Earth 2074intro text to world at large
A list of all locations:
Earth (set: $MacEarVar to false)
Former United States (set: $MacUsaVar to false)
Former Colorado (set: $MacColVar to false)
North Colorado (set: $RegNoCoVar to false)
Eastern Colorado (set: $RegEaCoVar to false)
Denver (set: $RegDenVar to false)
The Springs (set: $RegSprVar to false)
South Colorado (set: $RegSoCoVar to false)
Boulder (set: $RegBolVar to false)
Grand Junction (set: $RegGraVar to false)
North Colorado: The Fort - Block-North (set: $BloForVar to false)
Eastern Colorado: Burlington, the Lost Factory Block-East (set: $BloBurVar to false)
Denver: 5 Points Block - Cap A (set: $BloPoiVar to false)
Denver: Mile Hi Block - Cap B (set: $BloMiHiVar to false)
The Springs: Cripple Creek Block - South Central (set: $BloCcrVar to false)
South Colorado: la junta Block - South (set: $BloJunVar to false)
Boulder: Fiske Block - Central West (set: $BloFisVar to false)
Boulder: Sugarloaf Block - Mid West (set: $BloSugVar to false)
Grand Junction: Palisade Bock-West (set: $BloPalVar to false)
From Boulder Blocks:
Barker Res (set: $BouBarVar to false)
Rollins (set: $BouRolVar to false)
Caretaker's Apartment (set: $BouCTAptVar to false)
Charlie's Apartment (set: $BouChaVar to false)
College (set: $BouColVar to false)
Hookah Speakeasy (set: $BouHokVar to false)
Additional Locations:
Train Stop 20 (set: $AddTraVar to false)
Gable Hill (set: $AddGaHiVar to false)
The New Republic of Tygress and their shifty Train Station (set: $AddTygVar to false)
From Gable Hill:
Gable House (set: $GaHiGaHVar to false)
Caretaker's House (set: $GaHiCTHouVar to false)
Gable House Locations:
Gable Catecombs (set: $GahCatVar to false)
Lost Halls (set: $GahLosHaVar to false)
Gable Foyer (set: $GahFoyVar to false)
Gable Sitting (set: $GahSitVar to false)
Gable Dining (set: $GahDinVar to false)
Gable Kitchen (set: $GahKitVar to false)
Gable Stairs (set: $GahStaVar to false)
Gable Music Room (set: $GahMusVar to false)
Gable Upstairs Hall (set: $GahUpsVar to false)
Gable Pool (set: $GahPolVar to false)
Gable Master (set: $GahMasVar to false)
Gable Library (set: $GahLibVar to false)
Gable Lost Rooms (set: $GahLosVar to false)
Caretaker's House Locations:
Caretaker's Entry (set: $CthEntVar to false)
Caretaker's Sitting (set: $CthSitVar to false)
Caretaker's Living (set: $CthLivVar to false)
Caretaker's Washroom (set: $CthWasVar to false)
Caretaker's Bedroom (set: $CthBedVar to false)
Caretaker's Porch (set: $CthPorVar to false)
History: Earth, Pandemic, Death, Tyrrany, One Queen, Totalitarianism, Near War, "Invasion", Peace, Rebuilding is Boring, Present Time for Story.
For the first time in a very long time, communication across the ocean is nearly impossible. Life in the Western Hemisphere, however, is very similar from as far north as you can go to as far south as you can go, so presumably the same is true for the rest of the world. A rough equality is the only good thing to have come from the entire situation, but human nature is human nature, and it's anyone's guess how long the equality will last.
[[Former United States]]
(set: $MacEarVar to true)During the Queen's reign the Capital of the Former United States moved to Colorado Springs, buried deep in Cheyenne Mountain, former Top-Secret American Military Base. The location was chosen because it was already positioned to monitor the whole country, and //only slightly// less importantly, because it was nuke-proof. Arranged semi-concentrically around that point a new double-gague rail line was set up, and roads were demolished, as people were crammed into areas that could accomodate high populations.
Current to the time of the story Hermits have taken to the lands between the cities, seeking enlightenment and understanding.
[[Former Colorado]]
[[Back ->earth]]
(set: $MacUsaVar to true)Not long into the pandemic an overly opinionated (and bored) group of farmers and oil-field workers rose against the American Government in the name of Weld County, and actually succeeded in destabilizing the government, starting within the armed forces stationed in Colorado Springs out of - yup - Cheyenne Mountain, not to mention the Air Force Academy, and Air Force base a hundred-odd miles north. When the armed forces turned on each other radio went silent, but most people were burying their loved ones, or dying themselves - shit was rough.
The Queen divided Colorado and the people who lived there into 7 walled-cities, called Blocks. The people of east Kansas ended up in a Colorado Block as well, if that's relevant. The final days of her life were spent in Cheyenne Mountain, where one of the only real battles of the war happened, an effort to destroy her once and for all.
Built for NORAD sometime during the cold war, the complex was indeed nuke-proof, but the war was not fought with nukes, it was fought with mechs, which were able to get through 10-foot metal blast-doors easily enough once they got past the tanks and enemy mechs. Then the military left, and somehow the residents still continue to live, walled away, but no longer held in place.
Trains now connect the walled sections, and even make some stops along the way. The seven Blocks found in Colorado are:
[[North Colorado]]
[[Eastern Colorado]]
[[The Springs]]
[[South Colorado]]
[[Grand Junction]]
[[Back ->Former United States]]
(set: $MacColVar to true)The mountains in the north are shorter but more shapely, particularly one plateau called Horse-Tooth. Thanks to many large rivers and calmer winter seasons, the area is much greener than any of the south Blocks, particularly along the Tom, the river that connects Fiske in Boulder to The Fort. (one of the very old little offshoot towns along the Tom is where Charlie grew up). The trees are old Heritage Oak trees, and a hybrid cold-weather banyan trees planted by one of the rising Regimes in order to destroy the buildings outside of the walled areas.
The North Block, at some point named The Fort, replaced a little town called Berthoud and incorporated what ues to be Fort Collins, Loveland and part of Weld County, the part that survived the Great Weld Rebellion. I don't know who would wonder such a thing, but in case you are... the people in Wyoming were shunned for some reason, and not included in The Fort. Many historians believe that they were actually to blame for the rebellion.
Any goods or people travelling or shipping between the east and the west had to go through Colorado, passing through two checkpoints, namely The Fort and Rollins, a little poke-town in the mountains... items (hell, people too) were known to dissapear between the two stage-stops before The Queen was taken out of power.
The Fort has a pretty good college rivalling the one in Fiske, but it focuses on doctors, husbandry and homemaking, the latter of which seem like they are the same thing (they really aren't), and therefore is only appealing to a select group of people.
[[The Fort - Block-North]]
[[Back ->Former Colorado]]
(set: $RegNoCoVar to true)In one direction Denver is not that visually different from any other very large city, a skyline of giant towers surrounded by poverty. However if you are to the east of the city and look west toward Denver, it has the mountains many, many, many miles behind it.
Denver was the former Capital city of Colorado, with a population that at one point neared 3 million people, and //even// after the illness, Weld Rebellion, minor "Make my day" rebellions and the many gang-related massacres there were still far too many people for one Block, so instead there were two. Anyone who didn't make the lottery to move (them and immediate family) into the assigned Block were shot far enough away that no one in the Blocks knew what was happening... just "you will see your second cousin when the doors open after the illness fades", but then //never seeing their second cousin again//.
Some say that placement in the two blocks was not an accident, nor a lottery; they are probably right too. One of the two blocks is 5-points, one of the most notoriously dangerous Blocks in the nation, and the other is the Mile-Hi Block, with two different nicknames: The Hills and Cherry.
Current to the time of the story neither Block in Denver are that interesting, and the city iteslf, reduced to a shell, has lost much of the allure that used to captivate so many. Now it is just a set of names, where many equally-unfortunate people live.
[[Mile Hi Block - Cap B]]
[[5 Points Block - Cap A]]
[[Back ->Former Colorado]]
(set: $RegDenVar to true)The Great Weld Rebellion started with a precision attack on the many illegal fracking sites throughout the old Weld County, which all exploded within 10 minutes of each other. Many were killed, and the government did predictably little to help, so no one was surprised to hear that the scarred and horrified people were going to strike back.
Unfortunately word of the pending, retaliatory attack made its way to those who blew up the fracking sites, and someone got 3 nuclear weapons, someone else found the perfect targets and chose a day, and a third someone was smart enough to figre out how to set them off; they did in the town of Greeley, which iteslf sat at the heart of Weld County. The retaliation was put down, but the fallout fell south and south-east, ultiimately killing around 1 milion people, well past Denver. As such, the majority of people in the Eastern Block were previous inhabitants of former west Kansas.
The block is called Burlington, named for the city it replaced, and over time has been come to be known as the Lost Factory, in rememberance of the people who died. The area is mostly agricultural still, home to many giant indeturtude farmsteads, the workers of which live in Burlington, or ramshackle collections or rvs and tents called "land-camps"
[[Burlington, the Lost Factory Block-East]]
[[Back ->Former Colorado]]
(set: $RegEaCoVar to true)The Springs area is basically amongst foothills, but confusingly most of it doesn't feel like it is taking advantage of the perfect location, but rather feels like it was dropped there by a kid at play and forgotten about. Prior to the ocupation it was an area of wasted potential, and after the Queen had her way with it it was an area of vast unequality and, again... wasted potential. The area features multiple old-west style streets with false-front buildings, a complete hotsprings and some of the rarest stone on earth, pure white marble.
Due to the close proximity to Cheyenne Moutain (the nation's capital during the reign of The Queen) the entire population of Colorado Springs and nearby suburbs were moved to Cripple Creek.
Colroado Springs, Manitou Springs, Marble and the Garden of the Gods, once sought after and greatly travelled places, were now set aside to be used as the "okay place" for "tourists" to go when they came to visit The Queen in America for diplomatic visits, sporting events, etc. Think Euro-American journalists allowed into North Korea in the early 2000s; same kind of vibe. The areas were mostly cleaned and maintained to an impossible standard, especially during the winters which were cold and windy at best, snowy and frozen at worst.
Current to the story the area is maintained to a more realistic and sustainable standard, kept open as museums, strange empty cities designed to entertain a few people at a time. The museums consist of access to the local Block, the row of opulent shops in The Springs (now full of props, nothing for sale), vast pearl marble and gold hotsprings just up the hill in the small sattelite town Manitou, the remnants of the forced-work marble mines in Marble, and the "Place of Dedication to The Queen" in the Garden of the Gods.
[[Cripple Creek Block - South Central]]
[[Back ->Former Colorado]]
(set: $RegSprVar to true)I'm sorry I have to break the 4th wall here... The thing about Pueblo Colorado is that (today in 2024) in its very center is an abandoned steel-mill, which is almost as big as an average city in-and-of-itself. The city is huge, and literally straddles the mill, like half on one side, and half on the other, with a train and highway that go over the top of the old area. It always felt very magic and religious to me.
While the mill is green,lush and full of plants, the rest of the area is a high-desert 1/2 of the year, windy frozen wasteland 1/4 of the year and normal grassy heartland the other 1/4, which makes it a very hard place to live. And like most hard places, it has attracted hard people.
The La Junta Block is a center of religion and mysticism (and tourism), dedicated to learning, creating and worship. It is in a desert, it is dry and hot, and it sits on the boarder of the old mill, which current to the time of the story is called The Jungle. An old witch lives in The Jungle; some say he is more than 250 years old, a Yaqui Shaman who teaches of the strings that connect everything to the past and future, if you can find him. Beyond The Jungle lies the old remains of Pueblo, once the largest city in the state, south of Denver. An old college campus is now home to a convent, er cult. The rest of the city is the home to two hermits, who can be sought after for wisdom and conversation.
[[la junta Block - South]]
[[Back ->Former Colorado]]
(set: $RegSoCoVar to true)Grand Junction is in a vast flatland, high in the Rocky Mountains. It doesn't look or feel that different from, say, Boulder. Current to the time of the story the area hasn't changed much - the architecture is based in Victorian styles, nestled amongst tall Pine and Spruce trees. There are giant mountains on every horizon, and when storms roll in, it takes them a very long time to roll back out.
For a terrifying period of time, not long before The Queen rose to power, there was a very legitimate food shortage as people changed the structures of their lives, and while new regime after new regime rose and fell. The city of Grand Junction, roughly halfway in the Rocky Mountains was just out of the reach of most of these regimes, and as such remained one of the few places where food was actively grown, although at first it was 90% peoaches out of Palisade. Were it not for this the city would have died as harshly as the others, some winter many years ago.
A train line was maintained to the area, but that is really the only way to get out there now. It is officially the farthest west that you can go and still be in Colorado, and it is really hard to get to, making it a haven for hard-working individuals who can figure out the trip.
[[Palisade Bock-West]]
[[Back ->Former Colorado]]
(set: $RegGraVar to true)Boulder is picturesque, nestled against the foothills, in the shadow of MASSIVE rock formations resting on the front range - these formations are called the flatirons. It isn't in the moutains yet, but the promise of the vast wildlands is there - you can smell it in the pinetrees and hear it in the many sources of flowing water throughout the city. Inside the Fiske Block the city is pretty modern and nice, but outside of the walls nature has taken over again, and the majority of the landscape is green and lush, or yellow and dead (depending on the time of year).
The majority of the story takes place near the former city of Boulder in three major areas: near the edge of the Fiske Block, locations along the trainline between the Fiske Block and the oft-unmanaged Sugarloaf Block, and Gable Hill, of course, which is also located between the two Blocks, Fiske and Sugarloaf.
Boulder was home to one of the Nation's larger schools before the collapse, which itself was home to the Fiske Observatory. Seen as a strategic location for controlling education, and also for screening the skies for unforseen attacks, the Fiske Block was built around the ideals of military and advancement in the military through "proper education" (//pronounced// brain-washing). The humaliens chose the Fiske Block as one of 50 or so in the Former United States to land at during their first visit to Earth, and then chose it as one to stay at in the hopes of helping the Earthlings find our feet again.
This area is one of the more stable in the former state, despite its proximity to Sugarloaf.
[[Sugarloaf Block - Mid West]]
[[Fiske Block - Central West]]
[[Back ->Former Colorado]]
(set: $RegBolVar to true)Famous for being one of the only food producers in the state for a few years, the farms that surround the Palisade block now produce much more than peaches; the peaches they do produce, however, are still the best on the planet... at least according to the locals.
Palisade is a quaint Block, untouched by much of the horrors of the world, and was a final stop for the train-lines, at least until the fall of The Queen - once her reign was over, and the cities were open again a new rail line was erected connecting to the Blocks in former Salt Lake City. The Block itself sits in the bend of a large river, with farmland stretching out in every direction, even overtaking what used to be the city of Grand Junction.
People in Palisade are happy, but weird. Given it's secluded location it was a refuge for many who didn't fit into society as it was during the occupation, most of whom moved through Cripple Creek on the way. A counterculture akin to the hippie movment of the 1960s and 70s grew in Palisade, although few travel all the way to see where the movement got started.
[[Back ->Grand Junction]]
(set: $BloPalVar to true)An old sign for an amusement park of some sort was affixed to the outsdie of the east-facing wall, probably hung not long after the wall went up; it read "Fort Fun (a friendly place to play)tm". The name stuck, particularly when it became a no-exceptions everyone must pass through sort of checkpoint on the way to anywhere west or south of that point.
Of course when the rail lines were finalized, all trains also had to go through The Fort for Colorado-relevanat freight to be unloaded and inspected, and again on the other side at Rollins to be inspected and loaded with new frieght heading west. And for those curious souls out there... no the train never came bacck east, it either went north or south on the West Coast.
Whoever designed this particular Block was a fan of Utopian design, particularly Le Corbusier, and thus The Fort is the shape of a circle, with concnertric rings of identical buildings radiationg out from a center point, which is the school campus. Each row of flats starting in the center step up in height that the outisde layer is the highest, followed by 1 mile of symmetrical garden and forested parklands, and finally the wall.
No one is sure if The Fort is in reference to "Fort Fun"(tm) or the literal Ancient West site in Fort Lupton, just a few miles away from the mall south, south-east from the sign.
[[Back ->North Colorado]]
(set: $BloForVar to true)La Junta was forgotten about by the government, although since humanity has started to rebuild it is becoming a new transportation hub to the south. Along one wall is the ancient remains of a long-deceased iron factory network, noow overgrown and lush, called The Jungle. The rest of the La Junta is dry and desolate since it exists right on the edge of one of the large high-deserts on the American continent. When building the city contractors went back to old Adobe methods of building, and the majority of blocks of homes are Pueblo style, like what can be seen in Taos.
There are two cultures that dominate in La Junta, although neitehr is very dogmatic. The first is religion, but not any of the organized religions of old. Instead the religion is based on wandering and exploring oneself and the world, embracing Native ideals. The other major culture of the area is art-based, mostly creating sculptures.
A large sculpture park extends for miles south of La Junta, with thousands of sculptures strew about the desert to commemorate everything that humans have had to endure over the previous decades. Both cultures recieve many tourists and visitors, some of whom want to walk among the statues, some want to pilgrimage for religion, some want both, and some show up not knowing what they want.
[[Back ->South Colorado]]
(set: $BloJunVar to true)The centerpiece of the Burlington Block is a monument to the lives lost in the Great Weld Rebellion, and a map of the most radioactive areas when the walls went up. Like many of the more agrarian-based communities during the shifting or reigns, Burlington residents were encouraged to build their own homes on small plots of land gifted them for moving, and were forced to work on farmland that surrounded the Block.
During the final shifts of power between local and national dictators (just prior to The Queen finally taking control) many farm Blocks were sealed, and production of food stopped on a national level. The armies, guerillas, presidents, supreme-whateits and everyone else who claimed to be "in charge" didn't think about the fact that "securing" the people meant an equal effect on the food supplies. This was the foothold that gave The Queen the ability to step into ultimate power as she had food that was grown in other places, presumably elsewhere on the planet.
Burlington was one-such Block to close during this time; the residents were unaware and the timing was such that the food was ready to harvest. Cellars were nearly empty, and very little new food had been gathered. By the time a few people were allowed to go gather it, the food had all rotted on the vine.
Thankfully a few agrarian Blocks were enough removed that they were able to resist, and thankfully they shared. Many died, but it could have been worse.
[[Back ->Eastern Colorado]]
(set: $BloBurVar to true)The proeceding events that led to the current time had the effect of equalizing people across America, but not through elevation of status or equal rights, instead by lowering the base living level down to that of the worst. Humans became communal again, friendly helpful and cooperative without the competition. But there was no growth, no movement, and therefore there was very little happiness.
A population with little happiness also has little incentive to grow, and steadily the popularion shrank. Roughly half of the Colorado population at the time of the pandemic had dogs, and many people in Denver let their dogs into the streets as they were dying. Communities quickly rose to shelter them during the winter, and now the population is among the highest anywhere in the nation. Current to the time of the story the entire population is based around catering to the dogs, and many of the shorter buildings that are within the Block are now special apartments for dogs.
Mile Hi is also in the shadow of what used to be proper Denver, although many of the skyscrapers fell long ago. The old Capital building has also mostly fallen, although great care was taken to preserve the 15th step, which marks 1-mile above sea level.
[[Back ->Denver]]
(set: $BloMiHiVar to true)5-Points is located on the opposite side of the Mile Hi Block, with the moutains rising far in the distance behind when facing the towers. Current to the time of the story 5-Points is actually a blossoming community centered around reformation, gardening and book binding. After the humaliens landed a cache of old copy-machines was found preserved in an old bomb shelter, and after some tinkering with the power, all of the surviving books in the Denver Library are being copied, with more books being delivered daily.
But life was not always so kind in 5-Points... in fact it wasn't until after the humaliens had landed and propegated that the leaders of 5-Points finally relented and allowed peace to take hold. A dogmatic street-gang took power within the Block early on, which was already notoriously dangerous. Their agenda matched that of the majority of the regimes who traded power, and by the time The Queen took over, the street-gang was now a multifaceted organized crime syndicate, and was untouchable by the new governing powers.
An abolition on tobacco created a large illegal market, and tobacco running took the place of alcohol running, and any supply that was intended to go west went through 5-Points and was handled by the syndicate. In return their goombahs acted as an unoficial police force for The Queen.
[[Back ->Denver]]
(set: $BloPoiVar to true)Cripple Creek block sits at the base of Battle Mountain, with a view of the old gold mine on the hill. The Block sits in a hollowed ancient volcano, extinct for millions of years, and the old mine tunels and lava tubes were used to smuggle goods and people in and out of Cripple Creek. These networks were used for tobacco unning, moving people whose lives were in danger, but most of all they were used for moving and storing large amounts of money.
Cripple Creek was always a gambling town, one of the few in the what used to be Coloardo. Las Vegas was deemed unsustainable, and Reno died shortly after. Cripple Creek, however, was close to the capital and many efforts were put into place to keep it alive. The gambling remained, at first a local passtime, but eventually a National curiosity - as "tourists" would visit the Capital in The Springs, they would offen sneak away to gamble in the nearby Block.
Current to the time of the story the Block is the place with the highest concentration of gambling on the continent. The main road through town still maintains the false-front buildings from so long ago, but now high-rise buildings stand behind them, which is a strange site tucked into a mountain valley.
[[Back ->The Springs]]
(set: $BloCcrVar to true)The main focus of the block is the plentarium used for defense during the occupation, and the school has been relocated north-west of what used to be Boulder, Colorado. The Block sits at the base of foothills, pine and aspen trees line the streets, and the houses are pretty large comparitively. Life was always pretty easy in Fiske, and teh structure remains, making it a major metropolitan area current to the story. Some of the walls have even been taken down as the city has grown beyond their limits. There are not many high-rise buildings here, maybe only 2 or 3.
Great attention was placed on the person who donated money to make the original observatory possible, and his birthday is a celebrated holiday for the region, even though all he did was amass a large amount of money. Similar to Denver, the separation of cultures between Fiske and Sugarloaf seems to have been intentional, although there was no need for a lottery as Sugarloaf contained a lot of unused land.
The majority of office and retail buildings remained from before the occupation, although many have been repurposed or rebuilt to look similar. An old block of warehouses and offices were repurposed to become the new univeristy, for instance.
[[Charlie's Apartment]]
[[Caretaker's Apartment]]
[[The New Republic of Tygress and their shifty Train Station]]
[[Hookah Speakeasy]]
[[Back ->Boulder]]
(set: $BloFisVar to true)Sugarloaf Block is direcly to the west of Fiske, named after an old road that connected the canyon highway to the old town of Nederland. Before the occupation the area was home to two small towns, and a lot of mountain folks, but the influx of around a million people changed the shape of the town as well as the landscape - buildings grew around the once empty shores of Barker Resevoir. The neighboring town of Rollinsville was also taken over, becoming a major stage-stop for the regimes.
One boundary of the Sugarloaf Block is close enough to the Nederland side of Sugarloaf Road that the old intersection can still be seen from the wall. Sugarloaf block itself is relatively calm and quaint, existing pretty deep in the Rocky Mountains. The lands around Sugarloaf have devolved to something akin to a post-apocalyptic wild-west, and remain one of the few violent places in the nation, although less violent than places like 8-Mile-Track, Chi-burg, Dallstoun or the Watford-Bakken divide.
The transport hub, Rollins, divides the West from the East, and is still an often-robbed stage-stop, providing jobs to anyone enterprising enough to reach out and (illegitimately) grab them. At the frozen dead guy's house one of the leaders of the planned revolution grew up. There is still a frozen dead guy in the backyard waiting for technology to cure whatever killed him, the house marked with an upside down "dead-end" sign.
[[Barker Res]]
[[Train Stop 20]]
[[Back ->Boulder]]
(set: $BloSugVar to true)
[[Caretaker's House]]
[[Gable House]]
[[Train Stop 20]]
[[Back ->The New Republic of Tygress and their shifty Train Station]]
(set: $AddGaHiVar to true)Train stop 20 services The New Republic of Tygress and should stop directly by the Apothecary's house - somtiems instead it stops at Gable Hill. Either way there is only one lone streetlamp at the exit. This is the stop taken when playing through the Caretaker's Story and the introduction to the Gable House.
[[Apothecary's House]]
[[Gable Hill]]
[[Sugarloaf Block - Mid West]]
[[Back ->The New Republic of Tygress and their shifty Train Station]]
(set: $AddTraVar to true)The druggist is a nice middle-aged lady who lives in a comfortable place, regardless of the shit-heap part of town it is located. She has two cats, but one is hiding tonight.
[[Train Stop 20]]
[[index]] This is the index, it contains information:
Macro: - (if: $MacEarVar is true and $MacUsaVar is true and $MacColVar is true)[You looked at all of the macro level locations available]
[[earth]] - (if: $MacEarVar is true)[The year: 2074]
[[Former United States]] - (if: $MacUsaVar is true)[Great while it lasted]
[[Former Colorado]] - (if: $MacColVar is true)[Same Beautiful landscapes at least]
Regions: - (if: $RegNoCoVar is true and $RegEaCoVar is true and $RegDenVar is true and $RegSprVar is true and $RegSoCoVar is true and $RegBolVar is true and $RegGraVar is true)[You successfully checked out each of the regional level locations available]
[[North Colorado]] - (if: $RegNoCoVar is true)[FoCo trying to be NoHo?]
[[Eastern Colorado]] - (if: $RegEaCoVar is true)[Greedey Greeleyites]
[[Denver]] - (if: $RegDenVar is true)[The 15th step means finding yourself a mile high]
[[The Springs]] - (if: $RegSprVar is true)[Colorado's Armpit]
[[South Colorado]] - (if: $RegSoCoVar is true)[REALLY old steel mill]
[[Boulder]] - (if: $RegBolVar is true)[Primary Location]
[[Grand Junction]] - (if: $RegGraVar is true)[Lot's of mosaics - not much else]
Blocks: - (if: $BloForVar is true and $BloBurVar is true and $BloPoiVar is true and $BloMiHiVar is true and $BloCcrVar is true and $BloJunVar is true and $BloFisVar is true and $BloSugVar is true and $BloPalVar is true)[You've explored all of the block level locations - nice!]
North Colorado - [[The Fort - Block-North]] - (if: $BloForVar is true)[Fort Fun]
Eastern Colorado - [[Burlington, the Lost Factory Block-East]] - (if: $BloBurVar is true)[No relation to the jacket store]
Denver - [[5 Points Block - Cap A]] - (if: $BloPoiVar is true)[Actually quite nice now IRL]
Denver - [[Mile Hi Block - Cap B]] - (if: $BloMiHiVar is true)[A lot of dogs]
The Springs- [[Cripple Creek Block - South Central]] - (if: $BloCcrVar is true)[New Vegas?]
South Colorado - [[la junta Block - South]] - (if: $BloJunVar is true)[La Junta = Jank]
Boulder - [[Fiske Block - Central West]] - (if: $BloFisVar is true)[Named after a capitalist with a really big magnifying glass]
Boulder - [[Sugarloaf Block - Mid West]] - (if: $BloSugVar is true)[This is where I grew up IRL]
Grand Junction - [[Palisade Bock-West]] - (if: $BloPalVar is true)[Like the peaches]
From Boulder Blocks: - (if: $BouBarVar is true and $BouRolVar is true and $BouCTAptVar is true and $BouChaVar is true and $BouColVar is true and $BouHokVar is true)[All of the locations accessible from both Boulder Blocks have thus been accessed.]
[[Barker Res]] - (if: $BouBarVar is true)[Smells like skunk]
[[Rollins]] - (if: $BouRolVar is true)[New west - still wild]
[[Caretaker's Apartment]] - (if: $BouCTAptVar is true)[Hardly visited]
[[Charlie's Apartment]] - (if: $BouChaVar is true)[Later location, also hardly visited]
[[College]] - (if: $BouColVar is true)[a central axis of sorts]
[[Hookah Speakeasy]] - (if: $BouHokVar is true)[The first rule of fight club]
Additional Locations: - (if: $AddTraVar is true and $AddGaHiVar is true and $AddTygVar is true)[misc. check.]
[[Train Stop 20]] - (if: $AddTraVar is true)[There are many train stops]
[[Gable Hill]] - (if: $AddGaHiVar is true)[people are just //dying// to go there]
[[The New Republic of Tygress and their shifty Train Station]] - (if: $AddTygVar is true)[IRL it's called Lyons lol]
From Gable Hill: - (if: $GaHiGaHVar is true and $GaHiCTHouVar is true)[Two sides like a coin]
[[Gable House]] - (if: $GaHiGaHVar is true)[So named for all the gables, duh]
[[Caretaker's House]] - (if: $GaHiCTHouVar is true)[okay but... what's the explaination for this one?]
Gable House Locations: - (if: $GahCatVar is true and $GahLosHaVar is true and $GahFoyVar is true and $GahSitVar is true and $GahDinVar is true and $GahKitVar is true and $GahStaVar is true and $GahMusVar is true and $GahUpsVar is true and $GahPolVar is true and $GahMasVar is true and $GahLibVar is true and $GahLosVar is true)[You survived the rabbit hole \, but how deep did you actually go?]
[[Gable Catecombs]] - (if: $GahCatVar is true)[//Chief Officer's// remains are in here somewhere, I just know it...]
[[Lost Halls]] - (if: $GahLosHaVar is true)[These is the feeding grounds]
[[Gable Foyer and Ballroom]] - (if: $GahFoyVar is true)['s still not too late to leave... right? //right...?//]
[[Gable Sitting]] - (if: $GahSitVar is true)[Creepy art, or crappy art?]
[[Gable Dining]] - (if: $GahDinVar is true)[All that's really on the table is a ton of dust that someone drew a giant smily face in]
[[Gable Kitchen]] - (if: $GahKitVar is true)[The kitchen should be the least scary room in any house]
[[Gable Stairs]] - (if: $GahStaVar is true)[Mostly just a portal to the next area]
[[Gable Music Room]] - (if: $GahMusVar is true)[Where was that music coming from?]
[[Gable Upstairs Hall]] - (if: $GahUpsVar is true)[You really might not ever leave this hallway]
[[Gable Pool]] - (if: $GahPolVar is true)[...on the second floor? That's... wrong...]
[[Gable Master suite (bath, entry and bed)]] - (if: $GahMasVar is true)[//''Private''//]
[[Gable Private Library]] - (if: $GahLibVar is true)[I swear I saw the book just the other day.]
[[Gable Lost Rooms]] - (if: $GahLosVar is true)[//No really//... you are still in the hallway]
Caretaker's House Locations: - (if: $CthEntVar is true and $CthSitVar is true and $CthLivVar is true and $CthWasVar is true and $CthBedVar is true and $CthPorVar is true)[where are //Chief Officer's// remains, really?]
[[Caretaker's Entry]] - (if: $CthEntVar is true)[Ummmm........where am I?]
[[Caretaker's Sitting]] - (if: $CthSitVar is true)[Why is there only 1 chair?]
[[Caretaker's Living]] - (if: $CthLivVar is true)[What is happening?]
[[Caretaker's Washroom]] - (if: $CthWasVar is true)[Nope....Just Nope!]
[[Caretaker's Bedroom]] - (if: $CthBedVar is true)[''Get OUT!!!!'']
[[Caretaker's Porch]] - (if: $CthPorVar is true)[Should I be here?]
Go Back:
[[Return ->Initiate]] The Barker Dam provides power and jobs to the inhabitants of Sugarloaf who wish to lead honest lives. Since the resivoir also provides water to the people of Fiske, it has been an important location, and more emphasis and money have been placed on preserving the dam and resivoir than the community.
Away from the resivoir the lawlessness permeates every corner of Sugarloaf, but the hired militia don't allow the corruption to approach the waters. As such the politicians and wealthy fo the area all live along the water boarders, taking advantage of the beatiful area.
[[Back ->Sugarloaf Block - Mid West]]
(set: $BouBarVar to true)During the reign of The Queen the colelge was militant, teaching brainwashing and other tactics for officials of the nation. Upon her fall the school changed to teach proper
basic courses - History, Math, Science (Earth, Philosophy, Social and Biology) and Language Arts. The Caretaker, Charlie and Lacie are all students at the College at one point in time.
The campus is not overly pretty, since it was once a set of warehouse and office buildings, but the education that students walk away with is solid. Not many graduate, but graduation is not always the point, given that society in general is struggling just to survive.
[[Back ->Fiske Block - Central West]]
(set: $BouColVar to true)The New Republic of Tygress is what remains of an old town (called Tygress) along what used to be the highway between Boulder and Nederland, two old cities in Colorado.
Between the Fiske Block and The New Republic of Tygress for a dozen or so miles the road traces along the front foothill of the mountain range. Behind this foothill lies a valley roughly the size of La Canyada, which (at the time of the pandemic) was divided into single-family ranches with a parcel of land for farming attached. Behind these ranches was yet another, larger foothill, with flat-land pockets behind it, just before the moutains start in earnest.
Now the ranches are all sicks and frames like so many forgotten mausoleums to a time past, their lands returned to nature; here is an old tractor, there a sunken pile of cow shit, still covered in tarps and tires, but for the most part, little of the old civilization remains in this area. The Gable House resides on a hill in the middle of one of the smaller clearings behind the ranches. It leers at the world about two-thirds up with a sprawling garden and hedge-maze on the front side of the hill, and a small caretaker's house on the backside, which has its own small yard and garden. The larger gable house has many vantage points that look directly inside of the Caretaker's house, but the direction the larger house faces means no one from inside the Caretaker's place can see the other way.
[[Train Stop 20]]
[[Gable Hill]]
[[Back ->Fiske Block - Central West]]
(set: $AddTygVar to true)Tobacco was never offically decriminalized, but mostly becuase the government had too much else to deal with, and the underground trade and tobacco running continues all the way to the time current to the story. Due to the smell of burning tobacco, the only ways to consume it are by chewing and vaporizing flavored tobacco out of the basement of places like perfume shops and soap stores.
These places operate in secret like the speakeasyes of the 1920s alcohol prohibition, and the one in Fiske is an important location for many of the locations - Bram attempts to sleep with Lacie, which happens at the speakeasy; it is where Charlie and Lacie go on dates, and a place of information gathering.
The place itself sits in the basement of an incense production facility in an 1800s style building. The room is large with tiled floor and a rough kitchen on one end; the only windows are clarestory. It feels dirty and unkempt, but that is mostly due to the charcoal ash as the attendants clean it regularly. Old restaurant tables fill the space with mismatched chairs. People are let in by a small door in the back of the building.
[[Back ->Fiske Block - Central West]]
(set: $BouHokVar to true)While life in a lot of Fiske was easy and spacious, it being an area of wealthy people, for some it was meager and bleak. That is the case for the main character simply known as The Caretaker, who lives in Fiske before taking over Caretaker duties for //Chief Officer//.
Really the home is a studio with a closset for a bathroom, a hotplate and hotel fridge just out the door, and one small room that barely fits a double bed and chair. The small room is above a 24-hour laundry facility, and when all the driers are on the whole building rocks in time with them. Out of the only window is 5 feet of air, and then a brick wall - a neon light hangs just out of view, but the light it creates floods the apartment in a low green nightly.
It smells like rotten food and body odor, but not because of anything The Caretaker did, maybe not even because of the previous tennant.
[[Back ->Fiske Block - Central West]]
(set: $BouCTAptVar to true)Charlie doesn't live in Fiske at the same time as The Caretaker - they live in a ruined building with a Hermit somewhere around The New Republic of Tygress. But they do live in Fiske when they meet Lacie at the speakeasy. Their apartment is bigger than The Caretaker's, and in a nicer part of town, but it is still a studio with a kitchen attached to the main room, and a small bathroom.
It is a friendly building, and the neighbors are generous, but simple and somewhat plain. Charlie finds peace at the apartment, but never feels fulfiled there - it is a stop along the way.
On one wall is a fireplace that keeps Charlie warm in the winter, and on the other is 2/3 of an old poster that was glued to the wall and torn badly in an attempt to take it off - the advertisement is for a car company, identical to an advertisement that hung from the building where Charlie grew up.
[[Back ->Fiske Block - Central West]]
(set: $BouChaVar to true)The Caretaker's House resides on the bottom of one side of Gable hill, and the Gable House is on the top, overlooking the smaller house.
This house literally only has 6 rooms: entry, living, sitting, washroom, bedroom, porch. There are many windows, and the small house is pretty well lit, unless there is a storm of course. The back yard is big for the size of the house; once corner of the yard sits on the base of the hilll, with a small mosaleum-like building, the door of which goes into the catecombs, which brings the question... where are //Chief Officer's// remains, really?
There is no kitchen, but there is a small food prep station and grill on the back porch, and The Caretaker is always welcome to prepare and eat inside the Gable House itself, which they often do.
[[Gable Catecombs]]
[[Caretaker's Entry]]
[[Back ->Gable Hill]]
(set: $GaHiCTHouVar to true)The Gable House is a Queen-Anne style mansion with at least 11 rooms, although it is impossible to tell exactly how many rooms as some of them shift. What someone experiences in the house changes becasue the spirit within, namely //Chief Officer// feed on fear based on experiences that the individuals have had. If multiple people enter, then the experience is based on shared experiences, or the house actively splits people apart if folie a deux is not possible.
This page is a landing page meant to serve as an additional location index - you can return here from any room, and likewise you can visit any room out of turn from here. Of if you wish you can go through the rooms in the order that they are placed in the house.
[[Gable Catecombs]]
[[Gable Foyer and Ballroom]]
[[Back ->Gable Hill]]
Gable Locations Iindex: - (if: $GahCatVar is true and $GahLosHaVar is true and $GahFoyVar is true and $GahSitVar is true and $GahDinVar is true and $GahKitVar is true and $GahStaVar is true and $GahMusVar is true and $GahUpsVar is true and $GahPolVar is true and $GahMasVar is true and $GahLibVar is true and $GahLosVar is true)[That's the whole house]
Catacombs - (if: $GahCatVar is true)[Visited!]
[[Lost Halls]] - (if: $GahLosHaVar is true)[Visited!]
[[Gable Foyer and Ballroom]] - (if: $GahFoyVar is true)[Visited!]
[[Gable Sitting]] - (if: $GahSitVar is true)[Visited!]
[[Gable Dining]] - (if: $GahDinVar is true)[Visited!]
[[Gable Kitchen]] - (if: $GahKitVar is true)[Visited!]
[[Gable Stairs]] - (if: $GahStaVar is true)[Visited!]
[[Gable Music Room]] - (if: $GahMusVar is true)[Visited!]
[[Gable Upstairs Hall]] - (if: $GahUpsVar is true)[Visited!]
[[Gable Pool]] - (if: $GahPolVar is true)[Visited!]
[[Gable Master suite (bath, entry and bed)]] - (if: $GahMasVar is true)[Visited!]
[[Gable Private Library]] - (if: $GahLibVar is true)[Visited!]
[[Gable Lost Rooms]] - (if: $GahLosVar is true)[Visited!]
(set: $GaHiGaHVar to true)The foyer is grand allowing anyone inside it a view all the way into nearly every room of the first floor of the house - the exception being the small caretaker flat (which connects down to the Catecombs) and the kitchen. A large ballroom of sorts stretches beyond the staircase; the foyer and ballroom are connected as one giant room. The pool is directly above the ballroom, the floor of which is glass that anyone in the pool could see the party going on in the ballroom and vice-versa.
Just in front of the staircase are a series of pillars arranged in a semi-circle, meant to display art, although that intention was lost long ago, and now they are just a strange feature that serve to frame out the foyer from the stairs, the grand hall around them and the two parrallel hallways that stretch all the way along the length of the great hall culminating in a pair of small bathrooms just before the ballroom.
Flanking the hallway are the vast sitting room and library on the left, and the grand dining room to the right. The celings in the Foyer and Ballroom are high - vaulted in the latter with exposed beams. The celings in the two hallways are lower. Series of arches run along the length of these smaller halls, and with the exception of the two large rooms off the halls, the remaining walls are covered with 6" floor-to-ceiling windows. Similar windows wrap around the ballroom, and smaller windows wrap around the foyer, giving way to the front doors.
[[Gable Sitting]]
[[Gable Dining]]
[[Gable Stairs]]
[[Back ->Gable House]]
[[Gable House]]
(set: $GahFoyVar to true)When Bram first tours the house a waxed and petrified chest belonging to the previous tenant that had been cooked like a turkey dinner was still set at the table, at least at first. When most people enter the stale room they are met with a long table that stretches nearly wall to wall, with a large sloppy happy face drawn into the thick dust that always seems to be gathered across the whole house.
One wall connects to the hallway and Foyer, the wall to the left when entering the dining room has a door to the kitchen, and the other two walls have many thin windows that stretch from halfway up the wall to the ceilings.
[[Gable Kitchen]]
[[Back ->Gable Foyer and Ballroom]]
[[Gable Index ->Gable House]]
(set: $GahDinVar to true)The sitting room has a large fireplace in the center of the room, with two large comfortable reclining chairs that face it, and 5 short hallways of bookshelfs that stretch out from the center radially. A single window is sunken into the wall at the end of each short hallway. The room is cozy, despite the large size, and one of the only places in the whole house that doesn't feel inherantly insidious. When Charlie and Lacie live in the house, they often retreat into the sitting room, holding hands beyond the gap between the two chairs.
The actual collection of books generally remains the same, but occasionally volumes will move themselves upstairs to the private library.
[[Back ->Gable Foyer and Ballroom]]
[[Gable Index ->Gable House]]
(set: $GahSitVar to true)The grand staircase separates the foyer and the ballroom, but only symbolically - the staircase is grand though, turing left and right at the top. The landing upstairs is a room in its own right - the ghost of Sangrii is often seen looming over the foyer standing on the landing.
At the base of the stairs stands a grandfather clock that somehow still works if someone remembers to pull the weights down. The railing bannisters are all hand turned aspen, which comliment the darker walnut railings. The stairs themselves are carpeted in a deep red that stretches a few feet beyond both ends of the stairs.
[[Gable Upstairs Hall]]
[[Back ->Gable Foyer and Ballroom]]
[[Gable Index ->Gable House]]
(set: $GahStaVar to true)At the top of the stairs is a landing that overlooks the foyer below, and stretching out from the back wall is a short hallway that seems to only lead to the pool room if one goes straight... the rest of the walls are solid panneling, containing two secret entries to the living wings of the house. The original design was so that party goers could enjoy the pool without disturbing the owners' privacy.
Bram changes this, removing the secret doors, a decision which ultimately pushes //Chief Officer// to call for Bram's death - the secret doors are put back in by Lacie later.
[[Gable Pool]]
[[Gable Lost Rooms]]
[[Gable Private Library]]
[[Gable Master suite (bath, entry and bed)]]
[[Gable Music Room]]
[[Back ->Gable Stairs]]
[[Gable Index ->Gable House]]
(set: $GahUpsVar to true)The pool is just big enough for a few people to swim in it, and upon Bram's arrival the room is crusted over with teal-colored rust and corrosion, and Bram has to redo the whole room. Upon filling it with water the first time the high-strength glass that holds the water back shatters, flooding the rooms below... for no obvious reason, but previous water damage suggests that it happened before as well.
On the left wall of the pool water damage caused a section of the wall to collapse, leading into the music room. Bram also changes this, adding a legitimate door to the wall and restructuring it so that the damage doesn't happen again.
[[through hole in the wall ->Gable Music Room]]
[[Back ->Gable Upstairs Hall]]
[[Gable Index ->Gable House]]
(set: $GahPolVar to true)The music room is home to many windows which nearly seamlessly wrap around the corner of the room, and an old piano that plays itself. Sometimes the noises that come from the music room are so loud they can be heard outside, nearly deafening to anyone inside, although they almost never occur when someone is in.
Notably this is the room in which Bram meets the end of his life, and the room in which he was possessed in the first place.
[[back through hole ->Gable Pool]]
[[Back ->Gable Upstairs Hall]]
[[Gable Index ->Gable House]]
(set: $GahMusVar to true)This small room also used to be a little bedroom or den, but Dr. Sangrii converted it into a library for his medical books, diagrams and journals. This is the single most haunted room in the house, and again the experience is different for most, but usually revolves around moving books and clear, viscous ectoplasm.
The room is always disheveled and hard to navigate, important becasue the magic tome used to trap //Chief Officer// is also in this room, and it contains many dark and ancient magics. At one point Lacie finds it and hides it, and then later Charlie must find it in order to save her.
[[Back ->Gable Upstairs Hall]]
[[Gable Index ->Gable House]]
(set: $GahLibVar to true)The master suite consists of an entry room, a bathroom and bedroom, accessed through the secret door in the upstairs hall, which opens to both rooms. The master suite serves as Bram's dungeon where he brings women he intends to sleep with, and his presence lingers in there after his death.
The cielings in the master are high and vaulted, and the rooms are spacious.
[[Back ->Gable Upstairs Hall]]
[[Gable Index ->Gable House]]
(set: $GahMasVar to true)The catecombs are beneath the house, and connect it to the Caretaker's House, as well as to an old assylum hidden in the hills behind the house - the building no longer exists, but the ghosts from those days still roam around. The shape and layout of the catecombs change based on the amount of time a person has spent in them, combined with how far from the main path the person has gone - it is possible for someone to spend so much time and go so far in the catecombs that they can never make their way out.
There is one place worth finding within the catecombs, and that is the lost halls, which is a colelction of literature that spans back hundreds of years, as well as a series of operating rooms that haven't been in use since the deranged Dr. Sangrii and his ringleader son operated illigitimately here.
[[Lost Halls]]
[[Back ->Gable House]]
(set: $GahCatVar to true)The lost rooms were originally a pair of small rooms that were intended to be storage and a recording studio that led into the music room - when they were originally built the rooms and music room together made up a small bathroom and two bedrooms. They change purpose many times throuhout the history of the house, and become Brams isolation station... when he is really high the rooms change, and he doesn't realize it.
Ultimately Bram walls off the lost rooms after murdering someone in them, instead providing passage into the music room through the pool. Many bodies remain in the lost rooms, long after Charlie and Lacie ultimately move out.
[[Back ->Gable Upstairs Hall]]
[[Gable Index ->Gable House]]
(set: $GahLosVar to true)The lost halls are a collection of a few rooms that line a hall, consisting of a library, a study, two operating rooms, and a hole carved behind one wall that contains a ritual room and the remains of //Chief Officer//.
Impossible to find from the house, easy to find from Caretaker's House, the lost halls are accessed through a hole in the floor near the Caretaker's entrance, which is boarded off and covered in dust, which always goes back regardless of weather of not it has been brushed off.
In the conclusion of the story Charlie talks to the Devil in the Lost Halls, and ultimately has to choose between saving humanity for certain, or bringing Lacie back (either from the dead, or from being lost in the Catecombs, depending on how The Caretaker's story is played out)
[[Back ->Gable Catecombs]]
[[Gable House]]
(set: $GahLosHaVar to true)The kitchen is very large in order to accomodate a large family or event, complete with a small sleeping quarter and larger walk-in pantry. It has all the appliances that were common before the occupation, although upon Bram's arrival most of them need to be replaced. Charlie spends a lot of time in the kitchen, at one point possessed they sleep in the sleeping quarter.
The floors are black and white square tiles in a checkerboard pattern, and the appliances are meant to look like they fit in a victorian house, even though they were modern when the previous tenants lived there.
[[Back ->Gable Dining]]
[[Gable Index ->Gable House]]
(set: $GahKitVar to true)The entry is a small mud-room with two doors, one that leads to the [[Caretaker's Sitting]] room, and one to the [[Caretaker's Living]] Room. Two large windwos flank the front door, and a yellowed rug is on the floor, but mostly the room is pretty basic.
[[Back ->Caretaker's House]]
(set: $CthEntVar to true)The sitting room has two doors - one door back to the entry, and one door to the [[Caretaker's Washroom]] on the opposite wall. The extrior wall has a standalone fireplace on it, with an exposed chimney pipe that runs all the way to the ceiling. A large red plush chair that doesn't recline sits facing the fireplace with an old rug underneath - the rest of the floors are brick, and the fireplace goes a long way to warm the small house. A triangular window is directly to the right of the chimney, tucked up in the eave if the ceiling.
[[Back ->Caretaker's Entry]]
(set: $CthSitVar to true)The living room has a couch and small old organ that no longer works, and again two doors opposite each other, one that leads back to the entry, and the other that leads to the [[Caretaker's Bedroom]]. The Caretaker added a tall bookshelf that stands partially blocked by the couch in one corner - a big spider, a dead plant, a photo of family and a few travel books are the bookshelf's only inhabitants. The exterior wall has a large window, and some nights The Caretaker prefers to sit and watch the nature outside of the window, be it a deer, a bear or falling snow - this is the only peace in their life.
[[Back ->Caretaker's Entry]]
(set: $CthLivVar to true)The major doorway in the bedroom leads back to the Living, but an additional small door tucked next to the bed goes out to the [[Caretaker's Porch]]. There are small windows on the two exterior walls, and the room was once covered in a floral wallpaper, which has now gone brown and nondescript.
[[Entry ->Caretaker's Entry]]
[[Back ->Caretaker's Living]]
(set: $CthBedVar to true)The porch is small, but is an important connection between the [[Caretaker's Washroom]], the [[Caretaker's Bedroom]] and the backyard, which leads to the [[Gable Catecombs]]. The porch itself is not remarkable, slats of broken wood that make something like a floor, two posts and a short roof.
[[Entry ->Caretaker's Entry]]
(set: $CthPorVar to true)The Washroom is what passes for a bathroom, with a toilet and water basin, but no real tub or shower. If the Caretaker wishes for a bath or shower they must go to the Gable House. Again there are two doors, one that leads back to the Sitting, and one that leads to the [[Caretaker's Porch]]. What reminas of the tile in the washroom is pink, nearing peach.
[[Entry ->Caretaker's Entry]]
[[Back ->Caretaker's Sitting]]
(set: $CthWasVar to true)Trains with goods was stopped on the way to the west in The Fort, and then again in Rollins to resupply and export. These trains were often unguarded and provided valuable targets for robbers. The ways of the Old West resumed in this area, although now woth the addition of modern weaponry and vehicles, and a culture arose that was similar to Mad Max with road warriors driving next to trains in order to rob them.
Bounty hunters, hired protection and fake lawmen can be hired at the salloon in Rollins, and tobacco is everywhere, grown in old greenhouses that used to be used to marijuana. A militia //does// patrol the area, but to little effect.
[[Back ->Sugarloaf Block - Mid West]]
(set: $BouRolVar to true)