him, but an air of acceptance seems to have come over him. He jumps as the door slams, but doesn't make an attemt to do anything but leave... his knife still lays on the floor in the sitting room.
From here Mr. Bram goes into upstairs hallway.
[[back ->master suite light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $LightMessFiftnVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
From here Mr. Bram passes out and must be dragged down to the Foyer.
[[back ->lost rooms light]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)
(set: $LightMessSvntnVar to true)
(set: $DidForceBramVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
A gust of wind helps with the effort, and the door slams so hard that the house shakes a bit. You can hear Bram yelp out from inside.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Foyer.
[[back ->enter gable mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $MidMessOneVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div mid]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
You run down the hall in the dark, making as much noise as possible. The spirits are active tonight, and someone else runs down the other hall opposite the stairway also in the direction of the Ballroom, your combined footfalls clash together in an echoing cacophony.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Ballroom.
[[back ->foyer and ballroom mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $MidMessTwoVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div mid]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
From just beyond the door in the hallway you call out at Bram "The only way out is through!" The little girl giggles from upstairs, but Bram probably can't hear her. Her voice is reasurring though, and you press onward.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Kitchen.
[[back ->dining mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $MidMessFiveVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div mid]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Because of the damage Bram visited on the table, The Housewife is happy to oblige, coming in quickly to scold Bram. He cannot hear her, not yet, but he also can't avoid the pan she throws at him, which narrowly misses.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Kitchen, then the Dining Room.
[[back ->kitchen mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $MidMessSixVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div mid]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram kicks backwards like a horse, almost kicking you in the face, but you are able to duck out of the way just in time. The Little Girl spirit rushes past from below, beyond Bram into the Library on the right... giggling the whole way.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Pool.
[[back ->upstairs landing mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $MidMessEghtVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light mid 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram turns and looks direcly at you responding with a shaky "...h-hello?.." Fortunately the corner you are in is very dark, you close your eyes, and Bram cannot see you. From downstairs in the ballroom Sangrii replies to Bram "Come one, come all, see the worst show on earth..."
From here Mr. Bram goes back to the landing.
[[back ->pool room mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $MidMessNineVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light mid 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The candlestick glints, and Bram locks in on your position, pulling a knife, you are barely able to dodge the attack, rolling back into the dark, and the making your way out of the room as quickly and quietly as possible. He managed to land a cut, and you are bleeding, but it is only superficial.
From here Mr. Bram passes out and must be dragged to library.
[[back ->sitting mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $MidMessThrtnVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light mid 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The circus freak himself lightly touches your shoulder in approval as he passes, whispering "//Chief Officer// is pleased...", and makes his way into the library to introduce himself.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Master Suite.
(set: $SummSangVar to true)
[[back ->private library mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $MidMessFrtnVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light mid 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram knows that you are here since Sangrii explained a few things to him, but an air of acceptance seems to have come over him. He jumps as the door slams, but doesn't make an attemt to do anything but leave... his knife still lays on the floor in the sitting room.
From here Mr. Bram goes into upstairs hallway.
[[back ->master suite mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $MidMessFiftnVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
From here Mr. Bram passes out and must be dragged down to the Foyer.
[[back ->lost rooms mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)
(set: $MidMessSvntnVar to true)
(set: $DidForceBramVar to true)this is just a placeholder for organization and signifies if the caretaker was latethis is just a placeholder for organization and signifies the final partThe Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
A gust of wind helps with the effort, and the door slams so hard that the house shakes a bit. You can hear Bram yelp out from inside.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Foyer.
[[back ->enter gable hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessOneVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div hard]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
You run down the hall in the dark, making as much noise as possible. The spirits are active tonight, and someone else runs down the other hall opposite the stairway also in the direction of the Ballroom, your combined footfalls clash together in an echoing cacophony.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Ballroom.
[[back ->foyer and ballroom hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessTwoVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div hard]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
From just beyond the door in the hallway you call out at Bram "The only way out is through!" The little girl giggles from upstairs, but Bram probably can't hear her. Her voice is reasurring though, and you press onward.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Kitchen.
[[back ->dining hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessFiveVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div hard]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Because of the damage Bram visited on the table, The Housewife is happy to oblige, coming in quickly to scold Bram. He cannot hear her, not yet, but he also can't avoid the pan she throws at him, which narrowly misses.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Kitchen, then the dining room.
[[back ->kitchen hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessSixVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div hard]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram kicks backwards like a horse, almost kicking you in the face, but you are able to duck out of the way just in time. The Little Girl spirit rushes past from below, beyond Bram into the Library on the right... giggling the whole way.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Pool.
[[back ->upstairs landing hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessEghtVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light hard 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
From here Mr. Bram goes back to the landing.
Bram turns and looks direcly at you responding with a shaky "...h-hello?.." Fortunately the corner you are in is very dark, you close your eyes, and Bram cannot see you. From downstairs in the ballroom Sangrii replies to Bram "Come one, come all, see the worst show on earth..."
[[back ->pool room hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessNineVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light hard 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The candlestick glints, and Bram locks in on your position, pulling a knife, you are barely able to dodge the attack, rolling back into the dark, and the making your way out of the room as quickly and quietly as possible. He managed to land a cut, and you are bleeding, but it is only superficial.
From here Mr. Bram passes out and must be dragged to library.
[[back ->sitting hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessThrtnVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light hard 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The circus freak himself lightly touches your shoulder in approval as he passes, whispering "//Chief Officer// is pleased...", and makes his way into the library to introduce himself.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Master Suite.
[[back ->private library hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessFrtnVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light hard 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram knows that you are here since Sangrii explained a few things to him, but an air of acceptance seems to have come over him. He jumps as the door slams, but doesn't make an attemt to do anything but leave... his knife still lays on the floor in the sitting room.
From here Mr. Bram goes into upstairs hallway.
[[back ->master suite hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessFiftnVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
From here Mr. Bram passes out and must be dragged down to the Foyer.
[[back ->lost rooms hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it +1)
(set: $HardMessSvntnVar to true)
(set: $DidForceBramVar to true)this is just a placeholder for organization and signifies if the caretaker was latethis is just a placeholder for organization and signifies the final partThe Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
[[private library light]]
(set: $DidDragLibraryVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
[[private library mid]]
(set: $DidDragLibraryVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's Path: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
[[private library hard]]
(set: $DidDragLibraryVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The pile of rubble lands really close to Mr. Bram, who dives out of the way regardless of the fact that it wouldn't have hit him. A second pile falls near him on the other side.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Foyer.
[[back ->ballroom mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $MidMessThreeVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div mid]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
You dash past Bram, bumping him out of the way as you pass; once you are beyond the secret door you close it behind you, leaning on it to catch your breath for a second before following Bram again.
From here Mr. Bram goes back downstairs.
[[back ->upstairs landing mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $MidMessTenVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light mid 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
It takes very little force to break the banister, which collapses into a hundred pieces, the majority of which fall onto the floor beneath the stairway. Bram jumps back a bit, but takes care to not touch the banister on the other side, and makes his way the rest of the way down.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the foyer.
[[back ->stairs mid]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $MidMessElvnVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light mid 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The pile of rubble lands on Mr. Bram, doing a lot of superficial damge, but nothing overly serious. A second pile falls near him on the other side.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the Foyer.
[[back ->ballroom hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessThreeVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div hard]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
You dash past Bram, bumping him out of the way as you pass; once you are beyond the secret door you close it behind you, leaning on it to catch your breath for a second before following Bram again.
From here Mr. Bram goes back downstairs.
[[back ->upstairs landing hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessTenVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light hard 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
It takes very little force to break the banister, which collapses into a hundred pieces, the majority of which fall onto the floor beneath the stairway. Bram had just taken his hand off of the banister as it collapsed, and the sudden lack of support makes him stumble, missing a few stairs... he slowly makes his way the rest of the way down.
Bram stumbles and nearly falls
From here Mr. Bram goes into the foyer.
[[back ->stairs hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessElvnVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light hard 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
You chuck many pieces of the broken banister in Bram's direction, each time getting closer until one hits him in the face and he falls over.
From here Mr. Bram goes into the sitting room.
[[back ->foyer and ballroom hard]]
(set: $BramPathVarAlpha to it -1)
(set: $HardMessTwlvVar to true)
(if: $HideVar is true)
[[div light hard 2]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
"food... food... //food...// //FOOD...// ''food..''"
[[Keep searching... ->Search for every item]]
(set: $ItemSangwhichVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
"water... water... //water...// //WATER...// ''WATER..''"
[[Keep searching... ->Search for every item]]
(set: $ItemWaterVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
"knife... knife... //knife...// //knife...// ''KNIFE..''"
[[Keep searching... ->Search for every item]]
(set: $ItemKnifeVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
"bolt... cutters... //bolt...// //CUTTERS...// ''Bolt..'' ''//CUTTERS//''"
[[Keep searching... ->Search for every item]]
(set: $ItemBoltCutVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
"matches... matches... //matches...// //MATCHES...// ''Matches..''"
[[Keep searching... ->Search for every item]]
(set: $ItemMatchOneVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchTwoVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchThreeVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFourVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFiveVar to true)
[[Bram goes to the store]]
(set: $NausVar to true)
[[Bram goes to the gas station]]
[[Initiate 2]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $ItemPaperPenVar is true)
[ [[loading... ->easy light map sab yes]] ]
(else-if: $ItemStickyNote is true)
[ [[loading... ->easy light note sab yes]] ]
[ [[loading... ->easy light no help sab yes]] ]
<!-- check for: paper pen, sticky notes, no help -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $ItemPaperPenVar is true)
[ [[loading... ->mid light map sab yes]] ]
(else-if: $ItemStickyNote is true)
[ [[loading... ->mid light note sab yes]] ]
[ [[loading... ->mid light no help sab yes]] ]
<!-- check for: paper pen, sticky notes, no help -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $ItemPaperPenVar is true)
[ [[loading... ->hard light map sab yes]] ]
(else-if: $ItemStickyNote is true)
[ [[loading... ->hard light note sab yes]] ]
[ [[loading... ->hard light no help sab yes]] ]
<!-- check for: paper pen, sticky notes, no help -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[energy drink]] or [[water]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Boring but... probably better for you in the end.
[[Bram goes to the gas station]]
(set: $ItemWaterBotVar to true)
(set: $DrinkSelVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
You like to party I see... very nice
[[Bram goes to the gas station]]
(set: $ItemEnergyDrink to true)
(set: $DrinkSelVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $ItemPaperPenVar is true)
[ [[loading... ->really hard light map sab yes]] ]
(else-if: $ItemStickyNote is true)
[ [[loading... ->really hard light note sab yes]] ]
[ [[loading... ->really hard light no help sab yes]] ]
<!-- check for: paper pen, sticky notes, no help -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $ItemPaperPenVar is true)
[ [[loading... ->easy light map sab no]] ]
(else-if: $ItemStickyNote is true)
[ [[loading... ->easy light note sab no]] ]
[ [[loading... ->easy light no help sab no]] ]
<!-- check for: paper pen, sticky notes, no help -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $ItemPaperPenVar is true)
[ [[loading... ->mid light map sab no]] ]
(else-if: $ItemStickyNote is true)
[ [[loading... ->mid light note sab no]] ]
[ [[loading... ->mid light no help sab no]] ]
<!-- check for: paper pen, sticky notes, no help -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $ItemPaperPenVar is true)
[ [[loading... ->really hard light map sab no]] ]
(else-if: $ItemStickyNote is true)
[ [[loading... ->really hard light note sab no]] ]
[ [[loading... ->really hard light no help sab no]] ]
<!-- check for: paper pen, sticky notes, no help -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(if: $ItemPaperPenVar is true)
[ [[loading... ->hard light map sab no]] ]
(else-if: $ItemStickyNote is true)
[ [[loading... ->hard light note sab no]] ]
[ [[loading... ->hard light no help sab no]] ]
<!-- check for: paper pen, sticky notes, no help -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done pos]]
(set: $EndEasyMapYeSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done pos]]
(set: $EndEasyNoteYeSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done pos]]
(set: $EndEasyNoHlpYeSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done pos]]
(set: $EndMidMapYeSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done pos]]
(set: $EndMidNoteYeSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done pos]]
(set: $EndMidNoHlpYeSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done pos]]
(set: $EndHrdMapYeSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done pos]]
(set: $EndHrdNoteYeSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done pos]]
(set: $EndHrdNoHlpYeSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done pos]]
(set: $EndRehrdMapYeSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done pos]]
(set: $EndRehrdNoteYeSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done pos]]
(set: $EndRehrdNoHlpYeSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done neg]]
(set: $EndRehrdMapNoSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done neg]]
(set: $EndRehrdNoteNoSabVar to true)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done neg]]
(set: $EndRehrdNoHlpNoSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done neg]]
(set: $EndHrdMapNoSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done neg]]
(set: $EndHrdNoteNoSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done neg]]
(set: $EndHrdNoHlpNoSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done neg]]
(set: $EndMidMapNoSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done neg]]
(set: $EndMidNoteNoSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done neg]]
(set: $EndMidNoHlpNoSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done neg]]
(set: $EndEasyMapNoSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done neg]]
(set: $EndEasyNoteNoSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
[[Nearly There... Thank you for your patience ->Bram gable sabo done neg]]
(set: $EndEasyNoHlpNoSabVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
A refreshing drink restores 20 of Bram's damage points.
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it -20)
(set: $ItemWaterVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
A quick meal restores 50 of Bram's damage points.
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it -50)
(set: $ItemSangwhichVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram pulls out a knife, but he is in a haunted house fighting ghosts, so it isn't really very effective. His hands shake and the knife falls to the ground, bouncing off into the distance...
(set: $ItemKnifeVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
A refreshing drink restores 40 of Bram's damage points.
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it -40)
(set: $ItemWaterBotVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
<!-- somewhere between water and food from store -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
A light snack restores 30 of Bram's damage points.
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it -30)
(set: $ItemSnackVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Bram's hands shake from the caffine and he spills his bag. Most things are recovered, but his favorite pen rolls into the sewer, and he looses two matches.
(set: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar to false)<!-- match 3, fails -->
(set: $ItemMatchFourAltVar to false)<!-- match 4, allows Bram to surpass 1 mess option -->
(set: $BadStartGoodLuckVar to true)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The match lights the room, and Bram is certain that he sees movement low to the ground.
(set: $ItemMatchOneVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to true)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The match lights the room, and Bram is certain that he sees movement low to the ground.
(set: $ItemMatchFourVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to true)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The match doesn't light...
(set: $ItemMatchTwoVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The match doesn't light...
(set: $ItemMatchThreeVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The match doesn't light...
(set: $ItemMatchFiveVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The match lights the room, and Bram is certain that he sees movement low to the ground.
(set: $ItemMatchOneAltVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to true)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The match doesn't light...
(set: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The match doesn't light...
(set: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The match lights the room, and Bram is certain that he sees movement low to the ground.
(set: $ItemMatchFourAltVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to true)
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
The match lights the room, and Bram is certain that he sees movement low to the ground.
(set: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar to false)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to true)The front door slams, hard, and the house shakes back in response, then shutters as a large gust of wind wraps around it. Bram can't help but let out a little yelp, immediately feeling ridiculous for jumping at the wind.
[[go back ->bram enter gable light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $LightMessOneVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +3)
(set: $EntryMessVar to true) <!-- Entry -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
With the door now shut the entry is pitch black for just a second, but you struck a match, which revealed nothing more than an empty room.
[[bram enter gable light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $LightMessOneVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $EntryMessVar to true) <!-- Entry -->The front door slams, hard, and the house shakes back in response, then shutters as a large gust of wind wraps around it. Bram can't help but let out a little yelp, immediately feeling ridiculous for jumping at the wind.
[[go back ->bram enter gable mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessOneVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +6)
(set: $EntryMessVar to true) <!-- entry -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
With the door now shut the entry is pitch black for just a second, but you struck a match, which revealed nothing more than an empty room.
[[bram enter gable mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $MidMessOneVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $EntryMessVar to true) <!-- entry -->The front door slams, hard, and the house shakes back in response, then shutters as a large gust of wind wraps around it. Bram can't help but let out a little yelp, immediately feeling ridiculous for jumping at the wind.
[[go back ->bram enter gable hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessOneVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +6)
(set: $EntryMessVar to true) <!-- entry -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
With the door now shut the entry is pitch black for just a second, but you struck a match, which revealed nothing more than an empty room.
[[bram enter gable hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $HardMessOneVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $EntryMessVar to true) <!-- entry -->Two sets of footsteps echo out down the two hallways, harshly interrupting the silence that had previously been so pervasive. They are together, coming from both sides, and Bram is still overwhelmed for a minute after it stops.
[[go back ->bram foyer and ballroom light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $LightMessTwoVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +4)
(set: $FoyerMessVar to true) <!-- foyer -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Upon striking the match Bram sees a spot where a fixture once obviously hung, surely he would find it down the hall if he went a little bit further.
[[bram foyer and ballroom light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $LightMessTwoVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $FoyerMessVar to true) <!-- foyer -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Upon striking the match Bram sees a spot where a fixture once obviously hung, surely he would find it down the hall if he went a little bit further.
[[bram foyer and ballroom mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set:$MidMessTwoVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $FoyerMessVar to true) <!-- foyer -->Two sets of footsteps echo out down the two hallways, harshly interrupting the silence that had previously been so pervasive. They are together, coming from both sides, and Bram is still overwhelmed for a minute after it stops.
[[go back ->bram foyer and ballroom mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessTwoVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +7)
(set: $FoyerMessVar to true) <!-- foyer -->
Two sets of footsteps echo out down the two hallways, harshly interrupting the silence that had previously been so pervasive. They are together, coming from both sides, and Bram is still overwhelmed for a minute after it stops.
(if: $HardMessSvntnVar is false)
[ [[go back ->bram foyer and ballroom hard]] ]
[ [[Ghost Swarm->Bram meess option 8 and half from foyer]] ]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessTwoVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +7)
(set: $FoyerMessVar to true) <!-- foyer -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Upon striking the match Bram sees a spot where a fixture once obviously hung, surely he would find it down the hall if he went a little bit further.
[[bram foyer and ballroom hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $HardMessTwoVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $FoyerMessVar to true) <!-- foyer -->A voice calls out from the hall... "The only way out is through!", and a little girl giggles from even deeper in. The girl's voice sets Bram on edge more effectively than the other voice.
[[go back ->bram dining light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $LightMessFiveVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +5)
(set: $DiningMessVar to true) <!-- dining -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Clearly Bram is not alone, someone is playing tricks. He takes a mental note to keep an eye out (if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [and touches the knife holstered in his belt, feeling reassured] (else:) [sudddenly Bram wishes that he had purchased a knife, even a utility knife right know would feel better than nothing]
[[bram dining light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $LightMessFiveVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $DiningMessVar to true) <!-- dining -->
A voice calls out from the hall... "The only way out is through!", and a little girl giggles from even deeper in. The girl's voice sets Bram on edge more effectively than the other voice.
[[go back ->bram dining mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessFiveVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +8)
(set: $DiningMessVar to true) <!-- dining -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Clearly Bram is not alone, someone is playing tricks. He takes a mental note to keep an eye out (if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [and touches the knife holstered in his belt, feeling reassured] (else:) [sudddenly Bram wishes that he had purchased a knife, even a utility knife right know would feel better than nothing]
[[bram dining mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $MidMessFiveVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $DiningMessVar to true) <!-- dining -->
A voice calls out from the hall... "The only way out is through!", and a little girl giggles from even deeper in. The girl's voice sets Bram on edge more effectively than the other voice.
[[go back ->bram dining hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessFiveVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +8)
(set: $DiningMessVar to true) <!-- dining -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Clearly Bram is not alone, someone is playing tricks. He takes a mental note to keep an eye out (if: $ItemKnifeVar is true) [and touches the knife holstered in his belt, feeling reassured] (else:) [sudddenly Bram wishes that he had purchased a knife, even a utility knife right know would feel better than nothing]
[[bram dining hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $HardMessFiveVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $DiningMessVar to true) <!-- dining -->
There is some sort of gutteral/rhythmic sound from the Servant's Quarter, and then a slight pop, and the screaming woman suddenly sounds like she is in the same room as Bram, just for an instant before her scream is strangled to a stop. A pan flies past Bram's head, nearly missing; it clatters loudly on the floor.
[[go back ->bram kitchen light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $LightMessSixVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +6)
(set: $KitchenMessVar to true) <!-- kitchen from servant's quarters -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
"Who the fuck threw that pan?" Bram yells out, not expecting an answer, and none comes. The housewife screams that she did it, but Bram does not hear her.
[[bram kitchen light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $LightMessSixVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $KitchenMessVar to true) <!-- kitchen from servant's quarters -->
There is some sort of gutteral/rhythmic sound from the Servant's Quarter, and then a slight pop, and the screaming woman suddenly sounds like she is in the same room as Bram, just for an instant before her scream is strangled to a stop. A pan flies past Bram's head, nearly missing; it clatters loudly on the floor.
[[go back ->bram kitchen hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessSixVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +9)
(set: $KitchenMessVar to true) <!-- kitchen from servant's quarters -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
"Who the fuck threw that pan?" Bram yells out, not expecting an answer, and none comes. The housewife screams that she did it, but Bram does not hear her.
[[bram kitchen hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $HardMessSixVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $KitchenMessVar to true) <!-- kitchen from servant's quarters -->
There is some sort of gutteral/rhythmic sound from the Servant's Quarter, and then a slight pop, and the screaming woman suddenly sounds like she is in the same room as Bram, just for an instant before her scream is strangled to a stop. A pan flies past Bram's head, nearly missing; it clatters loudly on the floor.
[[go back ->bram kitchen mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessSixVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +9)
(set: $KitchenMessVar to true) <!-- kitchen from servant's quarters -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
"Who the fuck threw that pan?" Bram yells out, not expecting an answer, and none comes. The housewife screams that she did it, but Bram does not hear her.
[[bram kitchen mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $MidMessSixVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $KitchenMessVar to true) <!-- kitchen from servant's quarters -->
Bram pulls his foot forward in alarm and freezes for a minute, not entirely sure how to handle what just happened to him. The litlte girl runs up the stairs, and then rushes past Bram giggling the whole way; her footsteps echo the whole way, but Bram does not see anyone.
(if: $HardMessTenVar is false)
[ [[go back ->bram upstairs landing hard]] ]
[ [[Rushed by a demon ->Bram mess option 6 and half from landing hard]] ]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessEghtVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +10)
(set: $LandingMessVar to true) <!-- landing -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Bram kicks backwards as hard as he can, but doesn't hit anything. He is sure someone else is in the house, and determined to find out who it is.
[[bram upstairs landing hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $HardMessEghtVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $LandingMessVar to true) <!-- landing -->
Bram pulls his foot forward in alarm and freezes for a minute, not entirely sure how to handle what just happened to him. The litlte girl runs up the stairs, and then rushes past Bram giggling the whole way; her footsteps echo the whole way, but Bram does not see anyone.
(if: $MidMessTenVar is false)
[ [[go back ->bram upstairs landing mid]] ]
[ [[Rushed by a demon ->Bram mess otion 6 and half from landing]] ]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessEghtVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +10)
(set: $LandingMessVar to true) <!-- landing -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Bram kicks backwards as hard as he can, but doesn't hit anything. He is sure someone else is in the house, and determined to find out who it is.
[[bram upstairs landing mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $MidMessEghtVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $LandingMessVar to true) <!-- landing -->
Bram pulls his foot forward in alarm and freezes for a minute, not entirely sure how to handle what just happened to him. The litlte girl runs up the stairs, and then rushes past Bram giggling the whole way; her footsteps echo the whole way, but Bram does not see anyone.
[[go back ->bram upstairs landing light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $LightMessEghtVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +7)
(set: $LandingMessVar to true) <!-- landing -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Bram kicks backwards as hard as he can, but doesn't hit anything. He is sure someone else is in the house, and determined to find out who it is.
[[bram upstairs landing light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $LightMessEghtVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $LandingMessVar to true) <!-- landing -->
From multiple directions at once comes a whisper in the dark, dank room... "careful not to fall in..."
"...h-hello?" Bram manages in response, there is no echo, just a cold, deep silence for a second. Then, unmistakably from below a reply //does// come...
"Come one, come all, see the worst show on earth..." Bram hears circus music, just briefly, and in his head comes a whisper again //we will meet soon//
[[go back ->bram pool room light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $LightMessNineVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +8)
(set: $PoolMessVar to true) <!-- Pool -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Bram yells back "//y-you don't scare m-me!//" but his voice shakes...
[[bram pool room light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $LightMessNineVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $PoolMessVar to true) <!-- Pool -->
From multiple directions at once comes a whisper in the dark, dank room... "careful not to fall in..."
"...h-hello?" Bram manages in response, there is no echo, just a cold, deep silence for a second. Then, unmistakably from below a reply //does// come...
"Come one, come all, see the worst show on earth..." Bram hears circus music, just briefly, and in his head comes a whisper again //we will meet soon//
[[go back ->bram pool room mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessNineVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +11)
(set: $PoolMessVar to true) <!-- Pool -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Bram yells back "//y-you don't scare m-me!//" but his voice shakes...
[[bram pool room mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $MidMessNineVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $PoolMessVar to true) <!-- Pool -->
From multiple directions at once comes a whisper in the dark, dank room... "careful not to fall in..."
"...h-hello?" Bram manages in response, there is no echo, just a cold, deep silence for a second. Then, unmistakably from below a reply //does// come...
"Come one, come all, see the worst show on earth..." Bram hears circus music, just briefly, and in his head comes a whisper again //we will meet soon//
[[bo back ->bram pool room hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessNineVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +11)
(set: $PoolMessVar to true) <!-- Pool -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Bram yells back "//y-you don't scare m-me!//" but his voice shakes...
[[bram pool room hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $HardMessNineVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $PoolMessVar to true) <!-- Pool -->Bram tries to lunge at whoever has been haunting him, but he is pushed, hard, from behind and stumbles forward right into the candlestick that is swinging at him from the dark. Bram is struck in the head, and he falls to the floor. Feeling woozy, he can hear the other person scurry away.
[[go back ->bram sitting light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $LightMessThrtnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +9)
(set: $SittingMessVar to true) <!-- sitting -->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Dodge candlestick, yell out at person who scurries away
[[bram sitting light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $LightMessThrtnVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $SittingMessVar to true) <!-- sitting -->
Bram tries to lunge at whoever has been haunting him, but he is pushed, hard, from behind and stumbles forward right into the candlestick that is swinging at him from the dark. Bram is struck in the head, and he falls to the floor. Feeling woozy, he can hear the other person scurry away.
[[go back ->bram sitting mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessThrtnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +12)
(set: $SittingMessVar to true) <!-- sitting -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
[[bram sitting mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $MidMessThrtnVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $SittingMessVar to true) <!-- sitting -->
Bram tries to lunge at whoever has been haunting him, but he is pushed, hard, from behind and stumbles forward right into the candlestick that is swinging at him from the dark. Bram is struck in the head, and he falls to the floor. Feeling woozy, he can hear the other person scurry away.
[[go back ->bram sitting hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessThrtnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +12)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $SittingMessVar to true) <!-- sitting -->
The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
[[bram sitting hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $HardMessThrtnVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $SittingMessVar to true) <!-- sitting -->//Chief Officer is in the corner, always the silent observer.//
For the first time since entering the house Bram can fully see a spirit, sanding directly in front of him - not an apparition, not a shadow figure, but a fully realised corporeal being. Bram still lays on the ground, huddled into a ball. The books have disappeared, replaced with thick fog, the room seems smaller than before, but Bram cannot see any walls.
He can hear people talking around him in an excited hush, as if they are wtaching something that maybe they shouldn't be. Sangrii's voice booms out over the din - "Come One, COME ALL... Come Some, or None At All!" The people hush each other, and the glow around Bram intensifies slightly as if someone has turned up house-lights.
Sangrii is tall and thin, gaunt. His long, thick black hair hangs wildly in curls and kinks, spilling out of his tophat in all directions. One eye is bright blue, but the other is entirely white with just a pupil in the center. He wears a long, red velvet coat, with ruffles matted by blood. His mouth is black, but his teeth are even blacker, glistening in the light. A dark, thick liquid flows from his eyes, and from his mouth endlessly, as he talks.
"You're not alone, baldy. Not in this house, not ever."
"Fuck this bullshit, who else is here, what did you give me?" Bram is surprised at the strength of his voice.
"Tedioussss..." grins Sangrii, pulling out a straight-razor, deftly slicing just a little into Bram's arm. As he licks the blood off, he asks, "Was that bullshit? It most decidedly is not bullshit, mon sur." Bram's arm is bleeding profusely, but he cannot do anything to stop it, as if in a nightmare. Sangrii spits, and then adds "//Tense. Agreement.//"
"So no one else is here, just me?"
"Dumbass, I already //tooooolllllld// you, you are not alone, not in this house. There is another. And also all of us..." As he says the final line he spins around, and the people surrounding them applaud excitedly, then quickly die down as Sangrii puts down his hands. "You will not join the cavalcade, my collection. //Chief Officer// himself has his eye on you..."
"What do I do now?"
The room starts to fade, but Sangrii's voice grows louder; he remains for a moment as Bram finds himself in the library again... "All you can do now, is survive."
He fades away before Bram's incredulous eyes, mouth and eyes last, winking as they fade out.
Bram has never felt so alone.
[[go back ->bram private library light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $LightMessFrtnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +10)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $LibraryMessVar to true) <!--Library --><!--placeholder-->//Chief Officer is in the corner, always the silent observer.//
For the first time since entering the house Bram can fully see a spirit, sanding directly in front of him - not an apparition, not a shadow figure, but a fully realised corporeal being. Bram still lays on the ground, huddled into a ball. The books have disappeared, replaced with thick fog, the room seems smaller than before, but Bram cannot see any walls.
He can hear people talking around him in an excited hush, as if they are watching something that maybe they shouldn't be. Sangrii's voice booms out over the din - "Come One, COME ALL... Come Some, or None At All!" The people hush each other, and the glow around Bram intensifies slightly as if someone has turned up house-lights.
Sangrii is tall and thin, gaunt. His long, thick black hair hangs wildly in curls and kinks, spilling out of his tophat in all directions. One eye is bright blue, but the other is entirely white with just a pupil in the center. He wears a long, red velvet coat, with ruffles matted by blood. His mouth is black, but his teeth are even blacker, glistening in the light. A dark, thick liquid flows from his eyes, and from his mouth endlessly, as he talks.
"You're not alone, baldy. Not in this house, not ever."
"Fuck this bullshit, who else is here, what did you give me?" Bram is surprised at the strength of his voice.
"Tedioussss..." grins Sangrii, pulling out a straight-razor, deftly slicing just a little into Bram's arm. As he licks the blood off, he asks, "Was that bullshit? It most decidedly is not bullshit, mon sur." Bram's arm is bleeding profusely, but he cannot do anything to stop it, as if in a nightmare. Sangrii spits, and then adds "//Tense. Agreement.//"
"So no one else is here, just me?"
"Dumbass, I already //tooooolllllld// you, you are not alone, not in this house. There is another. And also all of us..." As he says the final line he spins around, and the people surrounding them applaud excitedly, then quickly die down as Sangrii puts down his hands. "You will not join the cavalcade, my collection. //Chief Officer// himself has his eye on you..."
"What do I do now?"
The room starts to fade, but Sangrii's voice grows louder; he remains for a moment as Bram finds himself in the library again... "All you can do now, is survive."
He fades away before Bram's incredulous eyes, mouth and eyes last, winking as they fade out.
Bram has never felt so alone.
[[go back ->bram private library mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessFrtnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +13)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $LibraryMessVar to true) <!--Library -->
(set: $LibraryMessVar to true) <!--Library -->//Chief Officer is in the corner, always the silent observer.//
For the first time since entering the house Bram can fully see a spirit, sanding directly in front of him - not an apparition, not a shadow figure, but a fully realised corporeal being. Bram still lays on the ground, huddled into a ball. The books have disappeared, replaced with thick fog, the room seems smaller than before, but Bram cannot see any walls.
He can hear people talking around him in an excited hush, as if they are watching something that maybe they shouldn't be. Sangrii's voice booms out over the din - "Come One, COME ALL... Come Some, or None At All!" The people hush each other, and the glow around Bram intensifies slightly as if someone has turned up house-lights.
Sangrii is tall and thin, gaunt. His long, thick black hair hangs wildly in curls and kinks, spilling out of his tophat in all directions. One eye is bright blue, but the other is entirely white with just a pupil in the center. He wears a long, red velvet coat, with ruffles matted by blood. His mouth is black, but his teeth are even blacker, glistening in the light. A dark, thick liquid flows from his eyes, and from his mouth endlessly, as he talks.
"You're not alone, baldy. Not in this house, not ever."
"Fuck this bullshit, who else is here, what did you give me?" Bram is surprised at the strength of his voice.
"Tedioussss..." grins Sangrii, pulling out a straight-razor, deftly slicing just a little into Bram's arm. As he licks the blood off, he asks, "Was that bullshit? It most decidedly is not bullshit, mon sur." Bram's arm is bleeding profusely, but he cannot do anything to stop it, as if in a nightmare. Sangrii spits, and then adds "//Tense. Agreement.//"
"So no one else is here, just me?"
"Dumbass, I already //tooooolllllld// you, you are not alone, not in this house. There is another. And also all of us..." As he says the final line he spins around, and the people surrounding them applaud excitedly, then quickly die down as Sangrii puts down his hands. "You will not join the cavalcade, my collection. //Chief Officer// himself has his eye on you..."
"What do I do now?"
The room starts to fade, but Sangrii's voice grows louder; he remains for a moment as Bram finds himself in the library again... "All you can do now, is survive."
He fades away before Bram's incredulous eyes, mouth and eyes last, winking as they fade out.
Bram has never felt so alone.
[[go back ->bram private library hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessFrtnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +13)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $LibraryMessVar to true) <!--Library -->
(set: $LibraryMessVar to true) <!--Library -->An impossibly loud voice echoes through the rooms in the Master Suite - Bram will hear it in his dreams some nights as he is rebuilding the Gable House; "''WRONG WAY''" it bellows out. Bram conceeds; he is ready to leave, but it is too late for that.
[[go back ->bram master suite light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $LightMessFiftnVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $BedroomMessVar to true) <!--bedroom-->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
[[bram master suite light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $LightMessFiftnVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $BedroomMessVar to true) <!--bedroom-->
An impossibly loud voice echoes through the rooms in the Master Suite - Bram will hear it in his dreams some nights as he is rebuilding the Gable House; "''WRONG WAY''" it bellows out. Bram conceeds; he is ready to leave, but it is too late for that.
[[go back ->bram master suite mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessFiftnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +14)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $BedroomMessVar to true) <!--bedroom-->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
[[bram master suite mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $MidMessFiftnVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $BedroomMessVar to true) <!--bedroom-->
An impossibly loud voice echoes through the rooms in the Master Suite - Bram will hear it in his dreams some nights as he is rebuilding the Gable House; "''WRONG WAY''" it bellows out. Bram conceeds; he is ready to leave, but it is too late for that.
[[go back ->bram master suite hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessFiftnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +14)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $BedroomMessVar to true) <!--bedroom-->The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Rooms Travelled: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
[[bram master suite hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MatchOneSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourSuccVar to false)
(set: $HardMessFiftnVar to false)
(set: $MatchOneAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFourAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $MatchFiveAltSuccVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
(set: $BedroomMessVar to true) <!--bedroom-->Ther person who has been with Bram this whole time stands in the middle of the space, but Bram cannot make out any details on their face. They reach out iwth both hands forward, as if to grab Mr. Bram, but instead shove him very hard and scream "We Will Get You In The End!"
[[go back ->bram lost rooms light]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $LightMessSvntnVar to false)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
<!--placeholder-->get fucked with
"We Will Get You In The End!"
[[go back ->bram lost rooms mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessSvntnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +5)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
<!--placeholder-->get fucked with
"We Will Get You In The End!"
[[go back ->bram lost rooms hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessSvntnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +7)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
The pile of rubble lands really close to Mr. Bram, who dives out of the way regardless of the fact that it wouldn't have hit him. "Fuck you!" He growls, crawling forward as a second pile falls near him on the other side.
[[go back ->bram ballroom mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessThreeVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +15)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
The pile of rubble lands on Mr. Bram, doing a lot of superficial damge, but nothing overly serious. "Fuck you!" He growls, crawling forward as a second pile falls near him on the other side.
[[go back ->bram ballroom hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessThreeVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +15)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
Bram is now looking down the stairs, scanning for whoever is messing around; a pair of lights 2-4 inches apart float around the lower landing. The rest of the house has gone dark, and Bram is focused on the lights. Is it a candleabra? A sort of fog rolls out of the hallway past the secret door, and quickly makes its way down the stairs; it smells like sulphur.
It gets to the dots, and for just a second Bram can see much more, they're eyes, cold and dead and gleaming in reflection; fire and heat, yellow and red the eyes are reflecting hell. the eyes are socketed deep in a cow's head, just... with feline teeth and massive ram-horns. It turns to look at Bram, and opens a third eye.
The being moves in jerky motions; it doesns't have legs, and its arms are proportionate to the torso, but its hands are not, they are long and thin, proportionate to the horns. With two large bat wings It foats around at the bottom of the stairs for a minute, staring at Bram. Then it stops moving and stares, waiting for Bram to move.
Bram moves back, ever so slightly; the creature lunges forward, but instead of flying up the stairs at Bram it pulls itself up along the banister, one hand then another. It keeps in the air with its wings, and it moves too fast for Bram to really even comprehend what is happening. He gets knocked back, almost down the stairs as it passes, going through the secret door and closing it.
[[go back ->bram upstairs landing hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessTenVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +15)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)Bram is now looking down the stairs, scanning for whoever is messing around; a pair of lights 2-4 inches apart float around the lower landing. The rest of the house has gone dark, and Bram is focused on the lights. Is it a candleabra? A sort of fog rolls out of the hallway past the secret door, and quickly makes its way down the stairs; it smells like sulphur.
It gets to the dots, and for just a second Bram can see much more, they're eyes, cold and dead and gleaming in reflection; fire and heat, yellow and red the eyes are reflecting hell. the eyes are socketed deep in a cow's head, just... with feline teeth and massive ram-horns. It turns to look at Bram, and opens a third eye.
The being moves in jerky motions; it doesns't have legs, and its arms are proportionate to the torso, but its hands are not, they are long and thin, proportionate to the horns. With two large bat wings It foats around at the bottom of the stairs for a minute, staring at Bram. Then it stops moving and stares, waiting for Bram to move.
Bram moves back, ever so slightly; the creature lunges forward, but instead of flying up the stairs at Bram it pulls itself up along the banister, one hand then another. It keeps in the air with its wings, and it moves too fast for Bram to really even comprehend what is happening. He gets knocked back, almost down the stairs as it passes, going through the secret door and closing it.
[[go back ->bram upstairs landing mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessTenVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +15)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)The bannister collapses around Bram into a hundred pieces, the majority of which fall onto the floor beneath the stairway. Bram jumps back a bit, but takes care to not touch the banister on the other side, and makes his way the rest of the way down.
[[go back ->bram stairs mid]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $MidMessElvnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +15)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)The banister collapses into a hundred pieces around Bram, the majority of which fall onto the floor beneath the stairway. Bram had just taken his hand off of the banister as it collapsed, and the sudden lack of support makes him stumble, missing a few stairs... but he recovers without touching the other side, and he slowly makes his way the rest of the way down.
[[go back ->bram stairs hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessElvnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +15)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)
party and music goin on, crack and moan of glass and metal, music stops, people are too quiet, then start to run, then louder bang and crack and then crashing, screaming, rushing water, people run past, body parts and rubble float past, something hits bram in the head, he crouches, it stops.
[[go back ->bram foyer and ballroom hard]]
[[Check Caretaker's path->stats landing page]]
(set: $HardMessSvntnVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +15)
(set: $RoomVisitVar to it - 1)Bram looks at the knife, there is blood, confirming that there is a person. They have left the room, you heard them scuffle away, and it would be possible to follow them, but...
Are you sure you wanat to commit to this course of action? Can you really go through with killing your main character?
[[yes ->kill caretaker light]]
[[no ->bram sitting light]]
You look at your knife, there is blood, it is a person. They have left the room, you heard them scuffle away, and it would be possible to follow them, but...
The candlestick glints, and Bram locks in on your position, pulling a knife, you are barely able to dodge the attack, rolling back into the dark, and the making your way out of the room as quickly and quietly as possible. He managed to land a cut, and you are bleeding, but it is only superficial.
Are you sure you wanat to commit to this course of action? Can you really go through with killing your main character?
[[yes ->kill caretaker mid]]
[[no ->bram sitting mid]]
(set: $IsCareTakAliveVar to false)
Set caretaker stats to 0Caretakker takes knife and stabs Bram instead
[[retry? ->Initiate]] The Caretaker looks down, shocked by this turn of events... "but y-you..." They cough blood and fall to the floor... "y-you k-" ...more blood, now not only coming from their mouth, but also pouring out from the knife-wound... "killed... me?"
And then they slump over, now a ghost with all the rest; otherwise not much has changed...
(set: $IsCareTakAliveVar to false)
(set: $CareWillVar to 0)
(set: $ItemKnifeVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +25)
[[bram Catecomb Light]] The Caretaker looks down, shocked by this turn of events... "but y-you..." They cough blood and fall to the floor... "y-you k-" ...more blood, now not only coming from their mouth, but also pouring out from the knife-wound... "killed... me?"
And then they slump over, now a ghost with all the rest; otherwise not much has changed...
(set: $IsCareTakAliveVar to false)
(set: $CareWillVar to 0)
(set: $ItemKnifeVar to false)
(set: $EmoDamageVar to it +35)
[[bram Catecomb mid]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: ???
//No inventory in this room//
The walls echoand stink, but it is dark... so dark...
[[left ->deep2]]
[[right ->deep4]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: ???
//No inventory in this room//
The walls echoand stink, but it is dark... so dark... did you hear that?
[[deeper ->deep1]]
[[left ->deep5]]
[[right ->deep4]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: ???
//No inventory in this room//
The walls echoand stink, but it is dark... so dark... I'm sure it was ahead
[[deeper ->deep2]]
[[left ->deep6]]
[[right ->deep3]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: ???
//No inventory in this room//
The walls echoand stink, but it is dark... maybe it came from behind
[[deeper ->deep3]]
[[left ->deep5]]
[[right ->deep6]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: ???
//No inventory in this room//
The walls echoand stink, but it is dark... can you go up?
[[deeper ->deep4]]
[[left ->deeper]]
[[right ->catacomb depths]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: ???
//No inventory in this room//
The walls echoand stink, but it is dark... can you go down?
[[deeper ->deep5]]
[[left ->deep3]]
[[right ->deep1]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: ???
//No inventory in this room//
The walls echoand stink, but it is dark... there is no esacpe...
[[deeper ->deep6]]
[[left ->deep1]]
[[right ->deep4]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Current Location: ???
//No inventory in this room//
The walls echoand stink, but it is dark... there is no esacpe...this is madness
[[deeper ->catacomb depths]]
[[left ->deep2]]
[[right ->deeper]] The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
(set: $ItemWaterBotVar to true)
(Set: $ItemSnackVar to true)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Oh a snack and a whole book of matches! Hellyeah
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
(set: $ItemMatchOneAltVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchTwoAltVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchThreeAltVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFourAltVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFiveAltVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchOneVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchTwoVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchThreeVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFourVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFiveVar to true)
(set: $GreedVar to true)
(Set: $ItemSnackVar to true)Click Return to go back to where you last were.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
''Initial Trackers:''
Did you stay with Bram all the way to the Gable House: (print: $CTakWBramVar)
Did Bram go to the store?: (print: $StoreVar)
Did The Caretaker watch Bram?: (print: $ShelfVar)
Did The Caretaker move the things around?: (print: $WatchVar)
Did The Caretaker get a shelf knocked on him?: (print: $MoveItVar)
Did Bram go to the truck stop?: (print: $GasVar)
Did you offer to help Bram?: (print: $OfferHelp)
Did you put a fish in Bram's car?: (print: $NausVar)
Did you play mind games?: (print: $MindGamedVar)
Did you sabotage Bram's Car?: (print: $SabCarVar)
Did Bram take a wrong turn?: (print: $wrongTurnVar )
Did you stay in Bram's car?: (print: $InCarVar)
Did Bram kick you out?: (print: $KickedOutVar)
Did you follow Bram on your bike?: (print: $BikeVar)
''First Time through the Gable House Trackers:''
How many rooms did you go through as The Caretaker?: (print: $BramPathVarAlpha)
Did you drag Bram to the Library?(print: $DidDragLibraryVar)
Did you force Bram to pass out in the Lost Rooms?(print: $DidForceBramVar)
''Light Difficulty''
Did you mess with Bram in the Entry?: (print: $LightMessOneVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Foyer?: (print: $LightMessTwoVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Dining Room?: (print: $LightMessFiveVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Kitchen?: (print: $LightMessSixVar)
Did you mess with Bram on the Landing?: (print: $LightMessEghtVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Pool Room?: (print: $LightMessNineVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Sitting Room?: (print: $LightMessThrtnVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Library?: (print: $LightMessFrtnVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Master Suite?: (print: $LightMessFiftnVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Lost Rooms?: (print: $LightMessSvntnVar)
''Mid Difficulty''
Did you mess with Bram in the Entry?: (print: $MidMessOneVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Foyer?: (print: $MidMessTwoVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Ballroom?: (print: $MidMessThreeVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Dining Room?: (print: $MidMessFiveVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Kitchen?: (print: $MidMessSixVar)
Did you mess with Bram on the Landing?: (print: $MidMessEghtVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Pool Room?: (print: $MidMessNineVar)
Did you mess with Bram on the Landing a second time?: (print: $MidMessTenVar)
Did you mess with Bram on the Stairs?: (print: $MidMessElvnVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Sitting Room?: (print: $MidMessThrtnVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Library?: (print: $MidMessFrtnVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Master Suite?: (print: $MidMessFiftnVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Lost Rooms?: (print: $MidMessSvntnVar)
''Hard Difficulty''
Did you mess with Bram in the Entry?: (print: $HardMessOneVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Foyer?: (print: $HardMessTwoVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Ballroom?: (print: $HardMessThreeVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Dining Room?: (print: $HardMessFiveVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Kitchen?: (print: $HardMessSixVar)
Did you mess with Bram on the Landing?: (print: $HardMessEghtVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Pool Room?: (print: $HardMessNineVar)
Did you mess with Bram on the Landing a second time?: (print: $HardMessTenVar)
Did you mess with Bram on the Stairs?: (print: $HardMessElvnVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Foyer a second time?: (print: $HardMessTwlvVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Sitting Room?: (print: $HardMessThrtnVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Library?: (print: $HardMessFrtnVar)
Did you mess with Bram in the Master Suite?: (print: $HardMessFiftnVar)
Did you mess with Bram in then Lost Rooms?: (print: $HardMessSvntnVar)
''Item Difficulty''
The item difficulty determines how many rooms you must go through as Bram before you can leave. If your damage reaches a certain threashold before you have gone through the amount of rooms listed, then you loose.
(there will be a lot additional difficulty choices based on the items when they are fully implimented - in the future they will be somewhat interchangable, and the option to pass on items will be added)
''Easy Item Difficulty Up To 75 Damage''
Hard 1st Pass: Energy Drink and Sticky Notes: 35 rooms.
Mid 1st Pass: Pen Light and Sticky Notes: 20 rooms.
Easy 1st Pass: Flash Light and Paper/Pen (map): 10 rooms.
''Mid Difficulty Up To 85 Damage''
Hard 1st Pass: Energy Drink and Sticky Notes: 40 rooms.
Mid 1st Pass: Pen Light and Sticky Notes: 35 rooms.
Easy 1st Pass: Flash Light and Paper/Pen (map): 20 rooms.
''Hard Difficulty Up To 95 Damage''
Hard 1st Pass: Energy Drink and Sticky Notes: 45 rooms.
Mid 1st Pass: Pen Light and Sticky Notes: 40 rooms.
Easy 1st Pass: Flash Light and Paper/Pen (map): 30 rooms.
''Second Time through the Gable House Trackers:''
How many rooms have you gone through as Mr. Bram?: (print: $RoomVisitVar)
Did you go upstairs?: (print: $DidBramUpStaVar)
Is The Caretaker alive?: (print: $IsCareTakAliveVar)
''Caretaker Movement Trackers:''
(if: $LightMessOneVar is true or $MidMessOneVar is true or $HardMessOneVar is true) [Did you have an encounter in the Entry?: (print: $EntryMessVar)]
(if: $LightMessTwoVar is true or $MidtMessTwoVar is true or $HardMessTwoVar is true) [Did you have an encounter in the Foyer?: (print: $FoyerMessVar)]
(if: $LightMessFiveVar is true or $MidMessFiveVar is true or $HardMessFiveVar is true) [Did you have an encounter in the Dining?: (print: $DiningMessVar)]
(if: $LightMessSixVar is true or $MidMessSixVar is true or $HardMessSixVar is true) [Did you have an encounter in the Kitchen?: (print: $KitchenMessVar)]
(if: $LightMessEghtVar is true or $MidMessEghtVar is true or $HardMessEghtVar is true) [Did you have an encounter on the Landing?: (print: $LandingMessVar)]
(if: $LightMessNineVar is true or $MidMessNineVar is true or $HardMessNineVar is true) [Did you have an encounter in the Pool Room?: (print: $PoolMessVar)]
(if: $LightMessThrtnVar is true or $MidMessThrtnVar is true or $HardMessThrtnVar is true) [Did you have an encounter in the Sitting Room?: (print: $SittingMessVar)]
(if: $LightMessFrtnVar is true or $MidMessFrtnVar is true or $HardMessFrtnVar is true) [Did you have an encounter in the Library?: (print: $LibraryMessVar)]
(if: $LightMessFiftnVar is true or $MidMessFiftnVar is true or $HardMessFiftnVar is true) [Did you have an encounter in the Master Suite?: (print: $BedroomMessVar)]
good job you found the bottom of another pageThank you for being a better human than Bram.
Good Karma to you,
[[Mr. Bram can...]] No... he isn't. It never occurs to Bram to wonder why he is standing here watching this kid come back - does he care if this kid is suffering? Does he take pleasure in watching? Even Bram himself does not know, at least not yet.
After a second the kid comes to, spits out a few teeth, and looks up at Bram with tears in his eyes - why? Why did Bram do that, why is he still standing here? Bram shifts his weight as if he is going to kick again, the kid flinches, and, somehow satisfied, Bram goes into the store.
Inside, down aisle 8, into the out-of-order bathroom, down the stairs and at a table in the back, Bram sits smoking a hookah and listening to the table-of-three huddled one table over. They are discussing a failed paranormal investigation at an abandoned house, and Bram is keen to make money off of the property. Bram listens to the teens talk, waiting for his moment to interject... all he needs is the location of the house.
Finally it comes...
"Claire didn't get out did she?"
"I'm sure she-"
"bullshit, you know it"
"But Claire!"
"She's -"
"Shut up!" "Shut up!"
"No. Let me talk She's... I know she's not okay. I saw her go through that door, and then I heard..."
...a long pause...
"...sounded like a crunch..."
Bram leans over. "I'll get your friend, I just need to know the location of the house." Then, looking to the girl at the table, "Unless you want to show me where it is...?" Bram flexes his bicep and grins, working the toothpick in his mouth, sticking it into and taking it out of a bright-pink piece of gum with his tongue.
In response the girl pulls her hoodie closed to hide the top of her chest, shrugs and leans to the guy, muttering something - the only words Bram can hear are "...I think... ...Lacie..."
Sensing the direction that the conversation is headed, Bram quickly added, "Okay look just tell me where to go, and I will be out of your way..."
The teens leer at Bram, but don't respond at first... Bram pushes on... "Look you aren't going back, are you?"
The girl looks at one of the boys, the shorter one, who shakes his head, no. Bram holds out his phone with the writing app open... "What's the harm, it's simple. Just let me know where to go?" The smaller of the two boys finally takes the phone like it will give him a disease, and types in an address.
Before long they leave, and Bram gets up as if to say bye, but just watches the girl as they walk out, chewing his gum loudly. Not long after Bram also leaves, satisfied with the information he got, and he makes his exit.
[[Drive to the hotel ->Bram goes to the Hotel]]The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Oh a snack, water and some matches... that will help
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
(set: $ItemMatchOneVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchTwoVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchThreeVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFourVar to true)
(set: $ItemMatchFiveVar to true)
(set: $GreedVarTwo to true)
(Set: $ItemSnackVar to true)
(set: $ItemWaterVar to true)The Caretaker Sanity: (print: $CareWillVar)
Mr. Bram Damage: (print: $EmoDamageVar)
Oh a snack and a match... noice!
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
(set: $ItemMatchOneVar to true)
(Set: $ItemSnackVar to true)